An Impossible Imposter by Deanna Raybourn
Veronica Speedwell #7
Historical Mystery
2/15/2022 by Berkley
Review by Angela
The Veronica Speedwell series is one of my absolute favorites in the historical mystery genre. I look forward to visiting with Veronica and Stoker every year and can’t wait to see what adventures they are getting up to. I also love checking in to see how their relationship is progressing. Let’s just say it’s one of my comfort series that I’ve settled into and I enjoy being along for the ride. I didn’t really think this series could surprise me with any big reveals, but wow was I wrong.
The first few books focused on Veronica’s backstory and her relationship with her father’s side of the family. She obviously keeps it a secret, but there are a few people who do know. Stoker being the one that she trusts the most. She’s had quite an adventurous life, traveling around the world and engaging in love affairs when it suited her, but she remains independent and chooses to stay with Stoker because they are like-minded, and understand each other on a fundamental level. Then readers met Stoker’s family, learned more about his past, and even met his ex-wife. You could say that these two have been through some stuff.
This time when Sir Hugo Montgomerie summons them for a chat, it’s of a more personal nature. He asks the two of them to travel to Dartmoor and check in on his goddaughter’s family. It seems the long-lost, presumed dead heir has returned and Sir Hugo wants Veronica to check in and make sure he isn’t an imposter. Veronica once knew Jonathan Hathaway and was with him shortly before he died in the eruption of Krakatoa. She is apprehensive for some reason, but ultimately agrees and she and Stoker head out right away.
It’s not until about 30% in that the exact nature of the relationship between this mysterious man and Veronica is revealed. And my head exploded.
I won’t go too deeply into plot specifics, but I was shocked. And then worried about what this would mean for the relationship between my beloveds. How would Stoker react? Veronica only makes it worse by keeping this secret for practically the entire book until she finally admits to it in a moment of extreme danger. I had some anxiety y’all. But I will say that while the ending left me with quite a few questions, I was satisfied and am absolutely rabid to get my hands on the next book in the series.
The mystery ends up being more involved and complex than I thought it would be at first. Of course, there is danger, and Veronica and Stoker fighting for their lives, that much is a given, but the way the plot unfolded and ultimately resolved surprised and pleased me. This book ended on a bang, and I enjoyed it very much.
An Impossible Imposter is another great installment in the Veronica Speedwell series. I’m still in love with this couple and can’t wait for their next adventure.
This conversation between them during a moment of peril is just one of the reasons I love them so. I just had to share.
“Well, here we are again,” I said calmly. “This is usually the point at which you become hysterical.”
Stoker stared at me. “I have never become hysterical. I have, upon every occasion, reacted with perfect candor and appropriateness to the situation at hand.”
“You shout a great deal,” I reminded him.
“Because I am usually in pain,” he retorted. “I have been chained, stabbed, shot, beaten, nearly drowned, and subjected to every possible insult regarding my upbringing, breeding, conduct, appearance, and intelligence. I think that is quite enough to send any man into a froth of emotion.”
“See, you admit. You are prey to your emotions. And you, a man of science,” I added, tutting audibly.
Final grade- B
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