It has been a year since we last visited Caldwell and we left on a happy note. Butch and Vishous found true love.
But it is not happily ever after for everyone. It has been quite a distressing year.
Cormia has not handled the transition well from leaving The Other Side and has gone insane, creating a prison of toothpicks and peas for her once beloved Phury.
Phury: Cormia!!! This isn’t funny! I’m serious, let me out of this cage now!
Cormia: WHEEEEE!! I love toothpicks and peas!
But the most drama in the BDB mansion is taking place in Blay’s bedroom. Blay has taken Saxton as a lover – but is Qhuinn his destined mate? Will “Qhuay” ever find happiness?
Blay: Do I pleasure you, Saxton?
Saxton: Yes Blay – you are everything that I could hope for. You pleasure me so well – just like you are doing now.
Blay: Uh…I’m not doing anything…
Saxton: What the hell?
Layla: Verily! Verily! I pleasure you verily!
Blay: What the hell are you doing hiding under our covers, Layla?!? And Jesus, your head is humongous.
Layla: Oooh..big head. I like where this conversation is going. Please, let me sex you up! I’m verily so horny!
Blay: Stop humping my leg! Layla, we have told you time and time again. We are gay. Your boobies are not wanted here!
Layla: Mate with me Blay!! I’ve saved myself for you. I want winkie!
Layla: Does my pole dancing entice you? I’m bendy and I’m learning to talk like a hooker.
Blay: Get out of here Layla! And don’t come back.
Layla: Fine! I’ll leave for now. But this ain’t over bitches! Verily!
Saxton: Finally alone again. Now where were we?
Blay: Wait…now what is that noise?
Blay: Qhuinn??? What are you doing under the bed??? And are you in fur?
Qhuinn: Listen, I’m bringing back the 80’s. And since I don’t have chest hair, a fur vest makes me feel like a man. I’m a dirty man slut Blay. I can’t stand it any longer – I need to know if you are boinking Saxton.
Saxton: Excuse me, I’m too sophisticated to “boink”
Blay: Shut up Saxton.
Blay: Qhuinn, yeah I did the dirty with Saxton. But is it true? Are you ready to be my lover?
Qhuinn: Blay – my winkie is a well used one. But if you still want it – it is yours for the taking.
Blay: But how am I going to get rid of Saxton?
Qhuinn: Oh…I have an idea. Oh Layla!!!
Qhuinn: Have at him Layla. He is all yours.
Layla: Come on Saxton! It’s time to unleash thou beast!
Saxton: Hellllllllp………….
Blay: I want to mate with you Qhuinn. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you. And maybe get you a hair cut and new wardrobe but whatever. We can work with it.
Qhuinn: Let’s do it my man. But I’m keeping the vest.
A short time later after the mating ceremony……
………and they lived happily ever after.
Smexy turns TWO today! And I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate then having fun with my favorite series. To celebrate I’m giving away the winner’s choice of a $25 giftcard to Amazon or $25 to purchase something at JR Ward’s Merchandise Store (rumored to open very soon). To enter just leave a comment – open to everyone through March 26th.
But Wait!! The BDB fun is not done. Fiction Vixen has her skit up today too (remember Z cross dressing last year? Has his addiction gotten worse?) So check over there for her skit and another prize.
Mandi, I lub u. But I can't believe you amputated Shaving Ken's leg.
That was hillarious!!
Dying of laughter, thank you for this!! Happy Anniversary! xo
can't.stop.laughing. My favorite line?
But this ain’t over bitches! Verily!
I'm off to check out FV's skit. Well done Mandi!
I haven't the imaginantion to cook these type things up…Verily!
Happy blogaversary.
This was absolutely hilarious! Layla and all of her Verily's! HAHAHAHA!
Congrats on turning 2 Smexybooks!!!
Excellent, so funny. Thanks for the laugh.
I think I have to postpone checking out Fiction Vixens skit till my abs have recovered from laughing so hard at yours.
Go Qhuay!
You did it again Mandi. Very very funny! Great job!
And congrats on turning 2! Wow!
Mandi you rock my socks! Which BTW I laughed myself right out of! Congrats on turning 2!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
trishbrittingham at gmail dot com
heehee! I love HEAs . Congrats on turing 2!!! I didn't know JR was opening a store! OMG, I can't imagine what kind of stuff will be available ;)
This may be the only reason I'm glad that series was invented. LMAO.
LMAO! You two are hilarious!
Just one question: What happens when the writing doesn't come off the dolls and the kids want to know what it means? LOL
See I am laughing so hard still I forgot to mention congrats on turning 2!! YAY!!!
Don't you mean whinkie? lol
Bravo! Brilliant!! *applauds*
"Verily! Verily! I pleasure you verily!"
Im rolling laughing!!!
Cannot wait for your next skit, Mandi, Congrats on turning two!!!
You are one sick puppy, my dear. And I think I love you.
You never cease to kill me with laughter. Verily so! You are a hoot, Mandi, and I'm so happy that you and Tori have turned this blog into a great success. Keep it coming!
Nearly spit coffee at computer screen! I love this!
What a great way to start the day!
I needed a good laugh this morning.Thanks for that.LMAO..Very funny.
I pp'd my panties laughing so hard.
Thanks everyone :) Verily!
zomg, Phurry's leg!! The pea cage! Layla pole dancing. I love you Mandi!!
Oh god…my two kids are wondering why I am laughing so hard. Congrats on turning 2 guys.
LMAO-I'm a dirty man slut."
Fabuloso job Mandi!!
Congrats! Happy blogoversary!!
Too flippin funny!
LOVE the peaches and cream Cormia. And amputated Phury is totes awesome.Team Qhuay!
Love these skits. Happy blog birthday!
That was freakin verily funny! I noticed right away that shaving ken made an appearence. I was concerned at first that I recognized him so quickly (him and the wrestling dudes), but then I read some comments and realized I'm not alone. LOL
Thanks for the laugh!
Haha! That was hilarious! I really hope those two do have a happy ending… *crosses fingers*
Verily, this was the BEST way to start the day evah!
"I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you. And maybe get you a hair cut and new wardrobe but whatever. We can work with it."
LOL!! That helped me wake up thanks and happy anniversary!!!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Still LMAO at Layla pole dancing and Phury in the cage with one leg! Brilliant! Congrats on 2 years of fun blogging!
Haha, good story and Happy Blog Birthday!
This is hilarious! Loved it!
OMG, I haven't even had enough coffee yet, barely awake but laughing so hard my daughter giving me the evil eye! So funny! Happy 2nd blog-b-day!
Yay for Qhuay!
haha poor Layla all she wants is some lovin, verily! i laughed so hard when she came out from under the covers.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Poor Saxton, unleashing Layla on him like that. But if it gives us a Qhuay HEA he can suffer a bit.
Happy blogiversary :D
I don't think Ward could have written a better Qhuay happy ending! ;)
LOL poor Layla always a virgin or a hooker! Yeaaaah Qhuay !!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, that was great. I am so hoping for some real Blay/Quinn action soon in the books.
I just witnessed the saga over at Fiction Vixen. I truly must be a romance fanatic because I am a sucker for a happy ending. LOL
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Love this, so freaking hilarious!
so funny!!! thank you for the laughs!!
Thank you! Thank you! I do believe this is the only way we're ever going to get our beloved Qhuay!!
lMAO! I loved it, verily :P
Happy birthday, Smexy!
Sheer awesomeness!!!
You need to post a warning at the top of this blog, I spit coffee all over my computer!
Congrats on the 2 yr!
The fur vest has got to go! Too, too funny. Thanks, and happy second birthday!
Awesome way to celebrate! Happy blogoversary! Can we expect a year of Terrible Two Tantrums? *g*
"we have told you time and time again. We are gay. Your boobies are not wanted here!"
*dies laughing* Loved it!
Thanks for taking the time to do this!!! Love the pea n toothpick cell with the sawed off leg! So funny on a crappy day.
LOVE IT!!! Verily hysterical!
Happy 2nd Blogaversary! Cheers, ~Westie
Mandi, you are too cute!! Have a super happy second bloggy birthday! *hugs*
This is awesome! Totally put a smile on my face. Can't wait to get my copy of Unleashed on the 29th. Woohoo!
At last, Layla gets some winkie! Verily!
LMAO. Thanks for this — needed the laugh! :D
LMAO…this made my entire day :)
Happy Birthday Smexy!
Awesomely funny! Happy second blogaversary!
LMAO. I spit my coffee. This is truly inspired madness. *G*
Holy Shit ~ that is the funniest thing I've seen in forever, Verily!! I loved it!!
Happy Blogaversary ~ thanks for making me laugh!!
I hope JR sees this, she will think it's a riot!!
Where's the johnson's baby powder?lol
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
Wow! I missed this depiction of the BDB last year. I think I accidently snorted the SweetnLow that I was putting in my tea while reading this just now. What a hoot. (Do your children know what you have done with their action figures?)
I love this. Think I might have scared my flatmate with all the giggling.
Can't wait to read the book and see more Qhuay.
I horrified my kids when I sawed Shaving Fun Ken's leg off with a steak knife;)
I'm cracking up. That was so much fun. Happy 2nd blog Birthday!
Okay, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Layla saying "I pleasure you verily" was too much for me to take, as was Qhuinn's "well used" winkie. Hilarious. Happy 2nd Birthday to Smexy and thanks for the giveaway!
That was f'ing hilarious!! The best part of my day so far. :)
Wow 2 years already!! Happy Blog Birthday!! I've been stalking your hairy men.. I mean er.. your blog since I ran across it just a few months in the making! Keep up the awesomeness!!
Mandi, this right here is why I love you.
You made Ken an amputee for giggles, and I can't help but appreciate that dedication. (And does Cormia have peas in her cleavage? lol)
I thoroughly enjoyed this, lol :)
And congrats on the 2 years of blogging!
I LOVE it! Happy blog birthday, verily!
Sweet baby jesus! What a riot!
"I’m verily so horny!" That is the same feeling I get when all the brothers are around.
So glad that Qhuay finally got their HEA, and the tattoos to prove it! ;)
Happy Birthday Smexy!
LOl, oh you crack me up. This one was so funny! I love the toothpick jail.
Happy Smexy blogging birthday :D
I haven't laughed so hard in a quite a long time. Was that GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip? My husband would be jealous.
That is awesome! I laughed hysterically! Thanks!
This is so hilarious I can't even….
Verily, verily! hahahaha
And, and, and Qhuay get their HEA!! This might be better than the actual book!
This was great. I cannot wait for Lover Unleashed and really anticipating seeing where Blay and Qhuinn go in their relationship.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
This is too great. I love it!
OMG that was too funny!!!
Happy Birthday Smexy!!
jstpeachy1976 at yahoo dot com
Layla is such a horny biatch, I hope she gets nailed verily to the wall in one of the upcoming books.
Happy anniversary, Mandi baby…lift up that wine glass with me and CHEERS!
"But this ain’t over bitches! Verily!" LMAO!!!
Happy 2nd B-day!!!
I love how both Blay and Saxton have big fist grips going on. Could be the angle of the pic, but Saxton's left hand is HUGE! Which then makes me wonder what he's been holding onto that is so very thick ;)
LMAO!! That's was hilarious!
B & Q 4 Evah!
Fantastic job on this. Absolutely love it. And congrats on 2 years of this fabulous blog.
Fantastic! Quay Forever!!!!! I also loved Layla, the horny, pole-dancing Chosen…perfect!
You totally crack me up, thanks for the laugh.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Ohdeargod!!! Way too hiliarious.
I'm way behind on BDB, but this was still hilarious. Happy blogoversary!
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
The peas and toothpicks were the best!
Happy Anniversary!
So glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee when I read this!
Happy anniversary – what a way to celebrate! I can't stop laughing! Layla *snort* and Cormia and her peas and toothpicks – inspired!
Have to clean the screen spray off my computer now!
I verily hate Layla. Very-verily. I do not want to know who she ends up with – the poor sonofab*tch!
I need to not read this while I work but OMG was that hilarious. "I want winkie!"
Way to celebrate! Congrats on 2 years!
Hahahahahahahah! Funny stuff ;-)
Happy 2nd!
Love these skits!
Happy 2nd!
lol! Oh my god! Its almost time!! ~bounces~
Soo funny. I couldn't even finish Phury's book. The poorly written women are the biggest problem BDB books have.
OMG, I can't believe you built a pea and toothpick prision… You and Sophia are the best… Congrats!
I loved the peas and toothpick cage, lol. It was all very funny and thanks for the chance to win
Love it!
Happy Anniversary!
I love the BDB skits! The vest is killing me and Blay's undies are a hoot! I bet those knee pads come in handy! :)
Where does the time go? 2 already?
OMG "I want winkie!" ROFL
I was reading this on my phone at work and busted out laughing lol coworkers gave me a funny look xD
And this is why I keep coming back. You're the greatest! Keep on, keepin' on!
Oh my God, that is so freaking funny! I cried laughing so hard!
Yay for the 2 years! Congrats =D
The new store is open, and as cool as that is, this is still way more amusing! I love when you post these skits.
Yay! It feels like forever since the last set of skits were out!! Happy Anniversary Smexy Books!!
Happy blogoversary :)
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
This is cracking me up…..verily! I just found your site…."I'll be back…"
Bad Arnold Schwartz…..who knows how to spell his name???? I don't live in California! Lol
Mandi my friend you have way too much time on your hands rolfmfao.
that is just way out there lol.
Hah! Major coffee spit this morning. Last year's post was hilarious, but this one is just as good. Where do you come up with this stuff? Especially Layla of the freakishly big head, and Phury imprisoned in the toothpick and pea structure.
jen at delux dot com
Verily, that was most awesome!
I love the pea cage! Also love Qhuinn coming out (<–haha) from under the bed *snorts*
Thanks for the laugh! Can't wait for the book :)
Happy Anniversary. Peas and toothpicks – priceless
Lol…no words.
Wow! I'm tearing up! Sooo Funny!
*snort* OMG!!! I laighed so hard I peed a little. That was genius.
Congratulations Mandi, happy blogoversary!! :-D Here's to many more entertaining blog posts! :-)
After the last sketch, I was so hoping that there would be more and yay! You definitely had me choking on laughter!
Knowing you and Sophia, I'm sure there will be more of these hilarious posts, and can't wait for it! :-D
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
That is hilarious; loving the fur. heather[dot]coulter[at]gmail[dot]com
Happy anniversary my dear… Long may you reign..
Your skits are too funny….
Happy Anniversary Smexy! Hilarious skit. Thanks for the morning chuckle.
OMG…this was absolutely the best! Between the fur and "Qhuay" being split between their backs it was just too much!
Thanks for making my day(s)…I originally saw it yesterday but didn't have time to comment until today!
ROFLMAO, That is the best, funniest and well told story I've seen ! Thanks for the smile
this made me laugh, hugely. i was loling all throughout!
Congrats on your blogiversary! Hilariousness.
I seriously laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee. Last year I'd never read the books so I wasn't sure what was going on. It's nice to be in on the joke. :) Loved it. Happy bloggy bday!
Loved the skit.
ageorgecross72 at yahoo dot com
That was one seriously funny skit. Happy birthday!
Happy Anniversary! This is just so funny and I would love to see more. Thanks for making my day.
Happy Anniversary! LOVE LOVE your site!
xoxo –
I adore these skits! I discovered them before I read the series and had to come back to reread them after I devoured the BDB series!
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
Oh my god that was so hilarious and I can't stop laughing!
Love the pics and can't wait for your next skit to come out!
Happy blogoversary. Love it. Thanks for smiles.
Happy blogiversary! I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard.
Thank you for starting my weekend with a bang!
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Happy 2 yr. anniversary – awesomely funny – you must have a blast coming up with the skit.
Happy Anniversary! Loved this, will keep me chuckling all day!
seritzko at verizon dot net
Omg! That is just, words have escaped me. I can't stop laughing. Why am I always at Starbucks when this happens? I swear the one down the street from me is going to take out a restraining order.
This is even better than the first one! We need more!
lmao…"your head is humongous"…happy anniversary. love the post
Oh that was hilarious! Happy anniversary sweetie. Apologies for being AWOL of late.
I laughed until I cried. You.are.awesome!
That. Was. AWESOME! Thank you so much and HAPPY BLOGGIVERSARY!!
I just couldnt leave your website before telling you that we really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors… Will be back often to check up on new posts
OMG You’re a genious!
This is awesome!!
Greetings from Spain
I just had to read it again! BRILLIANT!
That was too funny.
Thanks, I really needed that. Very funny!
Verily, verily! LMAO, absolutely fantastic. And the jail of peas and toothpicks…I almost spit out my drink.
I loved the toothpick/pea cage… poor Phury… but you reap what you sow! Too funny, thanks for the laugh!!