I have a little bit of everything in this post – paranormal, UF, historical, m/m, but it’s all romance so let’s get to it:

- JR Ward is almost done Love Mine – hooray! I updated my info with a few small bits she released on her message boards. Have I mentioned I am excited for this book? ;)
- If you are a fan of the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning and don’t receive her newsletter than you are missing out! Reason I mention this is that I just received her November letter and there is nothing super big to report, but I have a feeling we will soon be getting exerpts from Shadowfever (the fifth and final book) and you don’t want to miss out on those! The newsletter usually comes out at the end of the month. You will know when it arrives in my inbox by my loud, obnoxious SQUEEEE! And if you have not read this series yet, starting with Darkfever, get your booty to the bookstore. For realsies ;)
- Larissa Ione just sent her newsletter out – her fifth Demonica book will be titled – Sins Undone.
- Want an update on Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs? Go HERE.
- I’m a huge fan of Ilona and Gordon Andrews’ Magic series. They have a really fun blog that they update on a regular basis. They not only give you a really good insight into their writing process, but they are funny! Check it out. Plus, they released the cover of their fifth Magic book – Magic Bleeds. Look up and right for a pic of it.
- Erotic Horizon is hosting 2010’s Erotic Romance Reading Challenge. The rules are pretty lax, which always appeals to me in a challenge. I am definitely up for it, are you?
- Speaking of romance, I found a “new to me” blog this past week – Erotic Romance Reader. I love it! Great reviews (love her high five, low five system), great book talk, and hawt pictures. I’ve been back every day :)
- Julia Quinn has Ten Things I Love About You, coming out May 25, 2010. This will be Sebastian Grey’s story (Seb from What Happens in London). The heroine will be Annabel Winslow (a new character). So excited for this book!
- Finally, I have found a new favorite series, the PsyCop series by Jordan Castillo Price. It is a m/m mystery romance series. Victor Bayne is psychic, he can hear and sometimes talk to ghosts. He is paired up with a stiff, a cop without and psychic abilities and together, along with other psy/stiffs they solve murders. His lover is a stiff from a different distritct, Jacob Marks. I am in love with Vic. I find him somewhat reminiscent of Josh Lanyon’s Adrien English, but he is even more self depricating and lonesome than Adrien. These books make me laugh, and the romance between Vic is Jacob is verra steamy – but progresses at a nice slow pace. I love them – I bought them all on my Kindle but I just ordered them all in print. Yes – double buying strikes again!
Hey Mandi! Do you read Joey Hill? Her new book A Mermaid's Ransom is out….I forgot I pre-ordered it from Amazon and it turned up on my doorstep yesterday…yay! This is a great series…I think you would dig it!
No but Michelle Picard told me I need to start reading her. I am definitely putting in my tbr!! Have you read her vamp series?
PsyCop is awesome!
It is! sigh. So good.
I am gonna post my thoughts on Mead today (hopefully)
Ohh, pretty cover!
Better go and check if Erot has some new hot pics up
OK SO I am really thinking I NEED to read the Black Dagger Brotherhood before April so I can read the new book LOL – EVERYONE says how amazing it is…. :)
I have read one of the vamp books….it was great, but I have a little trouble with a female dom (Michelle is probably going to flog me for that comment! :)
The other series is called the Daughters of Arianne, and the first book is A Mermaid's Kiss (loved it!), the 2nd one is A Witch's Beauty (incredible!), and the third one I just got, haven't read yet (A Mermaid's Ransom). These books are intense! You should check them out, I think they are right up your alley!
My Joey Hill book should arrive in the mail today!
Can't wait for Lover Mine – as you well know he's def my favorite – if you turn the cover over you'll see my name on his back ;)
Also waiting (not patiently) for Magic Bleeds – love the cover.
I want to call you and squee about Vampire Academy – I hope you're loving it!!! Mmmm…Dmitri!
I'm so excited for Silver Borne and Magic Bleeds. I may hyperventilate before they even come out. I'm counting on you slappin me if that happens, k? ;)
OH wow… you have a little bit of everything up there… And I am not even going to tell you that you need to read Joey W Hill's vampire series… for you know I heart her and her writing and those damn books!!! And I will be getting Beloved Vampire. Ms. Hill talked me into it!!!! She tells me there is more of my Jacob in there!! And you know how I am about my sex on a stick!
The virginity popping is going very nicely, if I must so say myself… I have bought my very own first three books and then Erotic hit me up and told me about two more… She is taking her time with me. She wants me to fall in love with the manlove you guys have!
I am just waiting for some alone time so I can read my huge TBR pile!! I am trying to make it happy so it can stop throwing things at me when I look at…. And say I do not have time to read… It does not like me right now! But I am trying to pacify it… By buying more books, lol!
And whew… I think that is all… for now… Hee hee!!
Ooh.. what a great news post! I'll be happy to look at that Lover Mine cover everyday, if you so desire to post it. ;-)
So glad you're enjoying the Vampire Academy series. I loved them!
Can't wait for Silver Borne. What a great blog! I'm assuming Mike is her husband?
Mandi I'm lazy can't I just subscribe to you for all my Ward news…? I sign up for Moning's newsletter and was a little bummed about November's release, but at least we got something about the release date for Shadowfever {thank god}.
P.S. I've been peer pressured to read Illona Andrews. My husband doens't need an x-mas present right?
Mandi – evertime I see that cover of Lover Mine my heart skips a beat followed by an sigh of intense pleasure ;) Please, post it as much as you want, you're doing everyone a favor with that one!
And I love Janna's (ErotRomReader)blog too, she's a hoot to talk to. of course I also signed up for EH's Erotica challenge and your pimping of Josh Lanyon made me go out and buy one of his collected novella books.
I can't wait what KMM has in store for us, she drives me crazy with her excerpts…a good crazy ;)
Have you read any of Bianca D'arc's books, they are dragon shifters. Me personally, i love dragons and these books are 3somes.
Also, have you read Jennifer Turner- love her book.
Of course, love your pic for the cover of "Lover Mine"-i want it to be April soooo bad….
Blodeuedd – Awesome! Can't wait to read it!
Jenn – Let me think..YES!!!! Def read it! Then we can talk!
Penny – Ok – Mermaid – Joey Hill! On my list :)
Patti – you are a Joey Hill fan too? Def squeeing about Vamp Academy!
Hello Ms. Queen B, you know I like to slap you around ;) We can hyperventilate together.
Cecile – Glad to hear the cherry poppin' is going well! EH will take good care of you in that department ;)
Caitlin – Yes, Mike is Patricia Briggs' husband. They have a nice blog together. And I will post that cover as much as possible!
Smokinhot – I will keep you up to date on Ward ;) Yes, you need to read Ilona Andrews – such an awesome world!
Leontine – KMM better give us something good in Dec!! (I am greedy!)
wcvamp – How funny you mention Bianca D'Arc because I just read Simon Says, her novella in Half Past Dead – it is the first book I have read by her! I really enjoyed it and I will def look into her dragon shifters. And 3somes..oh nom nom. Thanks for the rec!!
I just want to know how you always get your KMM newsletter way before I do *pouts* I'm her biggest fan. WTF
Well that is weird. I will forward it to you chicky
I love your news roundups, Mandi! That cover of 'Lover Mine' is divine. So much better than the icky UK cover.
I recently signed up for the KMM newsletter. I was wondering if they were going to announce the 'Shadowfever' release date in the Christmas newsletter… We can hope, right?
Woah, this was like a MEGA blog post. Let me start by addressing the most important topic….
ARGH! You're reading 'Vampire Academy'! Are you becoming addicted to Richelle Mead? Wait till you get onto her 'Darn Swan' series – HOT!
Very insightful blog from Patricia Briggs (well, her hubby anyway). Glad to know she intends to write some romance (for Mercy/Adam or Samuel and someone???)
And finally – Xhex's "you are not excused". Ooohhh, I tingle with possibilities, all of which lean toward S&M scenes with John. And what is this perfect ending?! Argh – the possibilities!
Sarah – I think that is a good guess!
Danielle – I am slowly reading the vamp books! And I am starting Succubus Blues soon….thanks to you!
I really hope Xhex is telling JM he is not excused to get out of bed nekkid – I know, I am so immature. Do you think Xhex could be a mommy??? That is a total guess..but there hasn't been a pregnancy for awhile (katibabs put that idea in my head)
Hi Mandi, I so love this new cover of Ward, I still have to read LA, but somehow I feel more drawn to JM's story, but will faithfully read LA first. I know I can count on you for the latest news from the Ward front. I love KMM too, she is a great writer and I love her newsletters.
I love Erotic Romance Reader's blog too, she has great pics and interviews! And I also signed up for the Erotica challenge, we are going to read smut books yay!!
Hi Mandi,
Thanks for all the info. Your turning out to be my one stop info site. I too will be signing up for EH's challenge. Have a great week and keep on posting that cover :)
Marissa – I really don't think you will be disappointed in LA – I am not a huge Rehv fan and I loved it. There is TONS of Beth and Wrath – and Xhex and JM have their moments!!!!
Ann Marie – Thanks!! And don't worry – that cover will be posted lots!! :)
Woot! Thanks for all the linkage action. And hot DAY-um! Erotic Romance Reader has some yummy pics on her blog. Yowzaa!
;) VFG
Thank you Mandi!
I'm really on then fence WRT Lover Mine. I hit the wall with Lover Avenged… I will probably pick it up, but I think this will be a make or break book for me.
Oh, PsyCop. I've sort of read the first two in the series (I never read eBooks properly on my computer), but I'm going to re-read them and read the next two in the series once I have my multi-purpose device *grin*
Ward, Briggs, Price…
I am loving them as well…
Also found Janna a few days ago – she is fun..
Thanks for the pimpage on the challenge… I am almost scared, have you seen the sign up sheet, all hussies of the first order…
have you ever heard of the outlander book by diana gabaldon? awesome… they take place in scotland…. great love story and action… you should check it out