10. Hey! It’s October. September ended with us getting a ton o’rain and all the schools closing because of flooding. Maybe October will be nicer to us. My week has consisted of me sneezing and coughing. And for the big news – wait for it – the hot tub is still sitting in our driveway. ;p. I did peek in and the crickets seem to be hopping around enjoying themselves. I’m sure small animals will hibernate inside the tub this winter. I’m really happy that I’m providing a nice dry spot for nature to enjoy.
9. I was surprised to find out the next Immortal’s After Dark book is coming out February 15th. But Kresley Cole only writes this series, so she is able to give us at least two books a year – which is awesome. Dreams of a Dark Warrior will feature Regin the Radiant and Aidan the Fierce!! I’m SO excited. Check out the blurb:
He vowed he’d come for her. . . Murdered before he could wed Regin the Radiant, warlord Aidan the Fierce seeks his beloved through eternity, reborn again and again into new identities, yet with no memory of his past lives—only an endless yearning.
She awaits his return. . . When Regin encounters Declan Chase, a brutal Celtic soldier, she recognizes her proud warlord reincarnated. But Declan takes her captive, intending retribution against all immortals, unaware that he belongs to their world.
To sate a desire more powerful than death. . . Yet every reincarnation comes with a price, for Aidan is doomed to die when he remembers his past. To save herself from Declan’s torments, will Regin rekindle memories of the passion they once shared—even if it means once again losing the only man she could ever love?.
8. Earlier this week I did a guest review of Coming Clean by Inez Kelley at Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks. It is short and sweet and fully of dirty, dirty smex. Inez gives us m/f, m/f/m, and some nice m/m action. I really liked this one. Go HERE to read the review.
7. Tori’s Friday 56 – Poison Kissed by Erica Hayes (Shadowfae Chronicles #3) Released – September 28, 2010.
“Seven years had passed, and I was no closer to finding my mother’s murderer and the healing I craved, that I’d get only when the bastard laid dead at my hands. But recently I’d found something that might help. Something dangerous and edgy, painful like razor oblivion and as compelling.
How to play Friday 56.
● Grab the book nearest you. Right now
● Turn to page 56.
● Find the fifth sentence.
● Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
● Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
● Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Happy Friday!!

6. The above clip has 25 million views – so yeah – I’m sure you have seen it. But it is one of my favorite things ever.
5. I have two contests open right now. Your chance to win Mind Games or Double Cross by Carolyn Crane and a chance to win Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews. All of these books are fivers (five stars). Awesome reads!!
4. Dexter is back! After the crazy, jaw dropping finale last season, the first episode last Sunday starts right where we left off. Poor Dexter – his little emotionless self just couldn’t handle everything that was going on. He lost his mojo! He actually had talks with himself about not killing anymore. *shock* *gasp* But not to worry, after torching all his supplies, he lost it and took someone out in a gas station. Dexter is back.
3. With the suicide of Tyler Clementi making national news this week (read his story HERE) it just brings to light how important it is for teenagers (and adults) to know there IS a support system out there for you. My husband and I are very passionate about equal rights for EVERYONE and awareness of bullying in schools. Unfortunately, suicide is often a result – but it doesn’t have to be!!
LB Gregg blogged about the “It Gets Better Project” and “The Trevor Project.” Two wonderful resources to GBLT teens.
Also during the month of October, author J.P Barnaby is donating 50% of her royalties to The Trevor Project. Go HERE to purchase her books.
Spread the word about these organizations. It WILL make a difference in someone’s life.
2. Jen from the blog That’s What I’m Talking About is hosting an entire week devoted to the FAB steampunk book, The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook. Tori and I will have a joint review of this book next week – you guys – it is so awesome. It’s the kind of book you read and think – how in the world did Meljean come up with this world?? And the Hero is a pirate and a Duke. The heroine is a Detective Inspector. The book releases this Tuesday – I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts. Click on the picture above to preview her week.
1. Oh Friday – thank you for coming again ;) This weekend I am reading Game Set Match by Nana Malone and starting Eternal Hunger by Laura Wright. Happy Reading!!!
What is with that 'dramatic look' video? Why is it so funny?! It's 5 seconds long for goodness sake! LOL
I'm sure the reason you bought the hot tub was to house animals during the winter months, right? ;)
Happy Weekend!
Because it is SO DRAMATIC!! ;)
Yay Regin is getting her book!! I'm interested to see what's going to happen with Aiden's curse. I'm so glad Kresley Cole is able to come out with 2 books a year.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Love the dramatic look, it is pure greatness :D
OMG… that vid is hilarious.
Yea to Regin's book. I can't WAIT. Jan/Feb holds such awesomeness.
Tyler Clementi's story is just heartbreaking. To be that devastated by a thoughtless malicious act that you would take your own life. My heart goes out to his parents. *sigh* Your never suppose to outlive your child. Our world is so f'd up.
Tyler Clementi is one of many that has taken their life because others are ignorant and show their fear in malicious way. My thoughts are with his family and friends.
That Dramatic Look is freakin' hilarious… thanks for sharing.
Also, thank you for sharing my THE IRON DUKE week with your readers. I adore your blog and love the Top Ten… so I feel so honored! THANKS!
As for the Tyler story. It truly is sad. And it doesn't stop with GBLT… It's so sad that kids/people cannot be themselves and loved for who they are. I just pray and hope that I teach my kids 1) It's okay to be who you want to be and 2) Don't ever judge/make fun of someone that is different than you.
Good Friday Afternoon! My page 56 quote is:
"I think you'd be better suited to the clergy than you credit. For all you cultivate that roguish image, you've a good heart beneath." This is from my latest read: "Twice Tempted by a Rogue by Tessa Dare – a truly heart wrenching story!
I wouldn't know what to do with myself if Dexter quit killing…haha.
Yeah! More KC ~~ Yippee Skippee! And those covers…so drool worthy!
I've read many smexy things about Coming Clean. Time to do a little laundry.
Steampunk is so new to me, but with all the hoopla surrounding The Iron Duke, I'm starting to crack.
I'm surprised frogs haven't taken up residence in the tub.
PH – I can't wait for their story!
Blodeuedd – It is! ;)
Tori – yes, yes and yes
Ash – It is just truly devastating – and that is the one big story we hear about. So many go unnoticed. It is really something that demands we take action.
Jen – Your Iron Duke week looks amazing!
And I agree – I think the most important things we can teach our children is to be respectful and non-judgmental. It is so important….
Thanks Barb!
Rowena- He can't quit..haha. I lurve him in a weird way :)
Artemis – I have a pond so most of the frogs are congregating there…but come a good freeze they might hop over… ;)
Hi Mandi,
OMG the new Kresley cover is HOT!!! Lucky Regin!!!
The dramatic little guy is cute, take a look at Mocha and his first broccoli: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0E-0ntoNWo
Re: Dexter, I never thought I'd be so happy to see someone commit murder. I was worried there for about 45 minutes. ;)
All right, um…so I watched the dramatic gopher video way too many times, the music drew the kidlet, who then watched it with me a bunch more times. Did you know there's a Dramatic Gopher with Light Saber version? Oh, it's so good!
The It Gets Better Project is so amazing. Hopefully it helps a lot of teens realize that it does indeed get better.
Soooo cant wait for Regin's book. finally!! that cover is Lush!
SQUEEE SQUEEE SQUEEEE over Dreams of a Dark Warrior!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Dexter… that season premier was DARK. I love Deb. I think I saw you tweet that she needs to eat. She has always been so beyond skinny to me, meh. But she is super snarky, love!
Oh my freaking god, we get Regin's story first?!!!! So excited and I can't believe they were supposed to be wed.
So in January we get Shadowfever and then Feb we get Dreams of a Dark Warrior –>woo hoo