Who remembers this absolutely FABULOUS romantic suspense series? Car chases, undercover assignments, and angsty, brooding, smoldering hot main characters. I remember gobbling up each and every new release on release day and then despairing that I would have to wait for the next one. (I still have my original paperback copies.)
Crazy Cool is book two, Christian “Superman” Hawkins and Kat Dekker’s book, and I will never forget this second-chance, bodyguard romance, and how hard I fell in love with this couple the first time I read it.

One of her hands slid through his hair, across the nape of his neck and up toward his skull, holding him for her kiss. His brain was fogging. Her mouth was wet. He reached for her leg and drew it up around his waist, pushing up her dress, getting her closer, reveling in the silken softness of her thigh beneath his fingers. Her other hand was sliding under his waistband, heading south, driving him wild, and he knew–he knew she was going to take him in her hand, stroke him, get him even harder than he already was, and he was going to let her. Oh, man, was he going to let her.
At least that was his plan, until the elevator rattled to bone-jarring halt and light flooded back into the cage.
He froze, the hair on the back of his next rising. There hadn’t been any lights on anywhere in the building when they’d entered.
Well, he did have a gun in his pocket– along with everything else. The trick would be using it, if he needed it, because Katya hadn’t noticed that their situation had changed.
“Christian,” she moaned, her hand sliding the last few inches home.
He grabbed for her–too late. Geezus. Her palm was so soft, her fingers so delicate, her leg wrapping around his waist, her hand doing the same to his cock–and he was dying…dying…but he still slid the hand that wasn’t holding her into his pocket for the Glock 9mm.
“If you like,” a man drawled, “I can just shoot you now and put you out of your misery.” The voice was unmistakable: Dylan.
Hell, he wanted to thrust into her hand so badly he couldn’t breathe, but he’d be damned if he would do it in front of an audience.
Crazy Cool by Tara Janzen
Steele Street #2
Romantic Suspense
Originally published 10/25/2005 by Dell
Reissued 1/4/2018
Available on Kindle Unlimited
I definitely remember that series, Angela! Lots of cool cars along with dangerous men and women.
Oops, that was from me.