Today is my one year blogoversary. In the past year, through 442 posts and 67,400 visits from you all, I have talked books, smexy men, J.R. Ward, hairy chests, and thrown Brandon Flowers in for good measure. My very first post talked about how much I love smexy books and smexy men, and of course how smexy my husband is. (I also stated I didn’t want an e-reader – what was I thinking!?!) While it feels like a lot has changed this past year, Smexy still has the same feel to it, as I intended a year ago. My passion and my obsession is romance books. I wanted Smexy to be a place to talk about the books, authors and characters that enhance my life every day. I have truly enjoyed every day here at Smexy, and visiting so many other wonderful blogs that are out there. As I have mentioned in the past, reading is fun – you guys are fun – and thank you for sticking with me. And for real, that is the wine I drink – Classy, I know.
There are a few people I want to thank. There are TONS of people that I have met this past year that have made me laugh, helped me with my blog, and that I have formed wonderful friendships with. There is no way I can mention everyone…but you know who you are :)
The Husband – He never complains when I read (and I read a lot), he never complains when I blog – of course this gives him ample Xbox opportunities. He likes to talk about blogland and he rarely complains when I am swooning over a fictional man (or Brandon Flowers——>)
My mom – She visits my site every day, even when I talk about man love or my latest hairy chest obsession. My mom is a huge reader, but had never read paranormal or urban fantasy until I started shoving books in her face. She will try everything I give her – and although there were a few she didn’t like (Goddess of the Hunt – Mom, I’m ashamed, really), she always takes them with a smile. The one series I had not given her was JR Ward’s BDB because I just couldn’t see my mom reading the slang, leather wearing brothers. However, she noticed how much I talked about them here, and she secretly bought Dark Lover and read it. When she told me, it meant so much to me that she would step out of her zone and read it just because she knows what the series means to me. Of course, she fell in love and read them all right in a row! Being able to share my books with my mom makes reading 100x more fun. To be able to talk with her and feel tortured together that we have to wait so long for the next Bones, Barrons, or Mercy Thompson book makes it all worth it.
Katiebabs – I discovered her blog before I had any notion of starting my own. I loved her style – the mix of book reviews, serious topic discussion, and her all out crazy posts. We then started talking on Twitter and she has become a friend. I consider her my blogger mentor – answering tons of questions from me this past year, and giving my an amazing amount of insight. I also met her for about thirty seconds at RWA last year, and she hugged me and made me feel like she has known me my whole life. We share an obsession with the BDB and Team Qhuay – and she even convinced me to become Team Jacob. She is a very special person and I really appreciate all that she has done.
Fiction Vixen – I don’t remember when we started talking – I assume it was through Twitter or maybe our blogs – but she gets me. I can be my neurotic weird-ass self, and she doesn’t run away screaming (or if she does, she always comes back). I don’t know how many times I have whined or complained, and her sick self enjoys it ;) She gives me technical help, honest opinions on what I write, and she makes me laugh. Not just a chuckle, but full out crying at some points. We love our iphones to a perverted level, we love organized list making, we love Target, and we love to talk books. I know she is cringing while reading this so I will stop. But thank you FV.
Also want to mention K.C. (we bond over M/M) Bells (such a sweetheart), Blodeuedd (for commenting daily!),Cecile and EH (for taking over my blog) Barbara (doing my blog design), Karra, Kati, Amanda, and Tori (Team Smexy) and all the authors and publishers who I have talked to this past year. THANK YOU!!
Ok, that is enough mushy mushy! I have two books I want to give away today to celebrate. First..and don’t get too excited – Hairy Hunks: A Celebration of Shaggy Stallions.
Now, don’t all run to comment yet! Seriously, was the book written for me or what?? Thanks to my friend Sarah, this book graces my coffee table and whenever I get hairy on the brain, I can flip this little gem open and soak in the scruffy, hairy chests of hairy hunks.
Now, I realize Hairy Hunks is a treasure, and I don’t see how you would want anything else. However, there is a book coming out next week, one that I am DYING to read. Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs. I love Mercy, and I lust after Adam and Bran something fierce. So, included with Hairy Hunks, will be a pre-ordered copy of Silver Borne.
To enter, just leave a comment – and tell me what is smexy to you? It can be a person or an object, real or fictional.
Contest will run through Thursday, and I will announce the winner on Friday.
Thanks for making this a fun year! *twists open wine*
FIRST!!! :)
Happy Birthday :D :D :D You're lucky to have such a hubby, hope I will be too in the future :
As for what I find smexy? A deep voice on an already too attractive man and polo shirts pulled up to the elbows, it's like a weakness LOL
Camille – LOL…I love your weakness:)
;P when there's a guy in a room with me that's dressed like that, those who know my kryptonite start smirking XD It's really quite embarrassing! (it;s envyious on Twitter btw ;3) funny. And aha..I know who you are now! ;p
Please don't enter me, just wanted to congratulate you on your 1-year blogoversary. I can't believe you've jyst been blogging for a year…seems to me you've been here forever!
As to what's smexy to me: a good, sweey guy who's a little rough around the edges and (VERY IMPORTANT!!) knows how to talk the dirty. LOL
Pearl – ha…yes – those rough edges and dirty talk are a must ;)
did you know Jacob's abs (the photo on your sidebar) were allegedly some unknown model's abs? XD
see here;
(I'm glad I'm no longer anonymous rofl ;P)
*gasp* How dare they give him someone else's abs!! He has good abs in the movie though…are those real? ;)
Congrats, Smexi! I love your blog and I want to tell you that you were an inspiration for me to start my own blog just 2 months ago. It may be small, and I don't expect it to grow super big, but it's my smexy place and I thank you for your help and inspiration!
You know what I think is smexy? The romance blogging women I've friended on Twitter. They are self-confident women and express their love for all things romance. I love that and I think they (and you) all all smexy for that!
I look forward to another year of SMEXY! (and *sigh* JM in a MONTH!!)
Aww Happy birthday :D Can't belive it's only been a year. You do such great job with this blog.
To many more.
(I'm not entering the contest.)
Thanks Jen!! And I so agree..I have srsly met the BEST people on Twitter. So glad I have been able to chat with you! And I love your blog!!
Thanks AC Read ;)
Gosh it's been one year already?
(no need to enter me in the contest, just want to give you some virtual hugs!)
a smile does it for me everytime eg Marti Pellow
Please don't enter me, just wanted to shout out CONGRATULATIONS!!! You always make me smile and I love Smexy blog – well done! Have a glass of champagne on me ;)
Congrats on 1 year! Love the blog and lurk here often :)
Smexy to me is my hubby and confidence.
Congrats on the one year Mandi…
It was a great year and here's wishing you even more great and smexy things in the future.
Please dont enter me…
Congrats on your blogoversary! Your blog is one of my favorites. Not only do you have the best book info, but you are the Queen of J.R. news. You have great taste in men which is evident in your boyfriends tab. You are one of the nicest and funniest people I talk to and it is a pleasure to consider you my friend. I feel very honored that you to have included me in your post. I even shed a happy tear. :*)
Ana – Thank you :)
Wendy – very nice ;)
BCC – thanks so much!!!
Cheeky girl – that is verra smexy!
EH – thank ya girl
Bells – :) :) :)
Traits that are schmexy to me are manly, muscled calves and sweet eyes.
kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com
Kate – oh yes..eyes can be very smexy
First of all….you are only one??!!!!!! I had no idea. Your blog is like the Shakespeare of the romance blogger world…I thought you had been around forever. Happy First Birthday!
Second of all…..Hairy Hunks? Can I enter the contest, uh, like a million times or something? Please?????
3rd…What is smexy to me? Kissing a man while stroking his thick, lush…beard at the same time!
Rock on, Smexy!
Happy Birthday!!
Don't enter me in the contest-I just wanted to say Happy B Day. I can't believe your only 1. You rock the book reviews girlfriend.
I'm so glad to have found your site. Through you I have met the most, err, fascinating people whom I get to point out to my mom and say, "See…there are people more pervie than me." lol
And read some wonderful books.
Thanks to you and KC for popping my m/m cherry.
What do I find smexy? Seeing a tattoo dip below the waistband of a smexy back and getting to find out where it ends….with my tongue. :P
Happy B-Day Smexy! You rock! I think the mexiest thing I can think of is a tall, dark and quiet man, with muscles that are defined because he USES them, eyes that track my every move, and enough man-fur for me to rub while I purr happily! LOL!
Happy Bloggoversary Ms. Smexy.
I have to agree with all the previous posters: you always were a given fact in the romance book blog world for me. Never would have thought that you are just 1. You can be so proud of what you achieved with your blog.
Great job!
And for what is smexy for me:
At the moment I have a huge girl crush on Ewan McGregor again.I have that from time to time. He call call me young Padawan all he wants. So he's my version of smexy now.
Have a great party hon and Happy Bday to your boy too!
(Please do not enter me)
Congrats honey!! OMG, it seems like yesterday that we were both murky our way through the blog waters. My real anniversary date was Monday (yea, I like to party… **shrugs shoulders**) and it seems like yesterday!!!!!
Hugs to you honey and wishing you all the more years to come!!!
PS.. Did love taking over that week!!
There is NOTHING better in the world than having a sweet, smart, funny daughter who is also your very best friend! Congratulations on your first year-I have loved reading and talking Smexy!
Penny – I KNEW you would comment on the hairy hunks book – LOLOLOL. You are my sister in hairy man love ;)
Tori – Yay for perverts! hahahaha. Thank you Tori for making me laugh and writing fab reviews ;)
Luci – Can I borrow your man??? ;)
Susi – Thanks!!!!!
Cecile – Woohooo..we are anniversary buddies!
MOM – You commented!! :) You are going to make me all teary.
YAY!!! Happy 1 year baby! I'm so proud of you you rock. I will never forget the day I happened to stumble upon your blog. I've watched you grow and you have never changed your stlye, which i respect and love!!
Smexy to me is Target sales,all the Lykae from Kresley Cole's series Immortals After Dark, John Matthew,independetn men, John Matthew, a little bit of chest hair, goatee, John Matthew, and of course your blog!!! LOVE YOU!!!! Congrats!!! Can't wait to see what next year brings!!
Thank you Nikki!!!
HOW are we going to survive reading JM??? I may die of smexy overload. I can't wait to talk to you about the book!!!!!!!!!
I took the day off of work girl!!! He is my lover and I fully intend to ride it out!!! WOO HOO!!!LMAO!!!!
Happy birthday! Woot!
For me, there is nothing smexier than the Black Dagger Brotherhood. One brother in particular has my heart in a big way and that is Butch. I never hear people talking about him and I don't know why. He's funny, he's a smartass and whoa baby, he's one fine looking dirty talker, lol!
John Matthew is a close second, and I can't freaking wait to get my hit little hands on his book!
Wow, 1 year – it seems like longer. You've really accomplished a lot in a year, congratulations!
What do I find smexy? A tall man is a smexy man!
Should I confess here that in high school I used to pull the hair out of hubs chest b/c I didn't like it? (Eventually his chest won and I gave up, LOL!)
Lisa – I was really not looking forward to Butch's book, but his book may be my favorite. I LOVE him…I love JM more..LOL…but I really love Butch :)
Patti – LMAO – pulling out chest hair is a SIN!! Your poor hubs!!!!! hahaha
Mandi, i need an rss feed or something? i'm trying to get comments to my yahoo account. Its asking me for "Enter the URL for a web site's RSS feed."
Nikki – I will email you…
Happy anniversary!!!!! :D
I am so happy I found your lovely blog, and yes nothing can stop me from commenting ;)
What smexy is to me…2 words, Richard Armitage. He is so yummy, and when he is in leather *faints in a puddle of drool*
Lol, that book is sure one to grace the coffeetable
Richard Armitage = RAWR!!
Happy blogoversary Mandi!! I always enjoy reading about your hairy chest lovin and all the great book recommends I've gotten here at Smexy! As for Smexy to me it's a well defined backside ;)
Happy Birthday Smexy!! I'm so impressed with the way your blogs grown and how you've kept up such a first class level of content. Not to mention getting me away from my business books and reading some Lilli Feisty!
Can't wait to see what year 2 brings. Smexybooks blog and Twiiter helps the work day bearable;)
happy blogoversary smexy!! yours is one of the 1st blogs I started reading & I can't believe you've only had it a year. you are one of my favorite EVOL book pimps & are responsible for much screaming from my wallet, how smexy is that? ;)
Happy Anniversary! 1 year! Woot! Woot! *throwing more sparkly confetti* I think men are smexy. But alpha men are the smexiest! I also think kick-ass chicks are smexy…cause I want to be one. LOL!
Congrats Mandi! *throws confettie at you* oops… hope I didn't get any in your eye. Can I come to Target with you guys?!?! I swear I need an intervention from that place ….. or at least the hubby thinks so.
Oh and Brad Pitt with long hair and a little scruff? I think I just fainted.
Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! I can't believe I've stalked you for a year – I think I need a moment.
I bow down to your bloggy awesomeness and just how frigging cool you are ;)
OMG happy blogoversary, Mandi!! What's smexy to me? Hmm, talking books with friends, love it! ;)
And totally Brandon Flowers, raawr!
Tricia – oh, very nice indeed
Sarah – thank you!!! And thanks for keeping stocked with all my books!! :)
Jaymzangel – lol..thank you!!! And I thought I heard your wallet screaming a time or two :)
dyockman – I do too…I live through my heroines ;)
Tiffany – Yes – party at Target!!! I love that place like no other.
Wendy – oh Brandon Flowers…le sigh
Congratulations on your Smexy blogoversary, Mandi! I really thought you had been a blogger a lot longer, you seem very experienced =)
I find men who haven't shaved in a couple of days very smexy(I don't mind if they got some muscles either but not the bodybuilder type)!
Happy one year blogoversary Smexy! Thanks for sharing the hairy chested man love with us and the encouragement to delve into the m/m books ;) I love your blog!
Your hubby is very smexy. :) Happy Birthday, sweety.
Grumpy is a very smexy quality to me. Like Wrath from BDB. That growling, grump who loves only one. Just like my Eth. :)
Happy Blogoversary and Congrats! I love this blog, (and your thanks section was so cute) and hopefully one day, I can celebrate a blogoversary too!
Thanks for the inspiration!
{Mandi, do not enter me}
I do not remember how long ago it has been since I "found" Smexy but the fact we both share a love of Hairy Man look is a good common denominator… It also does not hurt that you have wonderful fun over here and it is always a pleasure to pop in!!!
Happy 1 Year Blogversary and may we all enjoy many more with you:-D
jackie b central texas
will come back when I blow my nose and stop crying :)
One-year!! Excellent!! Happy Birthday!!
What do I think is smexy? Goodness — I suppose my husband, an excellent book, and of course Trent Reznor. I'm not too difficult to please.
Wishing you many more blogs, many more delicious reads, and much happiness in the next year!
Happy first blogoversary Mandi *throws confetti* What a year it has been…may many more follow full of smexy talk :D
What I think is smexy – a man sandwich of your chosing…why one when you can have two and be the filling, that's smexy IMO *grin*
Happy Bloggy Birthday!
Smexy to me is a man in uniform. That’s why I married one. He’s my own personal GI Joe ;)
I love that your mom visits your blog. That is so sweet.
Happy birthday! Thank you for doing what you do with your blog because you continue to inspire me with mine!
Mandi, I want that hairy stallion book, I want it! You know how I feel about the feathery hair. shhh don't tell ok? Happy bloggy birthday, you and smexybooks are amazing. I heart you both…with all my heart. :) I don't know if I'm thrilled or disturbed that we get each other. We'll call it a draw ok? I am so jealous that your mom reads your blog and reads books you rec. I think my mom would turn inside out right before my very eyes if I suggesting she read Bound To Please. Maybe I'll suggest it just for kicks? HAPPY BLOGGY BIRTHDAY SMEXY!! XOXOXOXOX
First a huge congrats on the blogversary!!
What do I think is smexy? It would have to be Vin Diesel and of course all those alpha males in my favorite novels like Patrica Briggs Mercy Thompson series.
Here's to many more years of smexyiness!!!
It's only been a year?? Wow!
Happy Anniversary, girl!!
Thanks for all the awesome BDB updates and info. You're my BDB crack source. We'll keep that on the DL though so you don't get busted. *wink*
Happy bloggy birthday!
How wonderful that you have so many fantastic & supportive people in your life!
What do I find smexy? A really good book… a man who smells like a man (not stinky, but just male) and takes care of himself… a loud fast car… my iPhone with it's metallic pink case…
Happy Blogoversary!!! Hope you have many more. :)
Happy anniversary!
A sense of humor is smexy. ;) And size!
…as in height, of course.
Happy happy bloversary and congratulations!!
What is smexy to me: confidence, intelligence, HUMOUR, dark chocolate voice, deep Scottish brogue, Southern drwal or any other cute or swoonworthy accent, tall-dark-handsome men, men with smiling eyes, kindhearted generous men, men in uniform *gulp*.. maybe I should stop, the list is getting kind of long and I could go on and on :-D
stella.exlibris (at) exlibris DOT com
ps. sorry in my big fantasy of imagining all the smexy things I just listed I didn't write my correct e-mail addy, here it is: stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com
sorry and thanks! :-)
Happy, Happy Blogiversary, Mandi! I so enjoy this blog. Especially your smart and concise reviews.
And of course, your reviewing staff is SUPERB! ;o)
Yay! Congratulations, Mandi. What fun. And a SILVER BORNE giveaway! Wow.
Two examples of Smexy–
Classic: Richard Armitage *fans self*
Happy birthday and congrats. You've quickly become my daily fix!
Happy First Blogiversary!! You were the first blog I started following when I entered the "Twitterverse" and from you I've learned many things ;) and been introduced to other bloggers' great sites and met many lovely tweeps. Thanks for the fun and here's to many more Smexy Blogiversaries! Smexy to me is ANY Alpha male like Rhage or Barrons or the guy at the top of your blog.(Don't need to be entered in the giveaway, just wanted to say Happy Blogiversary!)
Ladybug – Ooh Scruffy! Yes please!
Heather – Yay for m/m! Thanks :)
passionv – oooh..a grumpy alpha..I like!
Missie – Thank you so much! :)
Jackie – Thanks..and very nice common denominator :)
KB – *hands tissue*
JA – Thanks!!!
Leontine – crack me up!!
Mama Bkworm – Jealous of your GI Joe;)
Diva – Oh, thank you so much!!
FV – One day there will be a special feather hair post..I feel it coming.
Veronica – a very good friend of mine LOVES Vin Disel :)
VFG – JR Ward is my crack! I get the shakes when I have withdrawal
Mamakitty – I love your list! Pure male and iphone..doesn't get better!
Anna – Thanks!!!
Julie – Well of course, as in height. Whatever else could you mean?
Stella – NICE list…OMG a scottish accent makes me weak. After I read Pleasure of a Dark Prince I made hubby talk with one. HAHA.
Kati – They are quite superb! Thank so much!
Angie – Oh yes, very good examples!!
Julia – Thanks!!!
Krystean – Hey – you learned what a lefty is, right? LOL. I'm so proud.
Happy Blogoversary, Smexy! I am new to the blogosphere, and hope I'll be celebrating mine next year. Love your site! What's smexy to me? Richard Armitage for one, and I love that you have a pic of him. (Who's seen the BBC North and South?) Also, the covers of almost any Maya Banks book. Smexy, smexy. A strong man. A deep voice. Tall enough that I have to look up and up to see his eyes. Muscular in an 'I spend my days outdoors chopping down trees' kinda way. But, the smexiest guy is one who looks at me and thinks I'm smexy!
Congrats Mandi!!
Smexy is a wonderful, fun, interesting blog and I love to visit!! Happy first anniversary.
Congratulations on "The Big ONE"!!! Thank you for a wonderful giveaway. I have commented here before about the love of my life, Sam Elliott!!! Talk about a gorgeous man with a 'stache and a wonderful furry chest, that's my Sam : )
Kindness, humor, intelligence, masculinity, respect for women, and a definite twinkle in the eyes make a man very sexy. Oh, and a deep voice that makes you shivery….gosh, I just described my Sam!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Alise – While I totally fall for a guy choppin trees, I love your last line :) THAT is very smexy.
Lea – Thanks!!!
Virginia – Yes, we have talked Sam Elliott! Oh that 'stache! RAWR!!!!!
Smexy is Dean and Sam , definitely. Its also the place I can go when I need a pick me up. Happy 1st !!!
Oh my goodness cannot believe that Smexy is a year old! I think I must have started reading your blog soon after you started!
It has been my absolute honour to be part of team smexy these past few months!
Happy Blogging Anniversary! Here's to another year!
Congrats on your Blogoversary! May you have many more!
And smexy to me is:
Does anything else need to be said? *sigh*
A year? Really? Happy Anniversary! I was thrilled when I found this website (it was actually linked through one of my favorite authors newsletters, Jennifer Estep).
I was in Japan for a year and every book I read had to either be downloaded or ordered online. That involved waiting two more weeks!
You saved my sanity on more than one glorious occasion! And you introduced me to the Bones series – and I've never been the same since!
What is Smexy? Bones is Smexy? Charles is Smexy?
For me Smexy is any good old protective Alpha Male. If they turn furry and howl at the moon it just adds to it.
But of course, the smexiest thing is the love, protectiveness and devotion they feel to their significant others.
And this blog! First thing I check whenever I go online!
Here's to another great year!
Happy Blogiversary!!!
I think Matthew Gray Gubler is very smexy. He plays Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Have a truly magnificent celebration, Smexy dear!
And I totally feel your impatience for 'Silver Borne'. I want me some Adam/Mercy lovin!
Smexy to me is… spooning. Nothing is sexier than the morning after great sex when you're both a little rumpled and a little bit up for a repeat performance first thing. Spooning is the epitome of that feeling, IMO.
My reflection. What?
Oh, and *in my best sexy voice* Happy, happy birthday smeeexay..
Briea – Thanks!!
Amanda – I love having you!!
maered – DROOL!!!!! Nothing else is needed!
Mandy – Oh, thank you so much!! I LOVE Jennifer Estep :) And BONES…Swoon ;) Thanks for your kind words.
throuthehaze – Oh yes, he is smexy!
Danielle – I have LOVED getting to you and your blog too :)
Queen – make me laugh so much
Happy blogoversary, Mandi! And I think Katiebabs serves as an inspiration to us all. :)
What is smexy to me? Hmmm… I'd have to say Alan Rickman.
I've been a lurker for a long time – just wanted to say – GREAT blog and happy blogoversary!
Your baby is all growed up. Awesome!
Many happies to you, Mandi! :)
Happy Blogoversary ! wohoooo..
SMexy for me of course my DH and My son :) Just love these two gorgeous men !
Enter me for Patricia briggs' book please. i heard so much good things about it !
uniquas at ymail dot com
Smexy to me is giggling like a schoolgirl just thinking of a hottie. This hottie can range from Brad Pitt to Rob Pattinson. They leave that small imprint that makes you sigh and feel that tingle deep down inside. Now thats HOT!
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Happy Birthday Smexy!!
smexy to me?–that was my husband. Since he died from cancer, the only smexy I've had in my life comes from all the hot books I read.
Happy 1st Blog Birthday, Mandi!! Smexy's awesome, and so are you :) Here's wishing you many more anniversaries!
Smexy to me – my hubby, and 2 hot guys making out. ;) …and that's hubby by himself, and then 2 hot guys making out. Not hubby and 2 hot guys making out. LOL I don't share hubby, not even with 2 hotties. ;)
Happy 1st blog anniversary, Mandi! Wishing you many, many more! ;D
Heidenkind – high five to the Alan Rickman ;)
Marisa – hey ;) Nice to meet ya!
Kris – thankies!
IHeart Book – I giggle a lot…pretty much every day..LOL!
Beth – ((hugs)) Yay for hot books :)
Ava – You have m/m on the brain 24/7 and I LOVE it! :) LOL..and I have to agree!
Cari – Thank you!!!
Happy Blogoversary! You've had a terrific year and I hope this next year is even better for you. :)
Take care Mandi and I wish you the best!!
Happy first blog anniversary, I think eyes and a nice firm rear. I think Adrian Paul is totally sexy.
Congrats on your anniversary! You have a terrific blog and you have opened my eyes to books I may not have even heard of before.
Smexy to me is Taye Diggs. Just a beautiful man to look at.
Congrats on your blogoversary!
I'm attracted to gorgeous, soulful eyes, a wicked smile, and strong arms. *sigh*
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I find a man in uniform very smexy.
seriousreader at live dot com
Wow, Mandi! 442 posts in a year. You are amazing!
Happy day, sweetie! :-)
Smexy to me is unresolved sexual tension in books. I love that build during the story. And, of course, the moment when it goes from unresolved to fulfilled! lol
happy birthday! and honestly what do i find smexy my fiance and his bossyness and how hes alltall and muscle sin all the right places those eyes his one blue one green eye ohh and accents im a sucker for accents his and others expecialy Irish accents
im glad to see your hubby is so understanding
Im so late on this! lol Ive been sicky-poo and just catching up on my blog hopping…ok anyways…we all LOVE your blog and we should really be saying thank you to YOU! ;o) So THANKS and happy blogaversary!
PS- My hubby DOES complain lol and I too cant WAIT for Silver Borne!!! EPP!
Happy blogiversary!!!!
I think a sense of humor is smexy.He's got to be able to get my
Congrats on the blogoversary!
Current, Smexy fantasy/obsession/dreamboat…
Gabriel Rossiter better known as Gabe…see Pamela Clare, Naked Edge. Read it!! Hero personified.
Smexy to me is a confident guy with a sense of humor too.
Congratulations and happy anniversary! Ooh, what an awesome book combo–I love Mercy Thompson a LOT, and I also love hairy guys! There aren't enough of them on TV these days. Which makes it hilarious that my top actor crush right now is probably also my least hairy actor crush ever…Nicholas Lea (Krycek from X-Files if you remember him, or Foss on Kyle XY).
I kept seeing candid pictures of him around with a creepy little moustache/goatee combo and was all "WHAT IS HE THINKING?", but then I realized it's the only place on his face he can grow hair! Still, he's really hot.
Johnny Depp all the way!
And I totally relate to you about reading being more fun if your mom reads the books with you. My mom will read anything I give her, too. And I love discussing the pros and cons of books with her after she's finished them.
Thanks for the contest!
Jared Padalecki from Supernatural is smexy!
What does smexy mean to mean? Smexy is David Beckham in his underwear, no, smexy is David Beckham period!
You sound like you have a great husband and mother. Glad to hear you have met so many wonderful people and had wonderful reads.
*Raising my glass* Here's to another amazing year to come.
Happy Blogaversery. Here's to many more years. Sexy to me is fantastic eyes, nice rear, and chest with defined muscles with a smattering of hair. Great contest. I am so looing forward to Ms Briggs new book.
Yea, happy birthday, I love your blog. My latest smexy is Timothy Oliphant from the new tv show, Justified.
Yay! Congrats on one year!
Let's see, I recently discovered that driving really fast is smexy. I come from at state (RI) where the speed limit is around 60 on the highway, but recently (like two days ago) while driving down the highway of a completely different state (FL), going 80, I decided that driving fast hella smexy. Who knows why I think that, haha!
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
Donna – Thank you!!!
Sherry – I had to google Adrian Paul – HELLO. Hottie!
Ryan – Oh..Taye Diggs..I lurve him. Thanks Ryan!
Amanda – Strong damn! ;)
Linda – Oh yes..uniforms are verra smexy!
Renee – Yes..sexual tension is one of my fav aspects of romance books..ugh..I love it!!! Thanks so much Renee :)
SiNn -accents are very nice :) Sounds like you have a very smexy fiance indeed!
Monroe – I hope you are feeling better!! You tell your hubs romance is important! ;) Can't wait for Silver Borne!
elaing8 – oh yes – humor is very important! I am very attracted to people who make me laugh.
Scorpio – EEK – I need to read it! I have seen the book reviewed and it looks great!
Bookie – very nice! ;)
Rose – I DO remember him from X-Files! He is really hot..thanks for adding the pic..LOL!! And Adam in Mercy books is quite the scruffy man..yum!
Kelsey – JD is so hot! And it is totally fun to read with my mom..I'm glad you can too!
Tetewa – Oh he is! I am about to watch the first season of that show soon!!
Diva's bookcase – Yeah, he doesn't need to be in his undies…LMAO!
Melissa – Thank you so much :)
Pam – Nice rear..I like ;)
Cathy – I had to google him..but I recognized him once I saw his pic..smexy indeedy :)
Marianna – LOL..when I'm by myself driving, with the radio on really loud, I like to drive fast too..of course I drive a minivan so that takes the fun out of it…HAHA.
Happy one year blogoversary!!!
what is smexy to me ? Hugh Laurie from House, I'm addicted to this show .
Happy Birthday Smexy!
Guys that can make me laugh and feel good are smexy!
Wow, has it only been one year? I feel like you have been around for longer than that. LOL, I just felt the need to enter this contest since I couldn't pass up a book of hairy men! Congrats!
Bones from NIGHT HUNTRESS SERIES and Barrons from FEVER SERIES are smexy to me! Basically, you and I share the same book boyfriends (:
Roarke from the In Death series is smexy to me, I love irish accents!
Happy Blogoversary Mandi!
Happy Blogoversary, Mandi!!! :D
I just wanted to wish you a happy anniversary and tell you that this is probably the sweetest, most thoughtful anniversary post I have ever read by a blogger. Very well done. Your mom, husband and other blogging friends sound really supportive and overall just awesome. As for what you said about Katiebabs, I can agree with you wholeheartedly about what a kind, supportive and fun friend she is. She's a real sweetheart.
Here's to many more years of Smexy books! =)
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There are some attention-grabbing time limits on this article however I don’t know if I see all of them heart to heart. There’s some validity however I’ll take hold opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as nicely