Hello Stranger by Katherine Center
Romantic Comedy
July 11, 2023
St. Martin’s Press
Review by Jen
It was maybe two years ago when Brad Pitt started talking about how he suffered from face blindness. Do you remember that? It’s a rare neurological disorder called, prosopagnosia. I had never heard of it before then. It’s when a person struggles to recognize people’s faces. Not like you can’t remember people…but you literally can’t see their face organized like a face. What does that have to do with Hello Stranger by Katherine Center? The FMC needs brain surgery and as a result, she suffers from the same condition. Thus the title, Hello Stranger.
Last year, I really enjoyed Center’s book The Bodyguard, and was super stoked to receive an ARC of her new book. Our FMC, Sadie is a portrait artist. Yup…you got that right. And now you can imagine how devastating face blindness would be for her! She’s crossing the street one day when she suffers a seizure and is saved from being hit by a car by a good samaritan and is rushed to the hospital. The doctor tells her she has a genetic condition and needs brain surgery. Sadie doesn’t take it too seriously, I mean except for the blacking out thing, she feels fine. AND, she’s just won a spot to compete in a very prestigious portrait contest.
Sadie and her father aren’t close. Her mom died years ago, her dad remarried, and Sadie isn’t fond of her stepmother. And her step sister is her mortal enemy. Sadie’s father is a prominent surgeon and convinces Sadie to get the surgery. It turns out that Sadie’s mom suffered from the same brain condition and…that’s how she died. She put off surgery.
Sadie goes through with it, realizes that she can’t recognize faces, and after a brief time recovering, decides she can and must continue with the portrait contest despite her new disabliity. While all of this is happening- Sadie meets two men. The first is a handsome, charming veterinarian who she meets when her dog gets sick. She convinces herself that she WILL MARRY him. Does she know him? Nope. Have they dated? Also no. Next she meets “Joe,” who appears to be absolutely vile when she overhears his phone conversation in her apartment’s elevator. Sadie then sees him again and again in her complex, always with female tenants and she’s sure he’s a total pig who plays the field, or more accurately, the apartment complex.
Then, he’s nice to her. Helps her. He’s funny, he’s surprisingly not the pig she thought he was. But, what to do?! She’s pining for the handsome vet! And, the hot doctor asks her on a real date!
Sadie is trying desperately to deal with her face blindness, getting therapy, trying to find ways to still paint portraits and dodging her evil stepsister. This all sounds like a very corny rom com. Not normally my thing. But, I really, really enjoyed Hello Stranger. I laughed out loud. It was charming. I loved Sadie’s friendship with her bestie, I got her whole struggling artist vibe, and I definitely fell in love with Joe. The womanizer turned prince. I can’t imagine if every face I saw, including my own, looked like a Picasso painting with noses and ears and eyes all over the place. Sadie found her other senses got stronger and she started to recognize people from how they walked, certain clothing they always wore, and their distinct voices.
I am addicted to spicy romance and this book had zero heat. And, I did not care. Not one bit. It was just a giant feel good hit for me. A joyful read with a terrific twist at the end. I did sort of see it coming…but that didn’t dull the smile on my face one bit.
Read it.
Grade A
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