I think I have been hesitant to write about this book because I can’t possibly formulate the appropriate words to tell you how incredibly good this book is. It was a fantastic close to a fantastic series.

In previous books Gia didn’t seem like she would be my favorite. Because I really love Jane. And adored Wendy. But Gia, oh man, Gia blew me away. She’s lacking roots. She’s struggling with her body. Struggled with who she is and where she fits it. She is a loyal friend. She is determined to get to Wendy’s destination wedding.
Enter Bennett, our hero. He is a restaurant owner/chef. Friends, he sees Gia. He sees all of Gia. All the pieces she wants to hide. They are “trapped” together as they travel to Wendy’s wedding. I LOVE forced proximity.
Gia doesn’t do commitment, Bennett doesn’t do casual. But we know how this goes. They are perfectly matched. The trip forces them to open up to each other. I loved every moment of it. Gia has some shit to deal with, so does Bennett. They help each other but they aren’t magically cured of their shit. This is one of my favorite plot devices ever.
But I think the absolute best thing about this story was Gia’s chosen family. Bennett joined the ranks, but before him there was Jane, Wendy, and Elise. The parts of the story that focused on them really hit me in my feels and had me crying. For me, Holiday has become an author that I believe will give me stories about women who don’t need men in their lives, but their lives are enhanced by them. These women will love the other women in their loves fiercely, even if they try to make it hard. I love seeing positive female friendships in fiction. I think we need more of it. I am sad to leave these women behind, but I look forward to what Holiday writes next.
Here is one quote that made me extremely teary.
“But mind yourself there,” Wendy said. “She’s not your girl.” “Right!” Elise said. “She’s our girl.”
Grade: A
Great review. I really loved this one too.
I thought this one was the best of the series. What was your favorite?
I have loved this series as well; so excited that you brought this author to my attention. Can’t wait to read this.
It’s so good Helyce! I hope you get to read it soon.
Great review. I think I’ve only read one in this series, but I do recall enjoying it. I think I’ll check this out.
I hope you like it Norma!
Now I’m thinking I need to read this author. Thanks for the review, Kini.
Holiday is an auto-buy for me. I hope you enjoy her as much as I do.