The writing team of Ilona and Gordon Andrews write one of my favorite urban fantasy series out there – the “Magic” series featuring Kate Daniels. When I heard they had a new series coming out I became quite excited. This series takes place in a different world with new rules – but there is still a unique, magic filled world and the wonderful characters they can write so well.
Rose, our heroine, has a stressful life. Her mother died and her father has run off. She is left with raising her two young brothers, Georgie and Jack. Georgie has a lot of magic in him and a huge heart, so big that he hates to see things die so he brings them back to life – or as best he can. Take grandpa for example. Georgie brought him back, but they have to keep him chained up in the shed – otherwise he gets loose and gets drunk off of eating dog brains. But Georgie is not strong enough to keep everyone alive, and it is slowly draining him of life.
Jack is a changeling and although he can keep his shifting under control, he is very curious in nature and often gets himself into trouble. Rose is helped by her grandma who really is the strength in this family. The family lives in the Edge. In this world there is the Broken, which is just the regular world that you and I live in. Only a very few realize there is even a magical world beyond an invisible boundary. On the other side is the Weird. A magical place similar to the Broken but in this world politics are quite strict. Royalty rules and bloodlines are very important. It is almost impossible for someone from the Weird to cross over into the Broken without experiencing extreme pain and loss of power, sometimes even death. This is where the Edge comes into play. The Edge is the in-between – it stretches far across the country, but where Rose lives it is only twelve miles wide. People in the Edge have some magic, some stronger than others. Those born in the Edge can cross between worlds without much of a problem. Most work illegally in the Broken or sell goods from the Broken to those from the Weird.
Not all is well in The Edge though. There are slimy, evil hounds lurking, that are attracted to magic. They often show at Rose’s house because she and her family have such strong magic. Declan shows up at her house one day, a blueblood from the Weird. He slays the evil hounds without much effort and wants to stay and help protect Rose and her brothers. He also shows interest in Rose. The only men ever to come on to Rose have always had ulterior motives. With her strong ability to flash, a form of magic used in this world, the men only want her for breeding purposes. She has been duped in the past and she is determined to never let that happen again. Unsure of Declan’s intentions, Rose makes it very clear she wants nothing to do with him. Declan makes a deal – Rose is to give him three challenges of her choosing. If Declan completes all three without failing, she has to go with him to the Weird and live happily ever after. If he fails, he will leave her be. With more evil hounds popping up and her brothers safety in question, Rose doesn’t have much a choice – although in absolutely kills her to give in.
On the Edge will do just that – it will keep you on the edge of your seat as you read. This book has much more romance then Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels books but they still write that wonderful romantic tension that I am so fond of. The relationship between Rose and Declan is a fun one to read – you know where they are headed, but the road to get there is one full of teasing and sexy situations.
He leaned forward. Some of the hardness drained from his eyes. They turned deep and very green. “I intend to have you.”“In what sense of the word?”A narrow smile tugged on the corners of his mouth. He looked utterly focused, like a cat about to pounce. “In every sense.”Rose choked on her coffee.
For lack of a better word, Declan radiated masculinity. The “depend on him in a dark alley” kind of masculinity. The “hit the bad guy with a chair before he shoots us” kind of masculinity. If they were attacked, he wouldn’t hesitate to put himself between them and the danger, because that’s what men did.
Mmkay, the hero on the cover looks a WHOLE LOT like Sawyer from LOST. That's enough to recommend the book to me.
Yummy! Great review, Mandi!
LOL – He does!! I knew there was a reason why I was attracted to him. He just needs a bit more scruff ;)
I've had this one on the wish list since seeing the cover. :) Yours is the first review I've read and I'm glad to know you enjoyed this one. :) I have the first book in the Magic series on the shelf and hope to get to it this month – and I hope to pick up On the Edge soon.
Thanks for the review. :)
You know how much I love her Magic series – this one looks just as good (if different)! Where do I sign up to attend that tea-party?
Hi Mandi,
I do wanna read her other series, but if this one has more romance, well I might just go for this one first :)
Michelle – I love the Magic series – and let me just say – it took me a bit to get into the first book. If you experience the same thing just stick with it. Turns out to be such a good series!!!
Patti – Ha..the tea party cracks me up. After she sees Declan she wants a bear ordered that looks like him! Love it :)
Bloeduedd – This one definitely a HEA. Her Magic series – there is so much romantic tension in those books you will be throwing them across the room!! And I LOVE it!!!
Hey girl, I just wanted to drop by to see how you are doing?
Great review… You are so smexy! LOL!
You ready to party or what!!!
Hope you are having a great day!
Hi Mandi,
I don't usually read urban fanasty, but your reviews always make want to. So I'm going to pick this up the next time I work at the bookstore.
Thanks for a great review,
Cecile – I can't wait for your party!!! When is it being posted??? I will pimp it.
Randi – This is a wonderful paranormal urban fantasy romance! LOL. Really – you will not be disappointed with the romance in it and the world building in superb!!
Wasn't it a great story? And I'm all about William and getting more of him. Great review!
I found this book in my mailbox this afternoon YAY After reading your review I think I will go with On The Edge as my first Ilona Andrews experience and after that will sink my teeth in the first Kate Daniels :)
Party starts tomorrow!
I have a post coming tomorrow to announce it, but I guess I need to something today huh… I will have to wait till I get home though… Don't like downloading images of my smexy men at work… LOL!!
I might send out a quickie… lol… this evening… even though the day will almost be over!
But I am excited!
OH girl… I can't wait.. I am going change my post date and posting it now!!! LMAO!!
WOW, sounds awesome Mandi!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such an amazing review..
I'm very intrigued..
Cecile – Love what is going on in your blog!!
Lea – thanks :)
I came home this evening and a massive order was here for me – I was in heaven….
I was planning to relax and enjoy this this weekend, but I am so curling up with this baby tonight – tonight I tell you…
Great summary – I am hoping to love this book…
Really looking forward to reading this one – Ilona Andrews can do no wrong in my eyes.
Can't get over how much the guy on the cover looks like Chris Carmack (Luke from 'The O.C') though. I mean, seriously!
I'm a Ilona Andrews vigrin oh wait we made out in "Must Love Hell Hounds." I've heard great things about her Magic series. It sounds magical. I must add her to my TBR pile.
EH – This book will treat you right tonight :)
Danielle – I had to look him up – but yes!! So now we have that he looks like Chris Carmack and Sawyer from Lost. Not bad at all ;)
Smokinhot – since you only made out with her in an anthology – you gots more lovin' to go.
I'm really going to have to try this book-the cover alone makes me want to read it!
I'm going to come back and read this review properly when I read this book. I just wanted to say: I want to get my hands on this SOOOOOOooo bad!
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