It’s been a slow reading week for me which is a shame after the excitement I had over Polaris Rising. I started Crazy On You by Crystal B. Bright which I listed on my February TBR and it was a disappointment.
The heroine, Tassia, made a lot of assumptions about everything but especially the hero and I just couldn’t handle it. The hero, Hyde, kept going back and forth about a thing I needed that to stop as well. They were both annoying me and because of that, I wasn’t feeling their chemistry and wasn’t connecting to them. If I can’t connect, I can’t believe in their HEA and isn’t that what I am here for. So I decided it would be best for everyone if I marked this as a DNF.
I started The Military Wife by Laura Trentham. This is a new to me author and it definitely reeks of “not like other girls” BUT the heroine is a widow and her love interest is her deceased husband’s best friend. I am very early on in the book and it seems like the best friend may have had some feelings for the wife even before he met her. This is falls under the unrequited love story and this is one of my most favorite romance tropes/devices. So I am reading more to see if I can get to the good stuff while overlooking the NLOG stuff.
I have THE MILITARY WIFE on my tbr, but after your comment, I’m not so sure. I can swallow almost any other element of a book if the story is keeping me engaged, but NLOG is almost always a DNF for me. I think it’s a lazy way for writers to garner sympathy for the heroine, rather than showing us the heroine doing good/admirable things.
DiscoDollyDeb, I read some more last night and I am not sure it is getting better. Sometimes after I DNF a bunch of books and I start to feel like I HAVE to finish one. It’s unfortunate for me that this is that book. I might try another chapter or two tonight and see how it goes.