His club is demanding answers. His sister is missing. Noah needs to draw on every ounce of strength in that muscled body. It’s not the time for him to let anyone see he’s more than fists and ink.
Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the man behind the cold, hard mask. Something like caring. Something like kindness. I live for those moments.
He might die for them. Goodreads l Amazon
Drive Me Wild is part 3 of a 5 part serial by Shari Slade. These edgy, suspenseful, erotic little niblets are an action packed surprise that gives readers a decadent taste of the dark side of Motorcycle Clubs and the bikers who give their undying loyalty to this brotherhood. The serial focuses on Noah, an enforcer with the Devil’s Host MC, and Star, a waitress whose cousin is in deep debt with the MC. In Ride Me Hard (part 1-review here) Noah is sent to collect payment for the debt Star’s cousin owes the club. Unable to locate Harry, Noah takes Star instead. A connection forms between Noah and Star though the connection is littered with lust and fear as Star is unsure in what manner Noah and the club will be extracting her cousin’s debt.
In Break Me In (Part 2-review here) Noah arrives back to the clubhouse with Star for protection only to put her straight into the line of fire as the Devil’s Host president wants his money and Star’s cousin is refusing to tell him where it is. Star learned along time ago that pain is just an emotion. An emotion that can be twisted for pleasure if you can find right person to share it with. When Noah is forced to get the answers his president wants, the results are catastrophic.
Drive Me Wild is the aftermath of Noah’s rebellion. The MC holds their lives in their hands while also deciding if and who they will send to rescue Noah’s sister who has been kidnapped by a rival MC. Star has begun to believe that Noah may actually care for her and while it relieves some of her anxiety…it also relieves the control she has had over her mouth. *wink*
As everyone knows, in an MC you can bad mouth your old man all you want but it had better be in private behind closed doors. Only a united front is shown in front of the MC. Star strikes out verbally to punish Noah for brushing her off and not allowing her to have her say but that’s okay because Noah knows exactly what Star needs.
“We’re alone now, Star. Do you need to cry?”
“Do we have time?”
“For me to give you something to cry about? I think so.”
He bends me over and pushes my face into the bedspread. The thermal weave I’d studied so closely is rough against my cheek. He holds me there with just the weight of his hand fisted in my hair.
“I’m going to spank your ass until it’s all pink and perfect. Until your pussy is soaking wet and you’re sobbing from it. Until you’re wild and raw.” He yanks my skirt up and my panties down in two brisk tugs. “And you’re going to tell me when you’ve had enough crying, understand?”
I nod, the slight movement jerking at my scalp, sending a fresh wash of pleasure down my spine.
“And if you’re really ruined—if your eyes are puffy and your face is swollen, if you’re fucking wrecked, just the way I like—I’ll lick your pussy until you come so hard on my tongue we both see stars. You can do that for me, baby. Can’t you? Let yourself go like that?”
Tears are already leaking from the corners of my eyes. Relief. I shudder with it. “Yes.”
The bed creaks as he settles beside me and then the first crack of palm to ass vibrates through my body. It’s a sharp heat and then it fades. A second crack, lower this time. A third, to the left. They layer together until my ass is all stinging heat and throbbing. I’m crying in earnest now. From the sharpness of the pain, the sweetness of the ache.
He spanks me again and again. On the end of every blow is a reverb that shoots straight to my clit, the pleasure on the other side of torment. I can feel moisture gathering between my lips every time I squirm and sob into the bedspread.
Everything feels swollen and ready. My pussy, my ass, my clit. God, my clit feels so hard I might come just from this. And I cry some more at the thought of not having Noah’s tongue. I’m crying for orgasms I’ll have and orgasms I won’t. I’m crying just for the sake of crying and it feels amazing. I’m nothing but feelings, dancing on the edge of Noah’s touch. Tender and brutal.
“I’m ruined.” I cry out.
But I’m not. Not nearly. I’ve got miles to go before Noah ruins me fully, drives me completely wild, wrecks me. I don’t know if we’ll have enough time together to get that far, but I’m ruined enough to make him happy in this moment.
Slade opens up further about Noah and Star’s childhoods; especially Noah’s. His blue collar upbringing is at odds with his tough exterior only further proving that all walks of life can be seen in an MC. A huge cliffhanger leaves readers rocking back in shock as we learn that not everyone is committed to the cause and sometimes what you see is definitely not what you get.
I’m def going to read this. But I’ll wait until I can read it all at once. I’m picky like that. **fires glitter cannon for the awesome Shari Slade**
She’s amazing on Twitter too. I stole her line because she’s always excited for books releases.
What a HOT excerpt!! I love MC series and am definitely adding this one to my list! I have read some serials, but not many.
Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. :)