Magic Slays (Kate Daniels #5) by Ilona Andrews
Urban Fantasy
May 31, 2011
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “I wanted love or nothing.”
Note: Spoilers from the previous book in the series, Magic Bleeds
Towards the end of Magic Bleeds, Kate makes some life altering decisions. She abruptly quits the Order, publicly accepts Curran as her mate, and defeats her Aunt Erra in a climatic battle that leaves Curran comatose for 11 days and her fighting for her life to stay as Curran’s mate.
I am a huge fan of the duo writing team- Ilona Andrews. I find their style of writing addictive and I await their new releases with barely concealed impatience. Their Kate Daniels series is the perfect balance of power and vulnerability. We are not over burdened with emotional angst or ridiculous unbelievable feats. Plot action and ripe tension is tempered with snarky humor and everyday life.
A character driven series, we share an intimate connection with Kate Daniels. Her pain, her sorrow, and her triumphs are also ours. It has been a thrilling ride as we have watched her grow from a solitary lonely figure to having friends, family, and a lover. Her personality shines through more and more with each book. She is still scared but she is learning how to trust in herself and others. The world building stays fresh and exciting with constant evolution as we travel through an alternative magical version of Atlanta, GA.
If Magic Bleeds was the turning point for the series, then Magic Slays is the reassurance and comfort we need afterwords. It’s a heartfelt somewhat emotional book that doesn’t guarantee everything will be fine but it does give us hope towards the future. Here we see the results of everything that happened in Magic Bleeds. Kate has thrown off the shackles of silence that Voron and Greg imposed upon her. She has unintentionally collected allies and friends who will stand with her when Roland comes for her. We also get a deeper more intimate view of her and Curran’s relationship. It’s not the main focus of the series, but it is a huge part of it. The plot and romance blend so effortlessly your often not sure where one starts and the other ends. I enjoy the dynamics of their relationship and the subtle challenges that are presented to Curran and Kate. Curran admits he is not quite human and more dominant then most; but he tries so hard for Kate. Kate is still unsure of how to proceed in this relationship but she makes remarkable advancements. I enjoy the fact that Kate is given a life and emotional relationships with others separate from Curran. We see evidence of this with Bran from Magic Burns. It gives a sense of realism to the storyline. There are quite a few humorous scenes as we watch Curran try so hard not to snatch Kate up, surround her with bubble wrap, and hide her in the tower.
“You can’t tell me what to do.”
“Yes I can. Listen, this is me telling you what you will not do.”
I raised the cookbook and tapped him on the nose. Bad cat.
They are both still try to operate independently of each other; each trying to assert their dominance and control. Yet, there are some very sweet moments that have you sighing with pure pleasure and assure us that these two have a very good chance at making it.
Our cast of supporting characters are still as vivid and dynamic as ever. Each one fully capable of having their own story. I like that each have distinct,separate personalities; ensuring they are never overwhelmed by our protagonists. Andrea has come back into Kate’s life. She has had a hard time of it between Magic Bleeds and Magic Slays but has held her own brilliantly. She and Kate work well together on paper and I found myself laughing out loud at their bantering dialogue.
“This is the hand I slapped Aunt B with.”
“Maybe you should have it gold plated.”
“Here, you can touch it, since your my best friend.”
“Are you sure you even know where your going?”
“Would you like me to pull over and ask that bamboo for directions?”
“I don’t know. Do you think it will answer?”
“I think it looks suspicious.”
“Maybe there is a heffalump hiding in it.”“Where do you even get this shit?”
Derek is still Kate’s protective boy wonder and Grendel’s love of all things Kate is still alive and well. I love Grendel.
The main conflict of the story is a whirlwind of intrigue, tension, and action as Kate is charged with locating an inventor who has built the ultimate doomsday machine. A machine that can absorb magic; effectively killing all those who possess it. Multiple subplots intertwine through out the main conflict, giving us more clues to Kate’s history and future.
Kate’s investigation leads her back to the witches who in turn not only help her with her case but give her some background information regarding her mother and Voron. Kate is disheartened by the revelations but not surprised. I was a little confused about the revelations because of information we received in the earlier books. But I’m thinking that this will become a case of the old saying, “There are 3 sides to every story. Your side, their side, and the truth.”
While the villains in here aren’t as visible as previous books- their still a force to be reckoned with. A series of events set in motion by their inhumane actions send Kate over the edge and into doing something that guarantees the final confrontational battle is coming soon.
The conclusion is heart stopping as Kate fights to secure Atlanta’s survival in a dramatic finale that left me satisfied but ready for book 6. Ilona Andrews once again hits a game winning home run with Magic Slays. As I stated in the beginning, I am a huge fan of this series and will continue to recommend them to anyone who will listen to me. I want to add that I do not feel these stand alone. You really need to start with the first in the series-Magic Bites or you lose out on the overall arc advancement and character development that makes this series so unique.
Rating: A
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I LOVE this series! Can’t wait for next week. So nobody major dies in this one, right? I’m not sure I can handle another one of those books! ;-)
Seriously, Kate and Curran make my day. This is another case where the story still goes on even when the main couple is together. I love reading the moments where they know they are in love and are trying to make it work. *sighs* I love me some Kate and Curran!!
How many books are in the series? Is the final confronation coming in the next book or do we have awhile before we get there?
As far as I know there are 7 books in the series. There have been no clues given about the 6th book but in here you get a feel for what is coming. Kate & Curran are my couple of the year.
This book is awesome. I think it might be my favorite of the series (of course I say that with each consecutive book)
They just write the best characters, and the most interesting world. Kate Daniels is my favorite UF heroine – so honest with herself and others. Her insecurities mixed with her confidence defending those she loves is so much fun to read about.
I also love how Kate and Curran’s relationship progress in this one. There is a moment towards the end – that just seals the deal for me and this couple. Love where they are headed.
Great review Tori – you sum it all up so well :)
Thank you. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I love this series so much. Tried really hard not to spill everything. lol
My heart is racing very fast reading this. I can’t wait to get this is my hands. Awesome review!
PAM!!!! You are gonna love this one girl. Hopefully you savor it and don’t read it in an hr. :(
Ooo I have been wanting to read this book, how could I forget it? I totally love this series. Do you also read the Elantra series by Michelle West? Awesome as well.
It’s my fav series evah! Yes, I have read the first 2 of the Elanta series. Need to get book 3.
Great review Tori!! This is my all time favorite series (by far) and I am anxiously awaiting this book. I think it might be time to start stalking the bookstores!
Thank you. Yes. Commence to stalking. lol
Oh man, Tori, I’ve not been one for UF, but I read your reviews and I think I’m missing something major! Sounds like a “wow” series. Great review-I could really feel the love!
This series has everything you could want. Action, mystery suspense, magic,humor, and romance. I recommend them to everyone. I have actually bought 3 sets of the books because I keep wearing them out doing re reads.
I LOVED this book. My heart was racing just reading your review. This was a fiver for me. Great review Tori!
SQUEEEEE!!! Mandi loved too. I can’t WAIT for book 6.
Thank you. You made my year.
Thank you for stopping by!! *fangirl squeeee*
I’ve been hearing great things about this series for a while. Looking forward to starting it from the begining. Great review Tori…you have me even more excited :) Yay!!!
Thank you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)
Fabulous review! This is my favorite UF series to boot! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book. :)
Thank you!
Thanks for the review I am dying to read this book. I can’t get enough of this series!
Me neither!
Great Review! Though I’m a lil confused how everyone but me has a copy! lol. I’m trolling through amazon discussion looking for some hints (ok, ok spoilers, lol) and I see a ZILLION ppl have this book already! UGH! LOVED the snipped w Andrea and Kate talking about her ‘hand’ – and isn’t that just a prime example of the witty repartee that Ilona Andrews is known for? Love this series, this author and now this site! Will definitely be coming back.
I was very lucky to get my copy and will now have it bronzed. :P
Great review! I think I sort of wish I’d started with a later book in the series if only because my caring about Kate didn’t really kick in until around book three, but I love the quotes you picked and I definitely loved this book.
Thanks for linking to my review! :)
Great review!
Can’t wait to get my hands on it. But I think I will be strong and save it for the weekend so I can read it without any interruptions.
Awesome review Tori!! I’m soooo friggin excited for Tuesday!
Thank you for wonderful review, I posted it on my facebook, with the smexy Mark Ruffalo and his hairy chest.
*giggles* Glad you included Ruffalo and his hairy chest ;)
I, Mandi, and Mark thank you. :)
Fantastic review, now I am even more excited to get my hands on it. I didn’t think that was possible. LOL
Great Review Tori. I never had an image of Curran in my head till she mentioned shaving Thor’s hair (Chris Hemsworth) Hubba, hubba Fanning myself because it got hot all of a sudden.
Excellent review! Ilona and Gordon are in the upper echelon of UF writers for me, they just keep get better and better, and just delivered…my copy of Magic Slays!!! :)
That is, the mailman delivered it, not Ilona and Gordon. :)
I still got book 4 to read, shame on me! I really should get a move on with that
This is going to shock you, but I haven’t read any of the Ilona Andrews books yet. I know, me, not read a popular series yet? Impossible! Sigh. I’m horribly behind. This is yet another that’s on my list. I’m slowly but surely catching up. I’m taking half the summer off from school, but I’m going to Italy… Bringing my kindle, but I don’t think hubs will appreciate my having my nose shoved in a book while we’re on our honeymoon (oh well – I gots books to read!)
Anyway. Great review. You’re seriously making me want to forego the rest of the books on my list and skip this series ahead! Looks really awesome! :)
I officially did NOT read this review! Thanks for the warning for spoilers! Like I told you on Twitter I am planning on reading the first book in this series in the next couple weeks. I’m very excited to start it because, like you said, I’ve heard it’s like crack where you just can’t get enough and keep coming back for me. :-D I’m excited.
*waves at Mark Ruffalo’s EPIC Hairy Chest*
His hairy chest waves back ;)
Brilliant review. I can’t wait for this book :D
I actually found these books by accident. Now I have read the first four at least 6 times. Cannot wait until May 31st.
I also keep referring people to this series. I have gotten at least four of my close friends to read this series.