Heart Stings by Jennifer EstepElemental Assassins #19.5Urban FantasyMay 9, 2023- Self PublishedARC Review by Angela I have to say that I was worried that we had said goodbye to this world after the last book in the series, but I'm happy that the author has decided to release novellas featuring secondary characters. And I like this very, very much. Heart Stings allows readers to catch up with Lorelei Parker and Hugh Tucker, both prominent figures in the Elemental Assassin series. Continue Reading
Angela’s KU Update!
I know how hard it is to wade through the Kindle Unlimited offerings, so I'm going to update y'all on what I've found and loved in the last few weeks. Xiveri Mates by Elizabeth StephensScience Fiction Romance I read the first five books in this series, back to back, last week. Like gobbled them up and couldn't stop turning pages. Which is weird for me since I tend to hop around from genre to genre, not reading the same one twice in a row. I'm kind of surprised that this series hasn't Continue Reading
Review: Saffron Wilds by Kai Butler
Saffron Wilds by Kai ButlerSan Amaro Investigations #6LGBTQ Urban FantasyFebruary 28, 2023 - Self Published Review by Angela This is such a fantastic urban fantasy series, that in my opinion, does not get enough attention. Saffron Wilds is the sixth book in the San Amaro Investigations series featuring Parker Ferro, a man who wears many hats... private investigator, consultant for the local police department, and The Windrose to the fae. Parker and his lover, now fiancee, Continue Reading
Review: The Gorgon Agenda by Lisa Shearin
The Gorgon Agenda (SPI Files #8) by Lisa ShearinUrban FantasyReleased January 24, 2023 Reviewed by Kate The Gorgon Agenda is the eighth installment in Lisa Shearin’s SPI Files. There are very few urban fantasy series that I have stuck with as long as this one, and it continues to deliver an enjoyable read each time I pick up the latest installment, including this one. It is hard in a longer running series to keep things fresh, but The Gorgon Agenda expands on the mythology of Continue Reading
Review: Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews
Magic Tides by Ilona AndrewsKate Daniels: The Wilmington Years #11/17/2023 by NYLAARC Review by Angela 2023 is already starting off with a bang with this surprise release from Ilona Andrews. Readers will be excited to revisit Kate and Curran in their new home, as they try and fail to remain low-key, getting involved in a local kidnapping and taking on new bad guys. Kate and Curran have relocated to Wilmington after finding a good school for Conlan. They are living in a half Continue Reading
Review: Blooded Blade by J.C. Daniels
Blooded Blade by J.C. DanielsThe Colbana Files #8Urban Fantasy12/5/2022- Self PublishedPurchased Review by Angela So I was innocently scrolling through Amazon, compiling books for my new release post, when this book suddenly appeared. And my eyes about popped out of my head. I'd waited five long years for another Kit Colbana adventure and suddenly here it was. Then I realized I didn't remember all of the specifics of the last several books, especially where book 6 (the last book Continue Reading
Angela’s Minis- Duke Most Wicked by Lenora Bell and The Heart’s Blood Arrow by Kai Butler
Duke Most Wicked by Lenora BellWallflowers vs. Rogues #3Historical Romance09/27/22 by AvonARC For some reason, every book in this series has been a slow read for me. Maybe it's the low angst, maybe it's the pacing... I'm not quite sure. It took me a month and a half to finally dig in and finish reading. This is the story of the Duke of Westbury and his sister's music teacher, Viola Beaton. Westbury is rogue and a scoundrel and a wastrel. He pretty much gambles, drinks, and Continue Reading
Review: Soul Taken by Patricia Briggs
Soul Taken by Patricia BriggsMercy Thompson #13Urban FantasyAugust 23, 2022 by AceARC Review by Iby Mercy Thompson fans - rejoice! We have a new installment to dig into. In this thirteenth book in the series, the vampire Wulfe is missing - which is concerning, as his most recent past-time has included stalking Mercy. When he disappears, the mistress of the seethe informs Mercy that the pack must produce Wulfe, or their alliance would be in jeopardy. Besides Wulfe disappearing, Mercy Continue Reading
Review: Ruby Fever (Hidden Legacy #6) by Ilona Andrews
Ruby Fever by Ilona AndrewsHidden Legacy #6Urban Fantasy RomanceAugust 23, 2022, by AvonARC Review by Angela Anyone who knows me knows I am an Ilona Andrews fangirl. I will read anything they write. This husband and wife writing duo is at the very tip-top of my fantasy genre pyramid and I can't get enough. Ruby Fever, Hidden Legacy #6, was my most anticipated book of 2022. So when it hit my Kindle I pushed everything aside and sat down to read, starting right after work and staying up Continue Reading
Angela’s Minis- What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher and A Shattered Silver Crown by Kai Butler
What Moves the Dead by T. KingfisherHorror/FantasyJuly 12, 2022 by Tor NightfireARC T. Kingfisher is known for fantasy and more recently, romantic fantasy, but I believe her horror novels and novellas to be some of her best work. This retelling of Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher is creepy and chilling and well done. Our narrator for this story is retired Lieutenant Alex Easton, who is summoned to the Usher estate by their childhood friend Roderick, on behalf of his dying sister Continue Reading