Ties that Tether by Jane Igharo
Contemporary Romance
September 29, 2020, by Berkley
Reviewed by Melinda
I love reading debuts because I feel like it gives a great glimpse into authors and their writing potential. Ties That Tether is such a strong first novel that I cannot wait to see what else Jane Igharo does. The main theme running throughout the novel is how to deal with cultural differences in a relationship. Azere’s family has always stressed the importance of marrying a Nigerian man because they want to ensure their Nigerian culture is kept alive, even though they emigrated to Canada.
Extremely early on in the book – as in maybe 10% into it – Azere reveals she is pregnant with Rafael’s baby, who is decidedly not Nigerian. So, if pregnancy-related books are triggering for you, this book may not work for you. It’s told in dual POV but it’s not quite 50/50, Azere definitely has more of the time telling her side. The conflict is around Azere’s family accepting her choices from there.
I loved this book but can see why some people may consider it a little heavy on the general fiction side of things as Azere’s journey was the focus of the story. I wanted the conclusion to her story with her family and was entirely wrapped up in it, however, I was also just as heavily invested in her romance with Rafael. We do get to see her HEA and we 100% get one. I wasn’t as interested in Rafael’s back story and this was where I felt the weakest part of the book was, but one I felt was carried by the rest.
Oh and I *highly* recommend the audiobook. The female POV is narrated by Nkeki Obi-Melekwe, who is a first-generation Nigerian-American.
Grade A-
Melinda, you’re really selling this book to me! I have the e-arc and the print copy so I have options!