You’re the Duke That I Want by Lenora Bell
Historical Romance
December 28, 2023- Avon
Review by Angela
I really love Lenora Bell and her historical romances–which is why I skipped right over the blurb and just hit the request now button when the ARC became available. I really wish I had read the blurb and some of the early reviews.
This is a historical romance based loosely (not really) on the movie Grease. I had my suspicions with the title, the first several chapters, and the introduction of the male main protagonist who is involved with a group of men who race carriages for sport, The Thunderbolt Club. It was confirmed when the female main protagonist goes to London and befriends a group of women known as THE PINK LADIES. Seriously.
From that point on I kind of gave this book the side eye, while comparing every word and action to the movie it was based on. It was SO HARD for me not to cringe at some of the ridiculous dialogue between both the male and female friends’ groups. There is a secondary plot of some blackmail and the new Duke’s brother being involved in a secret society, but by that point I really didn’t follow along too closely. I skimmed to the end.
I’m assuming since the name of the series is The Thunderbolt Club that that the next several books will be about the rest of its members and The Pink Ladies. As much as I love this author, I think I’ll skip this series. This is 100% a me thing. If you love Grease retellings, then this might be something you would enjoy.
Final Grade- D
My eyes rolled so far back in my head I think I’ve caused permanent damage. This reminds me of the historical romance I read that was inspired by Charlie’s Angels . So this is what being old and cranky feels like?