Review originally posted in March 2015 by Angela at Fiction Vixen.

Bite Me by Shelly Laurenston
Pride #9
First published March 25, 2014 by Brava
There is something about this series that keeps me coming back for more. I love the laugh out loud humor, dialogue and crazy over the top characters. I love how Ms. Laurenston has created characters who in human form embody every trait from their animal sides. I love that the woman are just as blood thirsty and scary as their men. And if you’re looking for a character who’s not afraid to kick some ass and take some names then look no further than Livy.
“It’s okay to be afraid sometimes.”
“I’m a honey badger. I’m fearless.”
Livy was first introduced in Wolf with Benefits , she’s Toni’s best friend, small, kind of a loner, but fierce and a little mean. She’s a honey badger, and honey badgers are the known thieves and con artists of the shifter world. Livy has kind of gone her own way in life, thanks to her friendship with Toni. She’s a talented photographer who against the wishes of her family has struck out on her own to be legitimately employed. Lately her life isn’t so on track. Her father just died, everyone seems to be concerned with her feelings, her art is suffering and she just got offered a job as a wedding photographer. Seriously, a wedding photographer. So to make herself feel a little better she turns to the two things that seem to work best, eating Vic’s honey supply and hiding in his cupboards.
Vic Barinov, a tiger/bear hybrid, is used to finding Livy hiding in his kitchens with a stomach full of his honey. And usually she’s naked. He doesn’t mind, he and Livy have been friends for years. Although, recently he’s been spending more time with Livy, and seeing her differently too. What started out as concern for her when her father passed soon turns to something different. Especially when she discovers how her father was killed and who was involved. That’s when he starts to really worry about her, enough to take her away to bear country for a bit of rest and down time.
“How to I look?” she asked again.
“If you’re going to be negative…”
Livy moved around in the saddle.
“What?” Vic asked.
“I wish I didn’t have to wear this armor. It’s making my skin itch.”
“Take that armor off, female, and still try to joust, and I’ll beat you to death myself.”
Livy nodded. “Subtle.”
I’m not even going to tell y’all why Livy’s wearing armor and talking about jousting. You’re just going to have to read about it for yourselves. Suffice it to say, Vic and Livy are complete opposites. He’s kind of straight-laced and comes from a family who fights crime and always does the right thing. Vic’s bear side is serious and logical, while his tiger side is a little cranky, which is why he tries to keep his bear side in control at all times. Livy is a little nuts with a criminal background, but as with almost every other heroine in this series, she’s strong-minded and capable. When she finds out the truth of how her father died she is willing to go against everyone to avenge him. She is not afraid of getting a little bloody to find the man who is hunting shifters. Luckily for her she has Vic, a loyal group of friends and bloodthirsty family to help her out.
This couple’s romance was kind of understated. But that worked with this plot line and this couple. They have a very sweet, sexy romance, but it is just a little bit overshadowed by all the shenanigans and over the top happenings going on around them. Something that would most likely irritate me in other series doesn’t in this one and I’m not exactly sure why. Maybe because this series is just so full of crazy and funny that I can’t help but be engrossed the whole way through. Everything from the action scenes to the dialogue to the huge ensemble of characters who keep coming back for each and every installment just make me happy. The Pride series has become one that I know when I open a new story I will most likely smile and laugh my way through. If you are unfamiliar with this series I do think Bite Me can be read as a stand-a-lone, but I’m not sure why you’d want to. Final Grade-B
Favorite Quote:
She sighed as if she’d realized the worst thing imaginable. “We’re going to be together and in love forever, aren’t we?”
“That’s so fucking typical of my life,” she spat out. ‘I can never get a break.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“No. I’m not.” Vic leaned down and pressed his forehead against Livy’s. “Can you say it again?”
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