You can read the official press release at Laurell K Hamilton’s website.
The IFC (Independent Film Channel) has greenlit an Anita Blake Television movie that starts production this summer. EEK! They had better cast well!!!
This is one of my favorite series!! I am a serious Jean-Claude fan girl!! The “ma petite” better sound damn fine coming out of the actor’s mouth. I am already having anxiety….
Last paragraph cracks me up, such a fine line to find the right JC…please get it right, hopefully LKH will have a lot of input into who plays him, I’m sure she won’t want to be in the same place Anne Rice was with Lestat, I remember the shock over that one “What Tom Cruise? You’ve got to be kidding” but in all fairness he did an ok job, shame though he and Louis really didn’t fit the bill. L x