I’ve skipped the last couple of books by Kristen Ashley because I heard a lot of not great things about them. Plus I am still not over how disappointing Luci & Hap’s story was in Loose Ends last year. I wanted so much more for them. Anyway, when I heard about Ashley’s upcoming series with Forever Romance, out next year, that is a spin off of the Dream Man series, I had a renewed interest in her books.
Quiet Man is a novella that serves as a nice introduction to the new series. It was 100% on brand, filled with little mentions of not like other girls, bitchy ex-girlfriends, commando men who don’t speak (except when they do and it is swoon-worthy), repetitive dialogue, extensive descriptions of clothing and housewares, and found family. The found family aspect in this book is very strong and what Lottie needed.
Lottie and Mo have a typical KA love story. They meet when she needs a bodyguard. There is some instalove but they don’t act on their attraction until after the stalker is caught. The worst of the stalker stuff is sort of off-page but it allows us to see Hawk, Smithie and Mo handling it. Lottie and Mo were sweet together and perfectly matched. Their love story worked and I was invested. Ashley definitely set up the next book and my eyeballs are ready for it.
This is the closest to vintage, circa 2012, Kristen Ashley that I have read in a while. Almost every character from the Rock Chick series gets named dropped. 75% of the Dream Men heroes are present in this book (Hawk, Mitch, Brock). I kind of loved seeing all those ridiculous characters again. It felt like going home. To a family that is kind of wonderful although a tiny bit annoying, but you’re still glad to be home.
I recommend this for any Kristen Ashley reader, but especially those that have been taking a break from her most recent works. The epilogue is particularly good (one of the FAVORITE things about Ms. Ashley is the way she writes epilogues.) There is a short teaser at the end for the Dream Maker book and it had me waiting more. I will patiently await the arrival of that book.
I am just starting to read this, so this gives me the confidence that I will like it. I have also been disappointed in her last few books. I know her flaws, but good Kristen Ashley just fills a place in my heart when I need it, and right now I need it. I think I have just DNF’d three books in a row, looking for something to make me happy.
Laurel, I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. Good Kristen Ashley fills my soul too. It truly is a comfort read for me. To go home to all those friends.
Sounds like typical KA. I’m going to read it. Great review.