Note: There are Game of Thrones spoilers in #5 (from last week’s episode), if you are not current with the TV Series/book.
10. My Week – School is out. Summer vacation is starting. The “I’m bored” is in full swing. No, I’m happy my kids are home! We have a fun summer planned of a lot of nothing, and a little beach and science camp. I’m ready!
9. Last week I mentioned Don’t Call Her Angel – and I gobbled it up this week. It is a dark erotic novella. Rasul, originally from Jerusalem is strict, stern, paranoid with ocd tendencies and has found the love of his life with Emily. Emily on the outside looks like a little Southern bell, but she suffered sexual abuse when young, and that has shaped who she is sexually as an adult. Although Rasul is extremely possessive, he knows Emily wants another man for a night as a gift, and he wants to give that to her. He wants to show this man and tell this man how to please his wife. Luckily, Emily meets Jeremy at the bar she works in and they have developed a friendship. Jeremy is a more low-key, average dude and although Rasul kind of scares the crap out of him, he can’t pass up a night with Emily.
I love that although this is an erotic book filled with intense love scenes, we also get amazing characters. I think Emily is my favorite in this book. She is not super smart, noting that current events, politics etc… go over her head. She loves the feeling of being weak beneath Rasul, although always in control, never allowing herself to feel that way in any other situation. She likes “doing wrong” in bed. It turns her on. Rasul is very in control all the time. It is hard for him to even let Emily leave the house twice a week to work at a bar. He must check the locks obsessively. And he is rough in bed. Bringing Jeremy in for the night works very well and I love the dynamic when he enters the bedroom.
This book is erotic, but really offers a glimpse at two very different characters. I give this one a B+. Ellora’s Cave
8. I just bought this book based on a review at Dear Author. It involves infidelity. Are we yay or nay with the infidelity? I’m not sure. I’ll report back to you next week. This does involve a tattoo artist – Smexy is definitely yay with that ;)
7. Jeaniene Frost is doing a spinoff series for one of my favorite characters of her Night Huntress series, Vlad. She recently announced on her blog, Vlad’s series will be titled, Night Prince. In her words:
Okay, why “Night Prince”? For one, the word “Night” will – hopefully – let readers know at a glance that these stories are set in the same world as my Night Huntress series and Night Huntress World novels. Second, contrary to the most popular fictional rendering of Vlad the Impaler, he was not a Count. He was essentially a Prince of Wallachia during his reign (Wallachia now being part of modern-day Romania). So there you have the Prince part of the series title.
Set to release spring of 2012, closely followed by another Cat and Bones book. Woo and hoo. For all the info, read her blog post here.
6. In Ava March news, she has a trilogy coming out with Carina Press next spring! Releasing back to back to back starting in April 2012. I’m so excited. Her blurb for the series:
Regency London – where polite manners and spotless reputations reign supreme. Yet behind the closed doors of three elegant town houses along Brook Street, passion and lust reign as gentlemen dare to risk scandal by falling in love…
In Thief, a lord intent on his first decadent night with a man finds love when he picks up a thief in a gambling hell. In Fortune Hunter, a man determined to gain a fortune by marrying an heiress instead falls in love with an obscenely wealthy young gentleman. And in Rogues, two of London’s most notorious rakehells discover if their friendship can withstand the test of turning into something so much more.
Also, I’m so excited for her upcoming release, Convincing Leopold. Convincing Arthur, (where we first meet these characters) was the very first Ava March book I read so it holds a special place in my heart. Out June 28th.
5. Victoria Dahl has a new trilogy – The Donovan Brothers Brewery series, out this fall, starting with Good Girls Don’t. (Followed by Bad Boys Do and Real Men Will). I love her books – funny and soooo smexy. Very excited to start this series!
5. Moob Update: You guys. YOU GUYS. George R.R. Martin might be the meanest author ever to write a book. My boyfriend, my savage lover has a sick moobie! See – he was fighting and next thing you know he had a gash from a sword on his moob. But it’s my mighty Khal. Just a wee gash that is all. Well that gash didn’t heal. *sob* and it started to fester *sob* and then a fever started *SOB* I don’t think this is going to have a happy ending. He is currently in a tent with some freakish witch who is performing blood magic on him.
Of all the ways he could die, he is going down with an INJURED MOOBIE? Death by festered moob!!!! Really? Cruel George Martin! CRUEL! And don’t even get me started on Ned’s fate. Seriously? I’m not sure my little romance heart can take this. The final episode of the season is this Sunday.
Hold me.
3. As if I don’t have enough stress in my life with Game of Thrones, The Killing is also wrapping up its first season. LOVE this show. Is anyone watching? They have tricked me so many times this season, I don’t know what to think! The final episode airs this Sunday. Last week, when that email chimed in you know whose office – I got the chills. I don’t think he is guilty of murder, but zomg. So this Sunday is a big night in the Smexy household with both Game of Thrones and The Killing ending. I’m stressed! *hugs box of wine*
ps – I would love if Detective Holder would show us what is underneath that hoodie. Just once this season! A girl isn’t asking for much here. ;)
2. Ladies – we all love a man in a kilt, yes? But who actually has a kilt laying around the house for your man to put on? I have the solution. The Kilt Beach Towel. Hubba Hubba. Don’t even get me started on the lovely belt and tassel accents. *dies* (Thanks to the awesome Karra for tweeting this!)
1. This weekend my BIL and SIL from NC are coming up for a visit. Last year I got my SIL hooked on JR Ward’s BDB series and now she is obsessed :) So we have lots to talk about. I’m reading Sea Change by Darlene Marshall – an adventure at sea. Loved The Bride and the Buccaneer last year..excited for this one.
OMG the kilt towel!! *dies* That is awesome!!
I can’t wait for both the Jeaniene Frost AND Victoria Dahl new series! WHOOT.
PS: Cherise Sinclair had a new release today. I don’t know if it has BDSM stuff in it. BUT it seems she has branched out into paranormal. I’ll let you know how it is! back with the Sinclair!! Looking forward to it!
Instead of injured moobie, I thought mutated moobie. You so know what’s going to happen to the moobie, don’t you?
*sobbing* I do. I do.
Yes I am afraid poor Ned died pretty soon, but that is how evil Martin likes it.
Oh injured moobie o_O Damm, I need to watch the latest eps.
Anyway I have read until book 2 so my lips are sealed
I just downloaded book 2 to my Kindle. I need to know what happens next!
I think the best advice I give people watching the Game of Thrones series is…don’t get too attached to ANY character. I’ve never seen an author kill so many main characters.
I think it’s safe to consider that they will all be killed of sooner or later. =P
I was warned – but poor little is so use to the HEA. But the show/book is so damn good, I’m definitely reading book 2!
I’ve been hearing about Game of Thrones and intend on doing a marathon catch up this weekend! I can’t wait!
The Killing, oh I love this show so much. I need to know who killed Rosie. Det. Holder, don’t even get me started on him, I wanna bundle him up in my hoodie!
His hoodie is so big, I think we can both fit under it, with him. Good plan? :)
Jason Momoa–the actor who plays Khal (pant, pant) is also plays Conan in the upcoming film. What a hottie! He is definitely drool worthy!
zomg I know! I want to see it at the IMAX I see his hotness on the massive screen! :)
Oh, poor festering moobie!!! I’m holding onto hope that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for the moobie, but I have a feeling it won’t end well :(
I’m on the infidelity fence. It can work, and I’ve read a couple that worked really well, but it usually ends up with me ticked at the bastard who cheated. Oh, and tattoos = yum!!!
The poor, poor moobie. It’s not looking good Ava..not good at all.
I’ve started AJ’s Angel – The infidelity happened before the book started..nowt hey are reunited…good so far
I have read a Game of Thrones for the first 4 books, meaning 1, 2, 3a and 3b. Got stuck then, and it has been so long ago, I have really no idea who Khal is. But I do plan on watching the show once I can download the whole season.
That towel is great! Mu boyfriend is adamantly refusing to wear a kilt, although he knows how I love ogling men in kilts (yes, I see lots of them in fantasy fairs or a few weeks ago at the Highland Games). But this towel, mmm, where can I order one?
I love going to the Scottish weekend at the Renn Fest! If you click on link in the blurb, it will take you to the site.
We’ve already dealt with the Khal drama. :( I really wanna read the book though! Not sure Cara’s book is for me. Can’t wait to check out LA Witt. As for The Killing-yes. I have been following. I think I’m 2 epi behind. They sure are keeping me guessing. Don’t know what it is about Holder-but I think he needs a shower pretty soon. :)
I’ll give Holder a shower. Just sayin’ ;)
…next thing you know he had a gash from a sword on his moob.
There are so many possible responses to this line, I don’t even know where to begin!!
I just downloaded AJ’s Angel because you did! :p can’t wait to read it
I’m about 50% far pretty good…the infidelity happens prior to the book starting…so I like that. Let me know how you like it!
For those who saw last week’s Thrones episode, there were sounds coming out of that tent that were something else! I hope our hottie ends up OK but it sounds like he may end up being a dragon they talk about so often!
Soooo…I read the last part of the book – and I assume they will follow it since they did an excellent job following everything else in the book
*lips are sealed* but zomg! We must talk next week!
I feel for you for the kids and I’m bored
also addcited to the killing too. I so understand the moobie LOL
Oh good..everyone needs a little moob in their life ;)
Dear, dear, dear. Moobs?
*shakes head*
Where I come from, moobs/manboobs are flabby, pasty mounds of flesh attached to a man’s torso and nowhere NEAR as fine as mantitty.
I wouldn’t turn my nose up at mantitty, but the word ‘moobs’ makes me think of…well, you can guess. And it ain’t pretty.
The male chesticle just isn’t attractive where I come from. :(
I believe 99% of the moobs in the world are those you describe. I shall cling to the firm, sexy ones! LOL
Oh my sweet Khal :sobs uncontrolably: dudes, he better live or I must stop watching this show and will just replay the tent scene.
I think we better buy the DVDs KC
Too bad I don’t have time to order that kilt beach towel for Father’s Day. ^_^
HA! That would be a funny fathers day gift ;)
Kahl…..and you completely fair to mention the guyliner cause you are too busy looking at his chest….tsk tsk tsk
The Killing? Now I can ALWAYS figure out who the killer is and I have NO idea on this show. I’m not sure if that’s because of good writing or serious misdirection but my money is on Gwen Eaton cause she caught Rosie with Richmond.
It has to be one of the characters we’ve seen every week.
I think it has to be Gwen or the male campaign assistant…Definitely has to be someone we see every week. Can’t wait to find out!
I’m going to miss those moobs. *sobs* I might have to get a season pass to the theatre to go with my sudden interest in Conan.
I told hubs I wondered if any of the characters in book 1 are still alive by book 4. Sounds like maybe not…
Can’t wait for the next Victoria Dahl books – I love her writing!
Many have said by book 4 there are not many left :( Do I dare read ahead? I think I have to.
I agree, George R.R. Martin is the meanest author ever!! Last weeks episode killed me, first Khal, then Ned. I don’t know if my HEA lovin’ heart can take any more. I was practically in tears after seeing little Arya’s face. I hate that little sh*t Geoffry! Ihope Martin decides to off him, his mom AND his uncle-daddy!! Seriously, if he kills off my Khal, I don’t think I’ll be able to watch GoT anymore :(
Thanx for the Jeaniene Frost spinoff update, I hadn’t heard. Squee!! Love that series.
Oh man..we are going to have to talk next week. I’ll try to do a wrap up post. *sniffle* That little Joffrey dude must go down!! I do love that Robb has Jamie Lannister captured. YES!!!
I too like the look of AJ’s Angel – Sarah and her reviews hook me every time. It was she who convinced me to try Heidi Cullinan’s Special Delivery, and that book blew me awway!
Of all the ways he could die, he is going down with an INJURED MOOBIE?
*tries very hard not to laugh* (((Mandi)))
Found out this week NZ is one of the few countries in the world NOT to purchase GOT! I mean, seriously? *heads desk*
And that Ava March trilogy sounds amazing!
I love Sarah’s reviews too…my kindle is very full because of her! :)
How dare NZ not purchase GoT! They need to get their act together! ;)
For more Khal… *sob*
I will miss him so so so so so so soo much!