10. My Week – it snowed. Boo. Then it all melted. Yay. Riveting, yes?
9. Based on recs from both Brie and Helyce, I read Fallen From Grace by Laura Leone. It didn’t take much persuasion – once they uttered the phrase “male prostitute,” I was in. I enjoyed this book. Ryan was saved off the streets by a woman who then turned him into a high class “escort.” He meets his new neighbor Sara, after being a prostitute for many years. This book has many warm, funny moments, but also some very painful moments when Ryan finally admits to his profession. At times the heroine annoyed me and I think Ryan’s excuse for not being able to leave the prostitute lifestyle behind was a little weak, but overall I really enjoyed this one. Goodreads, Amazon.
8. As you know, I read Broken about two weeks ago and it amazed me. Also devastated me. (Which I loved). So now I’m keeping an eye out on Megan Hart’s new releases *grins* The Space Between Us is her next Spice release. I can’t find a release date, although I think it is coming out later this year. (I also saw on her site that Joe and Sadie (from Broken) make an appearance. squeak.)
This week, I felt recovered enough from Broken to go onto Dirty. OMG. I loved Elle and Dan so much. It wasn’t quite as painful to read as Broken but still so emotional. SO well done. I adore her voice. I’m moving onto Stranger next week. Woo and Hoo!
7. Audible is having a big sale through February 14th of many first books in popular series. The sale books are priced at only $4.95! I stocked up big time. One of the books I purchased was Storm Front by Jim Butcher, book one in his Dresden Files series. I’ve been wanting to read this book forever!! Every time a new release comes out I see SO many tweets about how amazing his books are. So I popped in the ear buds this week and I can’t tell you how much I’m loving this book. My house has never been so clean!! (I listen to audio books as I clean my house, do laundry etc..). The narrator is James Marsters, who was Spike on Buffy (right? I still haven’t watched Buffy. *hides*) Anyway, I LOVE his voice.
There is a really good selection of romance books available at the sale. Go HERE to see them.
6. Thea Harrison announced her fifth Elders Races book will be titled Lord’s Fall and Dragos and Pia will return to the protagonists. Hooray! I love it when author’s revisit characters. So excited. Lord’s Fall releases November 6th. Before that, book 4, Oracle’s Moon comes out March 6th. I got a sneak peek at this one and enjoyed the Djinn hero Khalil and the oracle heroine, Grace.
5. Are you an Avon Addict? Avon is on the search for romance readers that know their romance trivia! In their words:
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4. Being online a lot *ahem* I run into a lot of great book deals. I tweet them, but I’ve also been getting into the habit of posting them on our Smexy Books Page. So if you have “liked” us yes, here is the link. I sometimes post hot men pictures there too. Why not? *grins*

3. I know we’ve all seen it. During the Superbowl and probably all this week. But damn. I can’t call this a “Smexy Top Ten” without posting David Beckham’s H&M ad. Can we all just take a moment to admire the tatts, the tight booty, the scruff. Hot damn, David Beckham. Hot damn.

2. Thanks to Nat and The Order of the Smut Vixens, I was introduced to male pole dancing. Damn. First of all, this must take some strength! Hot abs do not hurt either. I think it is so graceful too. Here is another one: (And they are both PG)

1. That’s true love y’all!! The Walking Dead comes back on Sunday. Squeak! I also need to watch this week’s Downton Abbey and Shameless! I’m so behind! Happy Friday!!!
That male pole dancing is crazy! I wonder if those guys have gymnastics experience…
ummm Beckhan…. *drool*
Isn’t crazy?
Wow! Without a doubt, the best top ten, IMO! We gotta find a place that has male pole dancing! That was just all kinds of HOT! So glad you enjoyed Fallen From Grace and Dirty! And now, you’ve met Jack. He has a secondary role in Stranger, but I totally love him! I hope you’ll enjoy it, but it’s different-for sure. I need to figure out if I can listen to books on my droid. I’m so tech-stupid! :( I might just clean my house if I could listen to a good book! Have a good weekend! I might just have to watch those vids again! What????
Oh Jack..OH JACK. Just the little bit I saw of him in Dirty, I want him. Oh yes. So glad he makes an appearance in Stranger!!!
Wow! Redz hearts Male Pole Dancin’!! That is mesmerizing! Quick…Where can we start a petition to enter “Male Pole Dancing” as an Olympic sport?!?! I’d actually watch the Olympics if this was one of the events :)
Mandi – if you find a club that has this in our neck of the woods you MUST let me know :D
LOL…If I find one, we will meet up there!
I could watch the David Beckham ad every day and never get sick of it. *Mesmerized*
True words
Maybe I’m a dumb-dumb but can I get some help with Audible.com? I used your link to check out the $4.95 sale but when I click on Storm Front the only options I see are $7.49 or $27.99 :(.
Maybe you have to have an acct…before I logged in it showed full price, but once I signed in it dropped to $4.95.
Who won the Darynda Jones constest??!! Been checking all day. :)
I think the post goes up tonight at 9ish. I’ve emailed the winner
Holy hell, my insides just gooed and exploded. So awesome. Can this be a category in So You Think You Can Dance? Cause I’d fall back into the fold for that. Did you see those abs?!
And I hadn’t seen the David Beckham commercial since I don’t rightly watch the game, so I had no idea. But. Oh. My. God. The man was hot to me for the first time. I don’t even. He’s aging damn well.
I…should find a bucket to catch this drool, huh?
Becks and hot male pole dancers. My insides are goo too!!!
I’m glad you finally saw the Becks commercial. So fine.
I was just wondering when the hell the zombie apocalypse was coming back! WOOT. Sunday! Thanks Mandi!
Yay! Sooooo ready.
Woohoo on the Thea Harrison news! I can’t wait for another round of Pia and Dragos :-)
So excited!
Male pole dancing? Lol, now that I wanna watch
I know, right?
Hooray for the gift that keeps on giving! Did Bells show you the Kylie video with the male dancers? I damn near had a stroke when I found it. *swoon*
I saw it! I love it. omg.
Those pole dancers are amazing!! I need to start going to some male strip clubs, so I can watch dudes spinning on a pole ;) Though I do wonder how they manage not to land on their heads. They’re just hanging there, upside down, slowly spinning. You’d think gravity would kick in at some point.
The sad thing is – I’ve been to a male strip club and those boys wouldn’t last 5 seconds on a pole. *giggle*
You’re giving The Dresden Files a try? Awesome! I love those books. James Marsters does a great job of narrating the series. I saw that Audible sale too and snatched up quite a few books. I love sales. ;)