10. I’m back, bishes!! I’m sorry the Top Ten has been gone for so long. I didn’t really intentionally stop it. It’s just that real life didn’t give out a lot of breaks recently. But now summer is upon us and I feel like I have some breathing room!
This photo of Chris Evans radiates such a powerful energy it’s like trying to stare into the sun. pic.twitter.com/0yhVNcFRQS
— Meg 🔪 Downey (@rustypolished) May 21, 2018
9. We need to talk about Chris Evans. I enjoy all the Marvel movies – and this last Avengers, while the actual movie was dark and sad, the bright spot – and something I was not expecting, was Captain America himself, Mr. Chris Evans. I’m usually a Thor girl. Even with short hair, he does it for me! But in this last Avengers movie, the quiet, intense, somewhat exhausted looking (BEARDED) Captain, made me suck on that boozed up soda straw hard.
I mean – damn it!! And then he just lounges in doorways like that????
8. Prince Harry bit his lip!!! Like a real life romance hero!! And if my hormones weren’t ramped up enough, Prince Harry married his princess and it was perfect and I loved it. My good friend showed up at 6:30am with champagne and we both started crying when Meghan got out of the car. I’ve cried at every single wedding I’ve witnessed, except my own! I’ve rewatched the wedding a lot. My husband has had enough. I’ve also recorded ALL the previous royal weddings, and basically every special about the royal family. It makes me happy <3 <3
7. And if you still have dreams about marrying a prince, don’t fret. There are apparently twelve single men out there that you can woo! Go here to pick out your future husband.
6. We are currently watching Killing Eve, on BBC and we are liking so much!! It has a female assassin and a female detective with lots of twists and turns. In real-life crime news, we watched Evil Genius documentary on Netflix and it was pretty crazy. It involves a bank robber who gets blown up and a woman who has quite the past……
5. Every three months, I get the Walmart beauty box – it’s $5 and full of fun things. Well this box has charcoal toothpaste, which is supposed to whiten your teeth. I just got it yesterday so I’ve only used it a couple of times. But the toothpaste itself turns your teeth/mouth completely black! And then rinses out of course. Is this a thing??? Will it work??
I also got a donkey milk face mask.
My Friday night is going to be epic.
4. Penguin is giving away three COMPLETE sets of the Kate Daniels series, including Magic Triumphs which releases in August. Go get on this!! LINK.
3. I have a passion for reading romance but I also loooooove to cook. I love being in the kitchen all day, every day. So I thought I would share a recipe each week that my family enjoys. This week – Chicken Shwarma. It’s super easy and I follow the recipe exactly. We serve it with naan, jasmine rice, greek yogurt, feta, and cucumbers that have been marinated in vinegar. It’s a nice meal to make when company comes over because besides roasting the chicken, everything else can be done in advance. Recipe.
from “yes sir, i’ll bring her home by 7pm” to “your daughter calls me daddy too” pic.twitter.com/qJQJMW4xSW
— ana (@rdjcoldplay) April 30, 2018
2. No really guys, I can’t get enough.
1.Three day weekend! Looks like it’s going to thunderstorm here a lot – but we do have BBQ plans and we hope to see Solo tomorrow. Hope everyone has a fun, fab weekend. Read something smexy!!
Welcome back TOP TEN!! I’ve missed you! Please update us on the charcoal toothpaste. I’ve been wanting to try it.
Thanks Norma!
Am I totally too Beavis and Butthead that “donkey milk face mask” sounds really dirty??
hahahha. No – I’m scared to put it on my face. LOL
I am a Captain America girl all the way. I even got the funko pop to prove it. I just couldn’t resist the beard, to end all beards. It was just to little Captain America in Infinity Wars. But as they filmed the sequel together I am hoping for more of him and his beard next year.
omg that cute little beard!!!
Friday’s Top Ten is back! Happy Dance!