Review originally posted in January of 2017 by Angela at Fiction Vixen.

Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet
The Kingmaker Chronicles #2
Fantasy Romance
January 3, 2017 by Sourcebooks
When I finally opened Breath of Fire (it’s been waiting for me on my Kindle for a couple of weeks) I did so with excitement and anticipation. I really loved the first book in the series, A Promise of Fire, and was pretty stoked that there was a new Romantic Fantasy series out in the world for me to enjoy. Yay for new series!
So imagine my bewilderment when the entire first chapter is Griffin acting like a crazed asshole. I mean huh? Where in the world did this come from? Who is this Griffin? Yes, Cat had kept some pretty big secrets from him in the last book and I knew they were going to come to a head sooner or later. I knew he probably wouldn’t be exactly happy by the news that she is the long-lost daughter of the Alpha of Fisa. But for real, I wasn’t expecting Griffin to be breaking furniture like a bad-tempered child.
Thankfully, he comes to his senses. Then Cat forgives him (a little too fast and easily in my opinion) and they become lovey-dovey once again. Boy, do the ever. This is where the real Breath of Fire begins.
Cat and Griffin realize they have to protect the vulnerable places in Sinta before they can ever continue on with their plans to conquer Tarva and ultimately Fisa. Cat has an idea, but it will lead Beta Team through dangerous lands, require them to call on a wizard for help, and then risk their lives in a freezing, dangerous labyrinth. And that’s before readers even get to the real meat of the plot. Once the craziness of the first few chapters dies down and Cat and Griffin finish sexing each other up during the next couple of chapters the adventure truly begins and the action never lets up for a minute. The plot moves forward at a fast clip with the stakes getting ever higher and more dangerous with every page turn.
Every single one of these characters, and by now I adore them all, are challenged both mentally and physically at every turn. There is danger all around them, and even though they fight hard and well together, their love for each other also makes them vulnerable. Griffin about drove me nuts with his over protectiveness, but I came to appreciate Kato, Flynn, and Carver’s faith in Cat. While I truly enjoyed the action scenes in the first book, for some reason in this installment everything just felt so much more intense. Maybe because I’ve become so invested in these characters. Maybe because I know that with every new challenge accepted and every foe defeated bigger, badder things are still to come. The gods have involved themselves in this fight and have made it clear through their actions that they clearly back Cat and her team, but that doesn’t mean Beta Team don’t have to fight with everything they have in every single engagement in order to survive. Who knows what the god’s true motives are anyway.
I know that events are about to come to a head with Cat and her mother. I know that their battle will probably be even more violent and bloody than we’ve already seen. But I’m also hoping for just a few things to happen in the last book in the series…. I really would love some resolution between Flynn and Jocasta, and when I say that what I really mean is that I want them to finally admit they love each other and settle down in lustful, happy bliss. I would like to know more about Carver’s surprising backstory. Who is this woman who left him and then died? And then there’s my wonderful Kato. I think Kato needs a strong woman in his life
Except for the odd, out of character beginning I truly enjoyed the second installment in the Kingmaker Chronicles. There were several moments at the end that left me breathless wondering if everything would turn out okay and if all of my beloveds would survive. The wait for the third and last book is going to be hard. Heart of Fire releases November 2, 2017 and I can not wait. Final Grade-B
Favorite Quote:
“The Gods created us for this. The Fates wove the threads of our lives around this.”
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