The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams- I read this months ago and really liked it. But I didn’t take any notes and felt like I needed to reread it in order to write a mini review of it. It held up the second time around and actually this time I was less annoyed by some of the things I didn’t like the first read. Here’s what worked for me: It is a marriage in trouble book, one of my favorite tropes. The dialogue is fast-paced and witty. I loved seeing the strong and supportive male Continue Reading
Guest Post: Eight Kisses – Latkes, Light, and Love by Michelle Mars
Today author Michelle Mars stops by to talk a little about her story that is part of the Eight Kisses, Hanukkah anthology, available now. I'll have a mini review of the anthology tomorrow. But until then, here's Michelle talking about her experience being part of this anthology. It has been such an amazing and personally rewarding experience to be a part of making a Hanukkah anthology. Growing up in a minority religion, Jewish, I always knew I was different. Everything around me said so, as Continue Reading
Guest Post: Writing with a Day Job by Melia Alexander
Like many folks, we here at Smexy are constantly working on juggling work, family life, social life, reading, blogging and other things. I often wonder how authors balance it all. Melia stops by to talk about what works for her. Melia's new book, Seduced by the Soldier is out now. Tips on how to keep your day job, writing life, and sanity Like many writers, I have a day job, a place I lovingly refer to as The Male Observation Lab. As you might guess from the moniker, I work in Continue Reading
Weekly Wrap Up Nov 16
New Releases: Week of November 11-15, 2019 Angela’s Tuesday Mini Reviews: Books by Nina Bocci and Lyssa Kay Adams Sheena’s Wistfully Wanton Wednesday: Callie’s Catastrophe by Ruby Dixon Excerpt from Open House by Ruby Lang Guest Post: What I love about Vegas by Chantal Fernando Review: Beard Necessities by Penny Reid Smexy Top Ten 11/15/19 News from Kini: I am currently re-reading The Bromance Book Club and enjoying it as much as I did the first time around. Earlier this Continue Reading
Smexy Top Ten 11/15/19
It’s Friday!! 10. Winter is starting to creep in to Maryland and I am not ready. It took me all of last week to adjust to the time change. Kitty Scarlett is taking up residence on an ottoman in front of the radiator. She’s living her life right and I am jealous. 9. Wednesday night the CMAs were on and I stayed awake until 11pm to watch them. I have sorted of listened to country music for many years but only recently come to terms with my enjoyment of it. But I am disappointed in the lack Continue Reading
Review: Beard Necessities by Penny Reid
I finally got the chance to read Beard Necessities by Penny Reid. It is the second half of Billy and Scarlet/Claire’s story. I was underwhelmed. Maybe I set my expectations too high after absolutely loving the sad story that was Beard With Me. In Beard Necessities, Billy and Scarlet are all grown up and are “forced” into reconnecting. The whole Winston family is in Italy. And for the first half of the book I couldn’t understand why they were there. Then I remembered Duane was there to learn Continue Reading
Smexy Deals
Gorgeous runaway brides. . . When Maddie Donovan runs out on her high school sweetheart moments before walking down the aisle, she ends up at a bar in the small town of Revival, Illinois, with only the wedding dress on her back, fifty dollars to her name, and her "good girl" reputation in tatters. Not ready to return to Chicago and face the music, she accepts hot bartender Mitch Riley's offer to stay at his place. But sharing such close quarters is driving Maddie insane with desire. Always Continue Reading
Guest Post: What I love about Vegas by Chantal Fernando
I first visited Vegas a few years back for RT (Romantic Times Convention). I was specifically going for the event, and I wasn’t really that excited about Vegas itself. Why? Well, I’m not much of a gambler, and I didn’t think it would really be my scene. (I was wrong) I dragged my best friend/book assistant along with me, it was my first trip to the US and I had no idea what to expect. After being in Vegas for a few days, I fell in love with the place. It has so much to offer, the nightlife, Continue Reading
Excerpt from Open House by Ruby Lang
In this excerpt, exhausted real estate broker Magda runs her nemesis, gardener Ty, late at night. Despite their enmity, he walks her to the subway station. “I’ll bet no one breaks into the garden,” she was muttering. Without thinking, he replied, “We get people cavorting there at night.” “Cavorting?” Damn. He couldn’t see her face clearly in the half-light of the city streets, but he could hear the laughter in her voice. And that made things better. “They leave things. Like Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses 11/8/19
I don’t have many books to talk about today. I was so busy last weekend participating in 7 panels at the Maryland Romance Writers stage at Baltimore Book Festival. It was so much fun and I got to talk about books and I absolutely love it. I will try to write a wrap up this weekend. I did manage to finish one book this week. That is kind of love for me, but the time change has been kind of brutal. I hope next week I will be back to a better sleep pattern. All I Want for Christmas is Continue Reading