10. It takes a lot of tears, threats, and promises when navigating the emotional mind field of trying to score a Smexy’s Top Ten post.
Mandi: Hey
Me: Hey
Mandi: You want to do the top ten this week?
Me: Sure.
Mandi: Cool
Can’t you feel the tension and drama swirling through that exchange? *shiver*
9. SQUEEEEE!!!!! Kid and I love the lego video games. I’m not ashamed to say we have them all. I just heard that they are releasing a NEW Harry Potter’s Lego game for years 5-7. To be released just in time for Christmas. Woooohooooooo
On a similar note-I found this game-LEGO Ninjago- which is lego Ninja’s kicking arse.
How freaking cool is this? Legos…Ninjas…fighting…If it had bacon it would be perfect.
8. Shannon K Butcher released a cover pic of her newest Sentinel Wars book.
Say hi to Iain. Hellloooo Iain. Nom-Nom. My, you sure fill out those jeans well. Did I say just that out loud? Anyway *clearing throat* Iain’s book comes out March 2012. YEA!!
7. Regretsy.com makes me laugh. That is all.
6. Those crazy celebs.
Hmmm. Apparently Eminem requested some unusual items on his rider prior to his appearance at Tennent’s Vital festival in Northern Ireland last week.
His requests? He wanted a wooden pond built with expensive koi, yogurt, seedless watermelon, a microwave, and a full length mirror just to name a few items.
WELL! If Eminem can get a pond filled with fish just to sing a few songs, then I want 2 chubby cherubs to hand feed me chocolate and a 50 piece string orchestra to softly hum my name as I write my reviews. ‘Cause I’m a su-pa-star baby!
5. I think we should all take a cue from the reality show-The Real Housewifes- and start our own reality show. The Real Book Bloggers of the East Coast. We could start one on the West coast too and then we could all go insane. We could pimp out our e readers and blogs. Engage in free style book reviewing. Argue about genre classifications and alphaholes. Reveal deep dark secrets concerning authors, publisher contacts, and have epic arc wars.
Who’s with me???
4. I just found out my bloggy partner here on Smexybooks-Mandi-is just starting to read Julie Garwood. OMG. Her historicals are like crack. One toke and your hooked.
One of my all time favs book from this author is The Bride.
By edict of the king, the mighty Scottish laird Alec Kincaid must take an English bride. His choice was Jamie, youngest daughter of Baron Jamison…a feisty, violet-eyed beauty. Alec ached to touch her, to tame her, to possess her…forever. But Jamie vowed never to surrender to this highland barbarian.
Jamie is brilliant as a spirited intelligent heroine who has took care of her family from day one. When she and Alex come together the sparks and humor flows as these two butt heads through out. I love that Alex accepts her for who she is and never attempts to break her spirit while she is forever trying to take care of everyone and save his soul. Filled with laugh out loud situations and lines, this has been a keeper on my bookshelf from my first time reading it.

3. Yes, it’s another Eminem post. Look, Eminem to me is like Brandon Flowers is to Mandi, so deal with it folks. A friend sent me this youtube vid that REALLY puts into prospective the creepiness of some fans. Now, I won’t lie and say I’ve never had a fangirl crush. There may or may not be a notebook somewhere in my past that may or may not have Mrs. Rick Springfield and Mrs. Tori Springfield written all over it. Don’t judge. I was 13 and he was HAWT! But, I never went beyond that. No fan letters. No trying to sneak back stage. No proclaiming my love for him on the internet in a room plastered with his pictures while wearing a wedding dress.
This has STAN written all over it and not in a good way. 0_o
2. Bluntcard knows me so well.
1. Contest time!!!! That’s right, I’ve decided to hold a mini contest. Guess what book this phase comes from and I’ll send you a $10 Amazon card to buy a book. :)
“I curse you. I curse your arms so they will wither and die and fall off your body. I curse your eyeballs to explode. I curse your feet to swell until blue. I curse your spine to crack. I curse you. I curse you. I curse you.”
I will choose winner from all those who correctly answered. Winner will be picked Sept. 8th and announced in Sept 9ths Friday Top Ten. Winner will be picked through Random.org.
HINT: I have said numerous times this is my all time UF favorite series.
Is it Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews? :D
I’ll let you know on the 9th. LOL
I’m down with reality blogger show! I would have split loyaties though, originally from the east coast, but I live on the west now…let’s do it!
I can only guess on quote, but I want to say The Grayfriar series (I forget what the series is called), one of my favorites…I have the second book in the TBR line…
Have a great weekend Tori!
Sorry, no double blogging. East or West.
O_O I have to choose???!!!
Would you rather be a judge?
I love both sides, so I can be a good judge!
Magic Bleeds!!! lol, I love that series.
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews!
I’m in for the Real Book Bloggers of the East Coast, I always wanted to be bitchy and skanky and still be able to justify my book addiction…
YEA!! I think this would be hilarious. I don’t think anyone realizes just how bitchy book bloggers are.
The tension between us – you could cut it with a knife – Snerk!
East Coast vs. West Coast – it’s on baby!!!!! ;)
And yes – I’m going to read Julie Garwood. I think people were actually crying on Twitter when I said I’ve never read her.
LOL If only people knew the angst we have.
I cried when you told me about not reading Garwood. I dug them all out so we can chat when your done.
Dunno :(
Anyway, I want those lego ninjas!!!!! Mine mine mine. Lol, damn why I am all grown up? I wanna play with lego
*whispers* I bought it. It is so dang cute and fun. I loves legos.
I believe that quote is from an awesome book by the name of Magic Bleeds. Gosh I want to reread that series now.
I love that cover of Dying Wish and can’t wait to read it!
Me neither. I love the smexy butt shot. :P
Dude, that Bluntcard is awesome!
Bluntcard rulz
I am a west coaster blogger and its on like donkey kong. :)
not guessing on series but i have heard awesome stuff about it if its Magic Bleeds
Bring. It. :P
East Coaster in for the count! And thanks to you Tori, I am going to tap into the crack of Julie Garwood as well! You are such an enabler! ;)
*enabler* I like that. :)
Magic Bleeds! :-)
Nice Top 10. I’ll join your fan club!
We have the Ninjago movie and game on the iTouch. May need to check this one out for the DS. :-)
I loves it.
Magic Bleeds! I love this series also.
wow indeed! Hello Iain, that cover is yummy goodness ;)
I was about 14 when I discovered Garwood…I remember my first tattered library copy I bought at a sale and then completely read it to pieces. Truly, pages and ducktape was all that was holding the pages together!
Enjoy the discovey of Garwood goodness, Mandi :D
Garwood is fab-u-lous. So happy Mandi may become a fangirl.
Magic Bleeds! Thanks for the giveaway!
Magic Bleeds. Thanks for the giveaway. :) Have a great weekend.
I could copy the answers people are giving, but that would be cheeting. Just wanted to say… Isn’t Shannon the lucky winner of the ‘best damn covers evah?’ Contest?
Just sayin.
She is! It’s so purdy.
I got to the string orchestra and started cackling! I love you Tori, even if you hate me. LOL
My hate for you is filled with unicorns, rainbows, and skittles. :)
Love that book Tori… it’s my all time fav UF series too. No need to enter me in the contest though!
Ummm, can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do the reality show?!? I’m all for getting with Sophia and starting up Bloggers West Coast! You and Mandi can start the East Coast one. Then we can get in mini book review wars and it’ll be east coast vs west coast ALL OVER AGAIN! I can’t wait!
THAT would be awesome. Must plan.
Magic Bleeds!
I want Lego Ninjas! and bacon!
It’s from Ilona Andrew’s “Magic Bleeds.” I wish Julie would return to writing only historicals.
janie1215 AT excite DOT com
Even though I liked her earlier rom suspense, Mercy was really good, I have to agree. Her historicals are the best.
Yes, Mercy was great. I loved Theo.
West Coaster here! We should totally do that reality blog! We could have so much fun!
Contest answer: Magic Bleeds I Andrews!!
And can you believe, I have only read like 5 historical romances! I loathe them! I have to be in the mood for them! LOL
FIVE? O_0 I like humorous ones. Garwood, Coulter, some Linda Howard. The emo angst ridden ones with alphaholes and wimping heroines don’t do it for me.
It’s definitely Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews. And you can’t have Rick Springfield! He was mine llllooooonnnnggggg ago and I have waited backstage for him……of course I was in my 30’s at the time.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
But…but…I have the NOTEBOOK!
Magic Bleeds!! Thanks :)
Wow, you guys fight like cats and dogs huh? ;-)
I saw Eminem perform in Chicago at Lollapalooza. I don’t think there was any koi pond though. Well, I guess you never know.
Since they have the gay housewives, you could have those book bloggers who blog gay books exclusively. The convos about cock-docking, fisting and rimming would have the viewer flocking. I wanna be in it. Especially if it gets me an ipad to boot.
Me and Mandi are vicious. VICIOUS!!
Any bloggers are welcome as long as they fight for the side of good-The EAST COAST! LOL
Maybe it was an Ireland thing.
Magic Bleeds all the way! It’s my favorite series too! :) I don’t know how you managed to watch that youtube video till the end though, when the girl started singing it was so unbearable I had to stop it :)
It was like a train wreck. Horrific… but I couldn’t look away.
Magic Bleeds. Thanks for the giveaway.
Oh, great quote from Magic Bleeds.
Magic Bleeds!
Great curse. I may need to memorize it… ;)
Magic Bleeds! This is one of my favorite series. Thanks for the giveaway.
5. I’m in! I’ll be a Real Book Blogger on the West Coast side.
4. I recently read a romantic suspense novel by Garwood. Most everyone who commented on my review mentioned their love for her historical romance novels. If I read HR, I’d read them.
Hey – how about a Real Book Bloggers of the Gulf Coast chapter? (get it? chapter? I crack myself up)
THE BRIDE!!!! One of my all time faves; definitely a comfort read. I bought it b/c Kid3 was whiny at the bookstore so I let her pick a book for me to read and she picked The Bride. Ended up loving it!!
Love the bluntcard – it’s totally me and my sister-in-law ;)
Hey Tori-what a fun top 10! I’m so late to the party! That eminem fan video is scary. I thought it was Paris Hilton at first, just with darker blonde/brown hair. But I was wrong. Have a great weekend!
Love Legos and everything by Shannon K. Butchers. Great top 10.
The book is Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews. It’s down on my overstuffed book shelves. Thanks for the giveaway.
Magic Bleeds – Ilona Andrews. LOL I love that series. I can’t wait for the spin off.
Lol, never imagined your usual blogging talks were such an angst and stress filled deal Tori, I’m stunned ROFL! ;-D
My guess is: Magic Bleeds my Ilona Andrews.
I love your West and East coast blogger idea :-)
I love Julie Garwood, but my favourite novel of hers is The Secret, reread that one a few *cough* times ;-p
And how cool are those Lego Ninjas and Lego HP? :-) lol
Magic Bleeds. My grandkids have ALL the Lego games. going to build a LegoLand here in FL! :)
Magic bleeds!!
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews!
Magic Bleeds – My most favorite UF series eva! :)
We are huge Lego DS players in this family. We are just got the Pirates with Jack Sparrow. I’m worse then the kids. I will checking out the Ninja one and the Harry Potter the older years.
My Mama didn’t raise no fools. (Well, she did, but it wasn’t me.) My guess is MAGIC BLEEDS.
Love the reality show idea.
I think reality tv show about book bloggers would be awesome! I would watch that.
For the contest, Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews.
Magic Bleeds!
My boys love Ninjagos (Older one loves Lego Star Wars).
Will I get flogged if I never read any Garwood? Which book should I start with? Oh, I’m down with the West Coast. L.A. BABY!!!!
I’d start with Lion’s Lady. Or The Wedding.
It’s from Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews. One of my favourite series.
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