Here is what we talked about at Smexy this week.
A Review- Just Down the Road by Jodi Thomas
B+ Review- Caught in the Act by Jill Sorenson
B Review- Sweet Addiction by Maya Banks
C+ Review- Hunter’s Rise (Hunters #14) by Shiloh Walker
C+ Review- Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Schultz
D Review- The Wolf Who Loved Me by Lydia Dare
Excerpt and Giveaway: The Princess and the Peer by Tracy Anne Warren
AAD Spotlight: L.A. Witt
Guest Author J.N. Duncan and Giveaway
New JR Ward Info!
May’s News-This week I find myself in a tangle of good books (and weaned off daily episodes of Burn Notice… for now).
Right now I’m reading Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh. Oh my. This promises to be a really strong book. I am a fan of how she balances a main couple story line as well as giving us all kinds of glimpses into other characters past (and possibly future). I am really savoring this one.
I read two Joanna Bourne books (have never tried her!) this week: The Spymaster’s Lady which had me flailing, texting Mandi, and generally made me forget I’m in the middle of spring cleaning. I can’t recommend it enough. WOW. I also read the Black Hawk (Oh Hawker! You smexy little man you!) and enjoyed that one as well… but not quite as much. I’m not a fan of books that have most of the action happening in the past, and this one I wished there was more going on in the present, in their current relationship instead of reliving so much teen spy drama.
I’ve got a couple books in need of scoping out for upcoming reviews (Nora Roberts The Witness and Sophia Nash The Art of Duke Hunting), and my copy of Stacia Kane’s Sacrificial Magic has arrived so I do believe I’ll be spending the kiddos vacation week reading as much as possible.
Tori’s News-I found myself on a little m/m kick so I read some of my TBR to satisfy my need for smexy male loving. Fae Sutherland’s The Gladiator’s Master has to be one of the HOTTEST m/m stories I’ve read in a while. Lots of smexy time but also a emotionally romantic story line that melted my heart and had me cheering this unlikely couple to an HEA. KA Mitchell’s Regularly Scheduled Life is a lovely story that deals with an established gay couple who experience a traumatic event that leaves them questioning their relationship. I’m a huge fan of Ally Blue’s Bay City Paranormal Investigators series and I was happy I was able to read book 4, Closer. Sam and Bo are a great couple and I love watching them still get comfortable with their relationship. I admit I picked up Mary Calmes’s Mine due to the cover. YUM! Enjoyable with hot smexy times and a viable plot that kept me hooked. The last half got a little silly but by then I loved Ty and Landry so much I didn’t care. Maya Bank’s Sweet Addictions was a disappointment for me considering all the great reviews it has garnered. It was nothing but rough sex with a weak plot line that made no sense considering the previous books in the series. Jennifer Ashley, whom I love with a fan girl love, re released Regency Pirates-The Pirate Next Door. LOVED IT! An adorable story about a reformed (slightly) pirate and a widowed high born lady who find love and adventure. I really hope she continues the series. Was finally able to read Rachael Hawkin’s Spell Bound, the conclusion to her Hex Hall series. An okay ending but I expected more “bang” for my buck. She does end in it a way that gives you the feeling she may continue it or there is a spin off in the future. Suzanne Johnson’s Royal Street was a much anticipated review book that I received this week. Enjoyable but set up so involved, the action doesn’t start till well over half way mark. Review to come. Rachel Gibson’s Crazy On You surprised me as I thought it was a full length novel. It’s not. It’s a novella that left me feeling a bit ambiguous. Review to come. I DNF’d Christopher Moore’s Sacre Bleu. I just didn’t get the same humor or connection I have come to love with his stories. Plus, it’s written in blue and that annoyed me. I am currently reading Stacey Kennedy’s Demonically Tempted (#2 in her Frostbite series), Lover Reborn by JR Ward, and Jill Mansell’s Nadia Knows Best.
O May, Tangle of Need! I so want that book, I love all those books by Nalini Singh.
Tori, I have that Pirate series by Jennifer Ashley on my shelves, with some dust on them. Still have not read them. Do you know, they also are tied to her Svengaria series? Did you read those?
I am looking forward to reading Royal Street, and I won a signed copy yesterday!
You sure do lots of reading ladies.