10 . No top ten from me would be complete without a picture of Kitty Scarlett
9. Beverly Hills 90210- It’s back. I was a devout 90210 fan. I loved Dylan from the beginning. I used to record the episodes on VHS and watch them again and again. I have mixed feelings about it being back without Luke Perry, but I watched anyway. Who watched? What did you think?
8. Three words- Bachelor In Paradise? Is anyone else watching this? I wanted to and then realized it is on two nights a week for two hours each. But then several of my co-workers are watching and I don’t want to feel left out. I guess next week I will commit to it. Can we talk about how most of the men refer to the women as “girls”. Except swole Kevin. He used the word women like three times and I think I am in love now.
7. The Happily Ever Playlist by Abby Jimenez had it’s cover revealed over on Entertainment Weekly. The cover is so beautiful and I can’t wait to read this.
6. I can’t stop watching and listening to Brandi Carlile and Dolly Parton singing I Will Always Love You.
5. Green shirt guy– I needed help with this list and the Smexy text thread (shout out to Mandi, Tori, Helyce, Sheena and Angela!!) suggested this guy. I watched the video and him laughing at ridiculousness is pretty funny.
4. Jennifer Estep’s next Elemental Assassins, The Sharpest Sting, book will be out in October. I have never read her, but that cover is pretty.
3. Disney is launching its own streaming service. Any cord cutters out there looking forward to this?
2. My friends over a RomanceSparksJoy picked their book club read to be Knit One, Girl Two by Shira Glassman. In conjunction with that they will be doing a chat this Sunday at 2pm EST to talk about dying yarns. Follow along with #RSJKnitAlong
1. Bookstore Romance Day is next Saturday, the 17th. Check to see if a store near you will be participating. I will be at One More Page Books in Arlington VA for a panel! I hope as many people as possible visit their local bookstore that day and show how important it is for indies to carry romance.
I’m so excited for the new Jennifer Estep Gin Blanco book. I’ve missed this series.
Thanks for featuring the cover. I appreciate it! :-)
GreenShirt Guy LOL!!!!