The Blacksmith’s Lover by Heather Massey
June 1, 2012
Erotic Historical Romance
Red Sage Publishing
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: They now began most days with an early-morning coupling. During those times, Sarah grew very fond of riding him. Because of his significant girth, sometimes it felt like she was mating with a giant.
Favorite Quote #2: Sarah nodded as he undid his trousers. She never tired of seeing his erection rise to greet her.
Scullery maid Sarah Bailey is on the run after being caught in an indecent position with her employer. Her employer had taken advantage of her, and as she was too startled to figure out what to do, his wife sees them and thinks Sarah is seducing her husband. So now she is on the run, hoping to find new employment. Who she ends up finding is a big burly blacksmith.
Sarah comes across Viktor’s blacksmith shop and sees he has a sign for an apprentice wanted. Viktor is a poor housekeeper but a wonderful inventor of mechanical gadgets. Unfortunately, Viktor takes one look at Sarah and declines her offer. But Sarah is tired of running and scared that her previous employer might be sending people after her. Her stubbornness wins her a reprieve. Viktor says she can stay for a few months, but she must dress and work as a boy.
I love the idea of a blacksmith, just like Sarah eventually does:
She thought of the blacksmith coming up behind her. Fresh from the forge, he’d be sweaty and hairy and rough.
Take me now blacksmith!
I actually started to seek out blacksmith books after I saw the title of this one. Viktor is big, and hairy two things I enjoy in a hero. I think if Viktor had been paired with a different heroine, I might have enjoyed him and this book more. Sarah is an odd character. She gets excited by the thought of “paying” Viktor for letting her stay with him with her body.
“I am yours to command, Master Blacksmith.” She followed her statement with a curtsy.
He nodded soberly. “Right. To start, there’ll be no more of that curtsy business. This may not be perfect solution, but we will try.” He cocked his head. “And we will find way for you to pay for privilege. That was good show you saw at the well, yes?” He made no intent to hide the way his gaze suddenly raked over her from head to foot.
I started questioning Sarah’s behavior. She was employed for five years with her previous employer. He lured her into a room, and started sexually molesting her against her will. By all accounts, it was a horrible sexual encounter for her. But now she is willing to pay with her body? She will let herself be used by this man, as she runs from something similar at home?
Gripping him tighter, she pressed her breasts harder against his torso. His abdomen felt round and substantive. She could hear the rumblings of his innards.
(Need to break for a minute – innards rumblings?)
Despite the doubts he voiced, one of his hands reached down to cup her bottom. His touch was light and gentle. Cautious. When she didn’t resist, he began to stroke it.
Sarah arched into him. She still felt cold and exhausted, but she would please him this way if he wanted.
I’m just not convinced Sarah wouldn’t have some sort of flashback or stress that she is being used the same way her employer used her. Granted, she is attracted to Viktor and this starts right at the beginning before she really knows him but I was disappointed this wasn’t examined more.
As Sarah works around his house, and their attraction grows they start to fall in love. Unfortunately, bad guys are after Sarah (from her previous employer) and even more unfortunately, as soon as Viktor has to travel away from the house for a few days, and firmly tells Sarah not to leave, as he is not there to protect her, guess what she does? She becomes hungry and must go into town to get food. And guess who is waiting for her in town? It was a very predictable scene and I didn’t buy Sarah’s need for a certain type of food a good enough excuse to leave the safety of Viktor’s house.
From there, a very odd steampunk sort of ending occurs. While I had fun reading the sex scenes, and I think the quotes in this book are amusing, the actual story did little for me. My hunt for more blacksmith books continue.
Rating: D
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Round, hairy manly bellies and grumbling innards?
I do love a hairy hero though :)
The blacksmith part sounds really good and the quotes made me lol. But I can see your point with the horrible sexual encounter and now she wants to jump his bones? It’s even more unbelievable if she is still a virgin.
But then again, the rough, hairy blacksmith…*hmmm* :D
And was he just hungry, or what?
If the story had been different, or more believable, I would have liked this one. I love an over the top blacksmith. And yes, I think he was hungry ;)
I like the idea of the blacksmith. I fell for them when I read The Immortal Highlander by KMM, so much so that in the D&D game I’m playing all my character wants to do is get home to the blacksmith she met before she shipped out on this stupid adventure.
I agree with the idea that she should be having some flashbacks and/or not being so eager to “sell” her body.
I’d love to know about more blacksmith heroes!
Me too! I need to research more blacksmith heroes. For sure.
Innards rumbling…hehehe!
Adam Black was a blacksmith :)
HE WAS? Why don’t I remember this. *goes to find his book*
It’s the KMM book I mentioned. He plays a black smith to try to get woo the girl away from our Hero. The Immortal Highlander.
I just don’t remember him being a blacksmith. I fail.
I think he was only a blacksmith in the very first book, Beyond the Highland Mist. It was his front as he tried to seduce the heroine away from the hero.
It was Beyond the Highland Mist…grrr I should have known that, I think I need to reread that series again.
“…mating with a giant.” – I was… overwhelmed with this quote.
To Win Her Heart by Karen Witemeyer has blacksmith hero- I don’t think I ever read anything other featuring blacksmiths.
Happy hunt and if you find something worth reading, do share….
Off to look up that book!
I just looked at the library catalog and saw we have it! I’ll be picking it up on my way home from work today (it’s at a different branch or it would already be checked out to me).
Let me know how it is!
Here are some blacksmith books:
Mattie and the Blacksmith by Linda Lea Castle
Homeward Hearts by Alexis Harrington
Here is a blacksmith post on H&H
Don’t know about the book, but I loved the review! :)