10. Put ‘em up!! And proceed carefully through this top ten. (PS – the very top of this picture could be a dangly? A shadow? Probably best not to look too close) (Source – awesome tumblr, nsfw)
9. JR Ward is putting up daily quotes from Lover Reborn (out 3/27) on her Facebook. Her latest:
As everything went dark, Vishous dematerialized on top of the guy, taking him down and grinding his face into the tile. “I’m going to kill you now-“
“No,” Wrath ordered. “Not until we know what’s going on.”
In the shadows, V grit his teeth and glared at the king. But at least he didn’t hit the trigger. Instead, he put his mouth to their host’s ear and growled, “You better think twice before you go for any exits again.”
“Then do it yourself.” This came out as, “Vhen do ith y’selth.”
-Lover Reborn, pg. 323
Oh Vishous. *bites lip* I know I’ve been talking about this book since, oh, this time last year. But I seriously can’t wait. I love these BDB boys.
8. Kresley Cole has revealed the cover to her new YA book, Poison Princess. Per this article:
The tale follows 16-year-old Evangeline “Evie” Greene. After a year of dark hallucinations, her Louisiana town is destroyed—just the way her visions predicted! With the help of the town’s Bayou bad boy, Jack, Evie discovers a group of teens sharing special powers and an ancient prophecy that leads to the ultimate battle of good versus evil.
Poison Princess releases in October. Go HERE to read an excerpt. I’m more excited for Shadow’s Claim, her IAD spinoff about the Dacian vampires, who we met in Lothaire’s book. Shadow’s Claim comes out in November.
7. In case you missed it, Ilona Andrews put the Hot Tub Scene from Magic Strikes up on their blog in CURRAN’S POV. Oh baby baby. Quick peek:
I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me. Bare skin. She wasn’t wearing anything. I kissed her again, my tongue probing her mouth. She put her arms around my neck. Her breasts pressed against my chest. Mmmm. I brushed her hair off her neck with one hand and kissed the delicate curve of her throat, cupped her tight little butt, and pulled her against my body. I was almost painfully aware that she was sitting astride my erection.
Go HERE to read the whole thing. Smexy likes.
6. I finished At Your Pleasure (out 3/27) last night. “A” read for me. I will put a review up for it late next week. SO good. And as I’ve been saying on Twitter and GR, Adrian the hero is pretty much the villain throughout the story and he has the perfect match in his heroine. I can’t say enough good things about this book!
If you are unfamiliar with Meredith Duran’s work, currently Duke of Shadows and A Lady’s Lesson in Scandal (review) are $3.99 on Kindle. I enjoyed both! All of her books are total stand alones too.
5. So y’all probably know I was NOT happy with how the last two Chicagoland Vampire books by Chloe Neill turned out Because I adore the beginning books in this series, I’m giving it one more shot with Biting Cold. We are off to a good start with the teaser Chole Neill just posted. I’m putting it under spoiler tag in case you haven’t read the last book. I don’t want anyone yelling at me!
“Lock it,” Ethan directed, and I closed and locked the door behind us, my heart thudding in anticipation.
When I turned around again, he was pulling his half-buttoned shirt over his head, and his shoes were gone. His Cadogan medal hung just above the scar that puckered his chest—the mark he bore from taking Celina’s stake.
“Ready when you are, Sentinel.”
That’s much more like it. Now as long as the other thing with you know who gets resolved, all will be well in my world. Releases Aug 27.
4. Hunger Games is out next week! Before you see the movie, go to this site to get your official Hunger Games name and method of death. LOL. It’s cute.
My name is Myrtle Bogsworth from District 5, and I was killed with a nunchaku. Well damn, that is a hard way to die. POOR MYRTLE! I do think Myrtle is a good name for me though. LOL
3. Dear Jensen Ackles and the crazy people at Peta. I approve this message. Love, Smexy.
I was even threatened on Twitter by Jen from Red Hot Books if I didn’t post this. Mandi, If you don’t find a place for this in the Top 10, you’re not the woman I think you are Oh..a challenge. I hope I passed.
2. My Pinterest these days consists of Hot Men, Smutty Kisses, and Cocktail recipes. I really can’t think of any other topic that interests me. What?
With the weather getting warmer here, I saw Fiction Vixen (she has a “Shameless love of Cowboys Board *gulp*) post a recipe for Strawberry Peach Vodka Collins Popsicles. O-O <—- what my eyes look like. And hey, it has pureed strawberries in them. Totally healthy! Recipe HERE.
1. This isn’t my cat but pretty sure a requirement for my next cat will be that it has a dong on it’s face. (Source). And on that note, Happy Friday. Have a fun St. Patty’s day tomorrow! Read some good books too!
Mde bf look, well I had to share Jensen with someone ;) he was not amused
Lamest Hunger games name ever!
Huggle Labradoodle
And I am a klutz
You were killed by stepping on an alligator.
LOL…I can’t imagine WHY your BF didn’t like the Ackles photo. I mean really!
I like your name…LOLOL
Great top ten Mandi!! Wanted to share my Hunger Games name:
Mugwort Overdeen from District 11. I was killed ingesting poison…. No bueno!!
Happy Reading this weekend! What are you looking forward to?
I’m going to read Beth Kery’s new Harlequin – Claiming Colleen. And then I’m not sure! Maybe that viking angel vampire Sandra Hill book :)
Great top 10 Mandi! *fanning myself*
LOVE the dong cat. I LOLOL so hard when I saw it on Pinterest.
Yes, PETA gains all my love for that poster. :)
Biting Cold better deliver or else. That’s all I’m, saying.
Can’t go wrong with dong cat
I’m nervous about Biting Cold already! *flails*
*looks at the first pic* In the immortal words of Mr. George Tekai, “Oh my!”
Shame on me for not knowing that Meredith Duran was coming out w/ another book…I lurve her!! I will definitely be adding “At Your Pleasure” to my list of purchases later this month :)
♥Isalys / Book Soulmates
Duran’s books are all so different. I just love her voice. I hope you like her newest!
And yes – Oh My is appropriate! ;)
Jensen Ackles left the strongest impression on me! Seriously good photo and great moto!:)
Last week I had Kate Noble envy and now I have Meredith Duran envy! Merdith Duran can’t get wrong for me.
Oh, and Curran is rowr, as always…! lovez him!
It’s been a good week.:)
Jensen Ackles is so fine :)
And Curran…le sigh. I miss him!!!
OMG Jensen!!! I will be sharing this one, like right now!!!
Love your top ten! My eyes keep wandering back to to Jensen though, I can’t tear myself away…LOL!
There is a lot to look at on that fine body…… ;)
love the Jensen pic too
nods head in agreement with Biting Cold –it better deliever LOL
We’ll have to be here for each other for Biting Cold!
It’s a good thing I am home sick today. The post scrolled up on my reader account and my very vocal response would not have gone over well in the office.
Thanks for the bright spot in a crappy day.
LOLOL. Well, I hope you feel better!!!
Thank you Mandi (and Jen) for the Jensen picture. I’ll send that picture of my best friend and I’ll keep the pic at #10 for myself :-)
I love love love Curran….I DEVOURED those books in like 2 days! Not so sure about the Hunger Games, I thought the Twilight Books were ok, the movies are better when you have been drinking, and I like the True Blood HBO show WAY better that some of the Sookie Books.
So Mandi, help me out….I need another good series to read
yikes..so many. I do have a “book rec” page which has all my favorite series by genre. https://smexybooks.com/book-recs
If you like Ilona Andrews (have you read her Edge series?) I also think you would like – Nalini Singh, Kresley Cole, Patricia Briggs…
Check that link though. And let me know if you need more info about any of the authors/books!!!
Mandi – I always check your guys link for new books. It’s so funny, I have smexy as a favorite on my nook and I bounce between your site and bn.com when I am looking for books to download. I will try Patricia Briggs, I really like the Urban Fantasy.
Yay – I hope you like Briggs!!
Funny enough, my teacher took Briggs off her To Read list for the class after last semester didn’t like it enough. I boggled. Completely boggled.
Then again, my classmates couldn’t figure out who was having Sascha’s dreams in Slave to Sensation. They’re kinda different, that lot.
Jana – I moved over to the Patricia Brigg’s Mercy Thompson series and that has been making me happy after finishing Curran!
However, I was sad about his POV series. It’s like there was no deliberation put into his thoughts at all! I dunno.
But holy heck, Mandi – that first picture? Yikes!! *fans herself*
Thanks guys, I have read all of the Nalini Singh and Kresley Cole books, and the Bones books too! Will have to try Patricia Brigg. I love my Nook, its so AWESOME to download the entire series at once.
This Top Ten is beautiful :) All those sexy men, pretty book covers & drink recipes!! I am a happy Smexy follower. One request…WE WANT MORE SHIRTLESS PICTURES OF BURT RENYOLDS! Just kidding ;)
The only thing I like about PETA is their nakey posters. Holy hell…this Jenson Ackles poster is EPIC!!
Nakey posters are always awesome. There should be more nakey posters in the world.
I choked on my water with the Burt Reynolds pic. WHO denies this is sexy? No one? Just as I thought.
O.M.G. My eyes, my eyes! Which is the bear??
P.S. My Hunger Games name is Tansy Wackadoodle, tribute from district 9 who tripped on a branch & died by falling on my own sword. Doh!!
Well that wasn’t very smart! ;)
Booze, hot naked menz & cock-faced cats, there is nothing I don’t love about this post. Happy weekend!
It is a good combination. ;) LOLOLOL
oh-my-dear-lord, I laughed out loud at the cat pic! Like seriously, busted out, hubby-gave-me-an-odd look, laughing. And thank-you for sudsy-guy and the PETA pic *g* So kind of you to start our weekend off with a couple of hotties.
hehehe. I saw that cat picture on Pinterest and died with the LOLs too. I always love an accidental dong. :)
So proud to be your sister in law!
Wait a second…are you being sarcastic? :p
Oh that first gun-toting hottie, it looks the middle of the top of the pic looks like a separated anatomy part. I’m just saying. And then seeing Jensen Ackles in whips and chains? Awesome. (Met him once at a in-town thing he was doing for NBC when he was repeating as Eric Brady.)
Also, I’m reading Dark Lover for a class? And I’m really, really not into it. I think I’m the only romance reader on the planet besides my friend.
Okay, I want a cool Hunger Games death and name. Seriously, look at might:
Your name is Toodles Cropperdoodle
Congratulations! You had the honor of being a District 11 tribute in the 32nd Hunger Games!
You were killed by loving too deeply.
I know others who didn’t like BDB. You are not alone. *as I cry silently at my computer* Kidding :)
Hey Toodles…you shouldn’t have loved so hard!!!
LOLOLOL. I love it!!
Wait. Where are these people? May I meet one, please?
If you cry tears, does that mean a vampirey boyfriend will come?
I’m a bad cliche from a bad remake of a bad B movie! I ought to get a badge of honor for that or something.
Well – I mean – there must be some one out there that doesn’t like Dark Lover
*hears crickets*
You know, those crickets would be AWESOME hockey pucks! You could hear the pucks a mile away as they go down like the Titanic.
If I can’t find anyone to join in my non-fun, I’ll just have to make my own.
Great top 10, Meredith Duran is still on my wishlist instead of my TBR, need to change that. And that poor kitten!
Oh yes, I think you would enjoy Duran!
I’m fairly new to following you here, and I have to say I wish I’d found you so much sooner! I love these weekly top tens.
I’m absolutely sharing that peta ad, btw. It’s all about spreading the word for a good cause, right? ;)
Thanks so much!
And yes – Jensen Ackles wants you to share his nekkid poster! ;)
I love your top tens Smexy! Where did you find that photo (10)? *fans self*
You will have to tell me if the new Chloe Neill means I can finally read the two books on my TBR or whether I should keep to my decision to break up with the series!
it’s from this tumblr http://fuckyeahgunsandtats.tumblr.com/ – some pics are NSFW.
I’ll put ’em up for #10 and his shadow HAWT! #9 Thanks for the link FB link on J.R.Ward I “liked”. #4, I’m Driff Wackadoodle, District 12, died with my true love via a poisoned goblet…so tragic. Shared site with my 14 year old, it’s going viral with her friends! #3 Oh PETA lovely pic. #1 I wouldn’t have seen that if you didn’t point it out. Really.
Okay Pip Ficklewood? *gigglesnorts* I was killed by sticks and stones that broke my bones… to funny on the Hunger Games… but a great book and movie… definitely suggest reading and watching.