Mailbox Monday hosted by the Printed Page!
I just finished this, thoughts will be posted tomorrow, all I can say is you must buy this book!! I have never read such a charming book as this:) It rates right up there with my love for Revealed by Kate Noble. Beta heroes and I are starting to fall in love.

This is the first in the Spellcrackers series. Looking forward to reading it!
I’ve been wanting to start this series for awhile. My Kindle was very happy to receive this download!
A few more notes:
Jill, at Romance Rookies has posted the excerpt from Dreamfever by Karen Marie Moning featured in the Romantic Times Magazine. It is just a small one, but told in Dani’s POV – Check it out HERE.
Ilona Andrews has posted a snippet from On the Edge, a new series coming September 29th. Her Magic series is one of my favorite, and I am really looking forward to this book!
Archangel’s Kiss, the second in Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series is now available for pre-order. It will be released February 2, 2010! Her newest release, Branded by Fire, comes out tomorrow! Here is a special letter she recently wrote to her readers.
Happy Reading!
Enjoy your haul!
I have to laugh. My review of 'What Happens in London' is also scheduled for tomorrow!
I have the new Loretta Chase and I'm waiting impatiently for the Meredith Duran to ship from Amazon.
Bermudaonion – Thanks:)
Sarah – It will be a Julia Quinn Tuesday!
You received some "smexy books" enjoy your loot!!!
Happy reading Hon..
a few of those are simply stellar..
I look forward to your reviews..
Great week for you. I hope you enjoy them.
I am really curious about the Kushiel books too, so will look forward for your review
Hi Mandi,
I love you recent additions and a few have caught my attention.
I have not read Kushiel's Dart yet but it has been sitting on my shelf for a year now. The premise sounds very good. Rush Of Wings is one I found this morning on my blog rounds and added it to my orderlist of my online bookstore.
Have fun reading them all, though I don't think that will be a problem!
You will enjoy Kushiel Dart, it's a big book but there is alot to keep your interst. I've only read the first three but I did enjoy the series.
I LOVE my Kindle : ) Hope you enjoy all the books!
Hi Mandi,
What a great set of books, enjoy and have a great week. :)
I just finished Lord of Scoundrels yesterday – I loved it too! The KMM excerpt is great – I'd heard it was out there but hadn't seen it. Great batch of books – lucky!!!!
Ohhh – lots of great books! I LOVE the Kushiel books – I've got them all – and they are ALL huge like that one. :)
Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi
What an awesome haul, we have quite a few in common.
I'm looking forward to reading A Rush Of Wings and I just might have to put Julia Quinn's book on my wishlist, will check back for your review :-)
Nice mix of books Mandi!
I'll look forward to reading your thoughts about them!
You enjoy. :)
I won A RUSH OF WINGS over at Anna's blog anniversary celebration, I plan on reading it very soon. I lucked out since it was my wish list of books.
Nice list of books, a couple I can't wait to dive into.
Mandi!!! EEEEEK! Is it just me or was Dain from Lord of Scoundrels so freakin' sexy??? He's definitely my boyfriend…but we can share if you want.(batting eyelashes) Loretta Chase is a new addition to my auto read list as well. And Julia Quinn…love her. (((hugs)))
Tia – LOL…I'll share Dain;)