I’m very happy to have the husband and wife writing team of Ilona Andrews at Smexy today talking about their newest release and one of my favorite books of the year, Bayou Moon.
I was so excited to hear William would be the hero of the second book in your Edge series. William is more of a broken hero, and struggles socially. Did you have his journey planned out from the beginning or did he surprise you in this book? Give us some insight into writing his character.
William has been kicked by life so many times, any normal person would’ve long ago decided to stay down. He’s too stubborn, and the more rocks life throws at him, the harder he fights back. The challenge with William was to write a man who has never been a part of human society.
Because of their ability to change into animals, changelings like William have a harder time controlling their emotions and, consequently, they struggle with acquiring intuitive social skills most of us learn in childhood. In William’s case this lack of understanding is especially severe. William was raised in a military school, in an almost prison-like environment. His handlers never meant for him to become a part of human society. He was supposed to be a soldier, an elite killer who killed until he died.
People are a mystery to William. He wants someone to understand him. He wants friendship, and companionship, and love, but he has no clue how he should go about getting all these things and given his life, his outlook is pessimistic. William naturally expects the worst of people. But he is also loyal and kind, and once you earn his trust, you will have a friend for life.
Writing him was difficult, but a lot of fun.
One of my favorite things about fantasy books are the villains because you are able to take so many liberties with them. Was Spider a fun character to write? Do you enjoy writing the evil parts?
Spider is a villain only to his enemies. To himself, he is a patriot who sacrifices a great deal to ensure the survival and prosperity of his country. In his own eyes, he is a hero, a true believer, and he was incredibly fun to write. He’s smart, suave, urbane, inhumanly cruel, and curious. In a sense, if Spider could have been a changeling, he would be a cat. A wicked, lethal, playful cat who walked on soft paws hiding razor sharp claws.
Do you like being able to wrap-up the Happily Ever After with your hero and heroine in this series, as compared to the ongoing sexual tension in your Kate Daniel series? Or is it more fun to torture your readers?
I wouldn’t say it’s torture. In real life relationships take time to develop; very few of us see an attractive man or woman and instantly fall for them. Most of us take time to get to know the other person, and the more lonely we are, the longer we take to trust someone because most of us are aware that we might get hurt. It would’ve been unrealistic for Kate and Curran to jump into the sack together in the first book. Both of them are cautious and both have secrets and trust issues.
While on the surface, The Edge books have a HEA, the relationships are far from finished. After all, Rose only knew Declan for a few days, and Cerise and William never had the luxury of not having to fight for their lives. It will be interesting to see how the two couples deal with everyday life.
I’ve already read a review that says William is being added to their book boyfriend list, and I know for a fact that many of my blogger friends lust after Curran. Do you think about this when you write your male leads?
Not really. I was kind of surprised when Curran got such a great following. The first time I realized it was when we had a guest appearance on RT forums. I remember trying to point out that the books had a girl in them too. I gave up when people starting asking what sort of underwear male characters wore.
Your blog is a very personable, open space where you talk not only about your writing experiences but your kids, pets and the hassles of daily life. Do you set boundaries about what you will talk about? Is it hard to keep up with your blog, website and Twitter, or do you consider it part of your day?
There are definitely boundaries. I have a very difficult temper and Gordon is the same way. Our kids have inherited all of our snarkiness, and there are times when I lose my cool and send everybody to their rooms with a huge lecture that can probably be heard by the neighbors across the street. We’re not perfect parents and our children are not perfect kids. I think that there is a price for everything. All four of us are capable writers and we pay for that creativity with terrible temperament.
We have long ago agreed as a family that nothing embarrassing or hurtful would ever be made public. This rule extends to the blog, twitter, and especially Facebook, where all of us have separate accounts. I might whine about failing as a parent in general terms, but I would never make a serious post criticizing my children or Gordon, and I know they will extend the same courtesy to me. We’re mindful of our privacy, because it is so easily lost. If you can’t trust your immediate family to have your back in public, who can you trust?
That said, the blog and Facebook are definitely a part of the job. Both Gordon and I credit the online community of readers for a lot of our success. It’s amazing how many people take time to recommend our books to their friends. We’re very grateful, and we try to release free content as much as possible as a thank you. If someone asks us a question, we try to answer. I also noticed that a lot of people depend on the blog for a quick "pick-me-up". If we don’t post for a few days, we start getting emails asking if we’re okay. So we try to keep it up.
Your covers for both of your series are beautiful. What kind of input do you have?
Minimal. We’re usually asked what we want on the covers, but we know that no matter what we say, Kate titles will have a girl and a lion. We can influence the color scheme occasionally and for MAGIC BLEEDS I really wanted snow on the cover, so I asked for it and got it.
What’s in store for 2011 from the Andrews team? Are we going to be seeing more “Edge” books? Any hints on Magic Slays? *bats eyelashes*
We’re probably looking at a June 2011 release of MAGIC SLAYS, where Kate will struggle to balance her new business and being the Pack’s female alpha. Her relationship with Curran takes an interesting turn. On one hand, they are both independent and have to adjust to sharing a life. On other hand, they’re very attracted to each other and trying to find privacy in a Keep full of shapeshifters chronically unable to mind their own business is an adventure.
As far as The Edge, we should see the release of yet untitled novel #3, which will most likely feature Kaldar and a woman who is more than capable of giving him a run for his money. We should also see a lot more of Gaston, George, Jack and Lark.
Thanks Ilona Andrews!!
Today I have THREE copies of Bayou Moon to giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment. Contest open to US/Canada only through Saturday October 2nd.
I kind of prefer the HEA endings even if the relationships still have ups and downs. The waiting on couples like Kate and Curran drives me crazy.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
Great interview and I bow down to your awesomeness Smexi for trying to get the deets on Magic Slays! Gosh I can't wait for June! I need to read the Edge series to get my Ilona Andrews fix. I love their writing!
I must admit that sometimes I really love the torture :-) I also love HEA, but the HEA that Ilona talks about. Nothing is perefect, but in the end many do have their HEA ending. Great interview.
I think if done well, the waiting is worth it. It is so much fun to be "tortured" along with your bookie friends! And in Curran's case..it was very well worth the wait :)
I'm in total agreement with Ilona regarding the HEA's needing a dose of reality- I want to be happy for characters I like, but I don't want to roll my eyes either. Ha, because I can believe people can shift into lions, but not in perfect love (does that make me a little cynical, crazy, or both?)
haha..makes perfect sense to me Bethany ;)
I enjoyed the interview very much. I like getting background information on books and authors. I can't wait to read Bayou Moon.
seriousreader at live dot com
Hooray!! Loved the interview! Don't enter me because I just finished On The Edge and have already purchased Bayou Moon. I really love that this series is a 50/50 split of PNR and UF. It's a great addition to the Kate Daniels series in that that is definitely more UF.
Fab interview Mandi. I know you know of my never ending love for Ilona Andrews. I really enjoyed how they played out Kate and Curran's love affair. It dioesn't drag nor does it come off as unreal. It is perfect!!
I love this writing team and I loved all thier books thus far. I would love to win a couple of Bayou Moon. Thank you for the opportunity.
Fabulous interview and I love your books so I'm already excited for next year releases!
Thanks for a great interview w/ Ilona and Gordon!
Wonderful interview, I a huge fan of the Kate Daniels series. I'm starting Bayou Moon today so don't enter me.
I just started On the Edge, on the recommendations of friends. I'm really loving it, and I'd love to win a copy of Bayou Moon!
I don't want my HEA to have a dose of reality. I want it all to be rainbows and unicorns! LOL!
Love this series: been recommending On the Edge to many people and very excited for the next in series.
Great interview – thanks!
katycame (at) gmail (dot) com
Love to hear from my favorite authors! It brings the stories more meaning.
I will also admit I love free books :)
ymiris (at) gmail.com
I am so excited to buy this book next week. Great interview, Mandi!!!
(Not necessary to enter me in the contest — thanks!)
I keep seeing all the great reviews for Bayou Moon and love for this author team but I have not read anything by IA yet. Thanks for the interview & contest.
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
I'm always looking for new authors to read, sounds good! tWarner419@aol.com
Great interview. I would love to read Bayou Moon.
Okay, so I'm totally kicking myself that I've yet to read this author duo. I have the books so my neglect isn't too shameful… I hope but I'm more convinced then ever that I need to get going with these two very intrigueing series. Thanks for the great interview! Count me in for Bayou Moon!
Not entering, just stopping by – awesome interview!
This is one book where I had to say "hey, the hero is great but this heroine is awesome too". Loved it!
Nice interview! About people asking about the underwear the male characters wear…okay, that's just weird! lol Don't enter me because I FINALLY got my hands on a copy today! Woot!!!
I absolutely love your Kate Daniels series – am looking forward to being introduced to your others!!
Love Ilona Andrews books. I recommend them to everyone. I even gave them to my Dad. Kate and Curran are my favorite couple because their relationship has developed over the series. I can't wait for the next Kate book.
Great interview. Love the Kate Daniels series and looking forward to reading this one.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Wonderful interview! I can't wait for Magic Slays because as much I enjoy my HEA in one book Kate and Curran's relationship is growing and changing while still being a HEA in my opinion, which is so interesting for me as the reader :)
readingamidstthechaos (at) gmail (dot) com
Great interview. I've read a few really awesome reviews about this one and I'd love a chance to win.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I haven't read the first book in the Edge series yet, but I've heard so much about Bayou Moon. I love the Kate Daniel series.
Can't wait to get started on this series and great interview!
Thanks for the interview! I just started reading Kate Daniels #4 so I'm not looking at any of those questions. I definitely would like to check out this Edge series.
nalynboni AT gmail DOT com
Awesome Interview! Looking forward to reading William's story as soon as I get my hands on it! So excited for Magic Slays too! ;-)
Loved the interview! I've been wanting to get into this series.
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Love the interview. This sounds like a great series. I'd love to win the book.
Wow. What a great review and interview. Another add to the TBR list. Thanks.
Great interview.I have both series sitting on my shelf,I just need to find the time to start them.
Thanks for the chance to win Bayou Moon
Great interview. Cant wait to read Bayou Moon (count me in for the giveaway) as well as Magic Slays.
I enjoy getting background on authors.
Have not read any of these books yet. They sound great!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
I love this series! I hope there will be a ton of more books to come!
I love this writing duo, the Kate Daniels series is my absolute favorite! I also really liked the first Edge book and can't wait to start Bayou Moon. So many books, so little time…
Great interview! I haven't yet read this author duo. but I'll have to look for some of these books!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
Loveeee Ilona and Gordon's books! Great interivew :)
I can NOT wait for Magic Slays!!! The 'interesting turn' with their relationship better be a positive one!!! :) sandytran2@gmail.com
I really enjoyed the interview. Your book sounds like it will be a very good read.
Great cover design. Now I need to read this too. Thank you for sharing and I would love to be entered.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I enjoyed the interview and I'm looking forward to reading Bayou Moon. William sounds like a really unusual character, and I think it's going to be very interesting to read his story.
I'm so looking forward to reading this. Great interview.
regoldsmith at yahoo dot com
I can't enter the giveaway but I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading this interview. It's funny that people will ask Ilona and Gordon how they're doing if they don't post on the blog for several days. I'm a huge fan of their books and I can't wait for Bayou Moon to become available here in the Philippines.
Great interview!! Thanks for that, love Ilona and Gordon's writing… I'm incredibly hooked on their stories. I have yet to pick up Bayou Moon, but read On The Edge and loved it, so I know I'll love this one as well.
I'd love to win this one. Awesome interview!!
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Thank you for a wonderful interview. You hit the nail on the head with your questions about Ilona's blog… they are so open and personable. yet, I still felt like I learned more about them from your interview. Thanks!
Great interview! I only discovered the Andrews writing team four months ago and I'm already chomping at the bit for the next Kate Daniels novel.
Is Grendel going to be in the next book? What's up with Andrea? I can't wait to find out.
Great interview! I love the pretty green cover :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I just wanted to drop by and say I love Kate Daniels books. And look forward to reading this series too. Don't count me in, I'm from Finland :)
Great interview! I have to say that while I love books that are wrapped up at the end, I prefer to have them develop over a series of books like the Kate Daniels series. I love the anticipation of not knowing what's going to happen in the next book. Whether or not the main characters will finally become a couple and the ups and downs associated with it or if they'll call it quits. (Although, they better become a couple. lol)
love both of your series. and can't wait to read this one. Love hea but can stand hfn.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot ocm
I love the way your family works together to maintain your privacy. That's really awesome.
Great interview! Love this writing team! Magic Slays can't get here soon enough!
I am always facinated by the writing process in general and in writing teams in particular. I wonder how Ilona and Gordon divide the writing between them and if they find it more or less difficult to work with their spouse as their writing partner as opposed to a non-spouse partner or writing solo.
Enjoyed the interview! The books from the two series have all had such great covers. Looking forward to reading this book.
I enjoy happily ever afters that don't happen in just one book, but over the course of a series because I really enjoy watching the ups and downs between the hero and heroine.
My favorite cover of yours is definitely the one for On the Edge.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
I love Ilona Andrews books. I agree that the HEA works well with the Edge books, but the tension between Kate and Curran had to develop before they could start a relationship which is still not guaranteed a HEA. I cannot wait to read Bayou Moon and Magic Slays in June.
Thanks for the giveaway.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
This book looks awesome and I know it is because I love all of their work :)
Great interview! I love the Kate Daniels series but I haven't tried On the Edg yet but it's definitely on my TBR pile!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
Buenas!Me gustaria comentar que todo lo que comentas es veridico.
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