Today we bring you a round of up books that we did not finish. Life is too short to read books that aren't bringing you joy. Let us know in the comments what books you DNF so far this year and why. Now, Then, Always by Mona Shroff- You might be wondering how this could have ended up on my DNF list after I was really excited about it. And I wondered the same thing. Basically it just wasn't drawing me in. It probably had more to do with external factors like life and the story wasn't Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
Need You Now by Molly O’Keefe- Unless you’re new here, (which if you are, welcome) you know that I am a O’Keefe fan girl. When I saw Need You Now, I knew I needed it. It is part of The Debt series. I think I’ve read most of this series. It’s kind of dark y’all. The heroine spends time in a juvenile detention program that puts her in the home of an abuser. If that is a trigger, please do not read this book. It is probably better if you have read at least the first two books in the series to Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
I’m back! I’ve read a few books lately but haven’t quite felt like talking about them. Sometimes even writing mini reviews can feel stressful. Review content warnings: references to emotional abuse, abortion, grief/death Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes- Although not a straight romance, more fiction with romantic elements, it does have a happily ever after. CW: grief, emotional abuse by an intimate partner & parent. The heroine, Evvie like Chevy, is a widow but she is not Continue Reading
Angela’s Tuesday Thoughts
The Girl in Red by Christina HenrySci-Fi/Fantasy/DystopianJune 18, 2019 by Berkley KINDLE * BN * GOODREADS This dystopian retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, follows Red, our heroine, as she travels through the woods on the way to her grandmother's house. Time skips back and forth, every other chapter, answering readers questions about what happened to Red's family and how the "Crisis" began to present day as she navigates the current, dangerous world full of wolves, both human and Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
I didn’t read nearly as much this week as last week, but I have got lots to say about the book I did read. The Last Dance by Aimee Brown. First I want to acknowledge that the blurb mentions this book is perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks, Jodi Picoult, & Anna Bell. I don’t know who Anna Bell is but neither of the other two authors write romance, but I was willing to give this book a try because the hero is a widower and falls in love with his wife’s sister, who's is also his BFF. Y’all Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
Reading has been blah for me lately. Which is really disappointing. But it is what it is. I think in the first 2.5 months of 2019 I have DNF’ed more books than I did in all of 2018. I didn’t keep good records for 2018 so I don’t actually know how true that is but it feels like it. But for me, DNF isn’t always that it is a bad book but is usually because the book just isn’t working for me. This week it was Hired by Zoey Castile that I had to declare as a DNF. I really loved the first book, Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
I finished two ARCs for upcoming releases, DNF one older book from my TBR, and I am 70% on another book. Snowy weekends allow lots of reading time. Overnight Sensation by Sarina Bowen- This is part of her Brooklyn Bruisers hockey series, which I have mostly enjoyed. This was a miss for me. Not enough that I DNF it, but I can’t say I truly enjoyed it. I did like seeing, even minimally, some of the characters from previous books. Heidi, the heroine, is kind of a Mary Sue. She is a Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
Pilot and the Puck-Up by Pippa Grant- I actually read this a few weeks ago but I forgot about it. It’s been a hectic month, what can I say. Grant can be a little much for me with her meta take on romance and just general over the topness, but I really enjoyed this book. Joey, the heroine was a sarcastic and smart heroine, one of my favorite kinds. Zeus is a not so dumb hockey player. He is instantly smitten with her. I loved the way their relationship builds. Zeus loves Joey for her strengths Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
The past week of reading hasn’t been great for me. Sin & Ink by Naima Simone- I picked this up because it contains one of my favorite tropes/themes, unrequited love. The hero, Knox is “in lust with his dead brother’s wife.” When well done, this trope lends itself to emotional angstyness that I LOVE. But this story fell flat for me for a few reasons. According to the blurb, Knox is a retired MMA fighter, but part of the conflict is him maybe getting back in the ring. I don’t like MMA Continue Reading
Kini’s Friday Kisses
This was a moderate reading week for me that had some meh reads. Steeped in Love by Julie Evelyn Joyce. This blurb makes it seem like this book will be a cutesy story as the heroine is back in the dating world. She read the tea leaves of potential mates and uses the findings as a reason to not date them. The hero is the writer in residence at the local coffee shop. They meet. Have great banter. He eavesdrops on her dates, then over time gets jealous and then finally asks her Continue Reading