White Hot by Ilona Andrews (Hidden Legancy #1)
Released: May 30, 2017
Urban Fantasy
Reviewed by May
Connor “Mad” Rogan and Nevada Baylor are back in action after far too long an absence – and I couldn’t be more giddy with how this the second (much awaited) book dives in about a month after the conclusion of the first. While there is a satisfying story within these pages, I would definitely recommend reading these books in order as there is a lot of character development you’d miss out on.
“Let me quote: ‘Do you want seduction, dinners, and gifts? Seduction is a game, and if you pay enough in flattery, money, or attention, you get what you want. I thought you were above the game.’ Did you not say that to me a week before you strolled into my garage to invite me on ‘a date’?”
“Yes. I wanted to skip the bullshit.”
“So what happened? You changed your mind and now you want the bullshit?”
Rogan’s phone chimed. “Yes. I want your bullshit.”
“Well, you don’t get to have any of my bullshit. I’m keeping it.” Okay, and that didn’t sound childish. Not at all.
“Why not?”
“Because you call it bullshit.”
In this installment we continue to see the growth of the relationship between these two, as well as getting more in depth info and players involved in the plot to throw Houston into chaos.
There is a lot to love about any Ilona Andrews book, but specific to this series there are three things I love deeply. First of all, Connor and Nevada are absolutely fantastic, and my favorite type of characters. Both are strong leaders willing to do anything to help and protect those they consider their responsibility. They also work so well together, and are so strong as a team and I love the equality they are working towards. Connor may be obscenely wealthy and a master of his power, but Nevada is a star on the rise and matches him in every possible way. It delights me to follow along on their journey as they encourage and assist each other – neither character being a weak link or in need of saving any more than the other.
Rogan pushed the button, forcing the doors to close, and peered at Cornelius. “Is this my replacement?”
What? “I didn’t replace you.”
“Of course not. I’m irreplaceable.”
Cornelius finally managed to squeeze out a word. “Rogan? The butcher of Merida? Mad Rogan?”
“Yes.” Rogan and I said in unison.
The second thing I love is the amazing cast of secondary characters. It isn’t easy to do- but from her grandma to Cornelius her new client Nevada (and Rogan, to a lesser extent) have a fantastic array of family, friends, and coworkers all gathered around enriching the story. So often an ever growing rich cast of characters can take over and push the main characters into the sidelines, but not here. They each add details, insight, laughs, and charm to this wonderful series.
The third thing, and reason I always say yes to these authors is that Ilona Andrews knows how to pace a book. Start to finish there is urgency, things are always happening and must be paid attention to, but there are also tender moments. Details. Character development. The balance and skillful writing keeps the story flowing while developing a rich tale that I will want to read and re-read again and again.
If you have not begun this series – now is the time. It is a three book series with #3 to be released very soon, and so worth your time. The only complaint I have about this particular story is that it ends leaving me hanging (not quite a cliffhanger – just with a desperate need to know how the next part is dealt with) and that makes waiting for book three agony. These characters are divine and Mad Rogan will forever be one of my favorite leading men.
Grade: A
YES!!!! I’ve been so looking forward to this book and it was worth the wait. I loved your review because you do such a good job explaining why their relationship is so awesome to read. I loved loved loved everything to do with Nevada’s family. Like you said, the secondary characters never take over the story but just add so much depth and humor and awesomeness. I’d love to read a spin-off with Nevada’s sisters as the MCs.
I just love Ilona Andrews so much. If I was independently wealthy, I’d be happy to pay them to write ha
Oh YES to spin offs. And thanks!! This book is hard to review with zero or at least minimal spoilers but I’m glad you liked it. This book was just so satisfying.
I thought you did a great job with no spoilers. My review would just be “READ IT” which -gasp- some people don’t find helpful haaaaa