Must Love Kilts by Allie Mackay
Historical Romance (Time Travel)
January 4, 2011
Paperback, 352 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Margo Menlove lives for everything Scottish. When she happens upon a book detailing the life of Magnus MacBride she is determined to find out everything she can about this highland hero. A chance winning of a trip to Scotland is a dream come true but the trip proves to be disappointing as Margo is fast tracked through the tour. When a walk through town transports Margo back in time she awakens to find herself in the middle of Magnus fighting for his life.
Magus MacBride has vowed vengeance against the viking who stole the life of his soon to be bride. As he travels the coast striking down all those involved, Magnus dreams of a woman who inspires the greatest of passions in him. But Magnus has vowed no woman will turn him from his commitment. But when Margo appears to him, he loses himself in her beauty and soon finds that love can conquer all.
I have to be honest and say I did not care for this story. Must Love Kilts has a fantastic premise-Scottish obsessed heroine travels back in time to meet her very own smexy highlander. But the build up to the premise bogs the story down and by the time Margo actually gets to Magnus I was ready to close the book.
The first half of the book is spent building up Margo’s character which I found to be insipid and boring. All she talks about is Scotland and gives us an oral thesis on each piece of furniture and or item of clothing she owns that is Scottish. Including where she bought it from. Once she arrives in Scotland, her disappointment over the tour becomes 20 pages of repetitious monochromatic dialogue. Some scenes have a faint humorous undertone but they don’t flesh out and fall flat.
Magnus comes across a bit more developed and I found his character to be more reflective of the synopsis. The visual descriptions are plentiful; he is a smexy highlander without a doubt.
Once our hero and heroine meet the story picks up in speed as the romance begins to develop. I truly feel if the hero and heroine had met earlier the book would have been more impacting. As it is, they meet late and the story rushes to wrap everything up. I don’t feel the chemistry between our characters. They act as though they have known each other for years. Plus, these two characters that are suppose to be passionate and full of life but they lack intensity in this matter.
The secondary characters are interesting and personable but their scenes are inserted randomly; at times I had to reread to see whom was speaking. One character who I felt was underutilized was Margo’s enemy from her time that corresponds to an enemy in the past. So much of the plot based on them and yet they are more annoying them anything.
All in all a very light highlander romance that only skims the surface of it’s potential.
Rating: D
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Book Binge – 3.5/5
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Shame that it didn't work (the first half does sound like a bit of self-indulgence from someone who loves all things Scottish) but yeah, I'd say the title is pretty right on. Who doesn't love a man in a kilt?
Tam- Yes, very pretty cover. :)
The title of this book sends me into a giggle fit. Sorry it didn't work for you, Tori!
Smash Attack!- Yes, the title is hilarious.:)
You explain so well why this doesn't work for you..and it wouldn't work for me…:)
Bummer I was looking for another Scottish/Highlander romance. I'll just have to re-read KMM's highlander series to tide me over.
Nice review T.
Mandi- *MUAH*
Smokinhotbooks-Sorry sweetie.
I am so picky today, why is he called Magnus…I thought he was some kind of Scottish Viking
I giggled at heroine's last name of – "menlove" ;)
Blodeuedd-He's a Scottish clan chief. He fights the vikings.
Mandi-*giggle* I did too. So telling.
I've started back into highlander romances again, but between this review and the boat on the cover *ugh*, I'll probably pass. Thanks for the review!
But, but…how can you not love a book with a cover like that. :) Nice review Tori.
Thanks for making it through to report back! It's a shame it didn't work out better, I think the time travel concept could have been really good.