I wasn’t’ a big Christina Lauren fan until THIS BOOK. OMG. Hanna and Will are so dirty, and sweet, and just OMG everything. I loved the way Will fell for Hanna and was just gone for her. I’ve wanted to do a Scenic Sunday for this book for a while, but my favorite scene is totally NSFW. I miss when this author duo wrote filthy love scenes because they were so fabulous. Anyway, this is the scene right after Hanna and Will have sex at Hanna’s parent’s house and almost get caught.
“Oh, God,” she whispered once her hands had eased their grip on my hair, and she slid them up and over her breasts. “You make me feel crazy.”
I pulled my fingers from her and reached to kiss the back of her hand, inhaling the scent of her skin. “I know.”
Hanna remained still on the bed for a quiet minute and then opened her eyes, gazing up at me as if she’d just come back to her senses. “Whoa. That was close.”
Laughing, I agreed. “Very close. We should probably get changed and head downstairs.” I nodded to her skirt. “Sorry about that.”
“I’ll just wipe it off.”
“Hanna,” I said, stiffling a frustrated laugh. “You can’t go downstairs with a giant jizz stain on your skirt.”
She considered this and gave me a goofy smile. “You’re right. I just… I kind of like it there.”
“Such a twisted girl.”
She sat up straight as I pulled my pants up, and she kissed my stomach through my shirt. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, holding her to me, and just reveling in the feel of her.
I was so lost in love with this girl.
In my opinion, this is Christina Lauren’s best book to date. If you haven’t read the rest of the series no big deal, you can absolutely read this one as a stand-alone. Don’t miss out on Will and Hanna.
I just went to Amazon and looked for this book: $8.99 for an ebook that was originally published in 2013! Too rich for my blood.
I think I read it as a library book. And then bought it because I enjoyed it so much.