10. My Week – I went to the pumpkin patch for the last time on a preschool field trip (next year my youngest will be in Kindergarten). It was kind of bitter sweet but so much fun. Four year olds are a crazy bunch :) I am no longer acknowledging the hot tub that is sitting in my driveway. We now are handing over our life savings to an electrician who needs to install a complete new electrical system in our house. And there is talk of a contractor….*weeping* ;)
9. This morning I posted my review of The Spy Who Saved Christmas, and I mentioned that it is my first Harlequin Intrigue read. I really liked it, and I also really like to buy books – can you believe it? So give me some recommendations for other authors in this category!
8. Lots of messy Dorchester news going around. It sounds like many authors are not getting paid, even though their books are still being sold. Yikes. For a complete wrap up visit Smart Bitches or Katiebabs.
7. I discovered the Gerard Butler Gals website this week. This website is a big deal!! They have a Gerard Butler Convention weekend in Vegas next summer. After searching through this site I realize I have failed Brandon Flowers. Why does Gerard get all this attention. Besides his amazing arms and accent. *drool* *slobber* Does Brandon Flowers need his own fangirl convention? Smexy thinks he does. Hell, BFlow lives in Vegas. I could set up in his front yard. (Ok, so that is my stalker side talking) ;)
6. With all the reviews posted at Smexy, there are many times when I read a book and nothing works to the point I say, dear book, I quit you. This happened three times this week. First it was In Dreams Begin by Sklyer White. While I enjoyed her first book, and, Falling Fly, this one was just too out there for me. Next, Dark Viking by Sandra Hill. When the word “hooey” was used, and was suppose to be funny, I knew I wouldn’t like it. The humor is just not my type of humor. And finally, Sinful in Satin by Madeline Hunter. This one is getting good reviews on Goodreads. I liked it – to a point. But it was very slow, and serious and it just didn’t hold my interest. However, I ended the week with Simply Irresistible by Jill Shalvis and it got me out of my slump!! Such a cute story that I will review next week.
5. Hey, Tori here. No Friday 56 today doooodes…I’m talking smut instead.
For months Mandi (smexybooks) and K.c. (smokinhotbooks) have sang the praises of smut to me. I’m talking “in your face -you don’t want the kids seeing this” smut. M/M smut. :) So I bought my first one-LB Gregg’s Catch Me If You Can and I was a goner. OMG-why did I resist so long? It’s fantabulous. Ava March-tree smex? Helloo? I’ve read it like 5 times now. M/M gives great visual and plot w/out the whininess of adding a woman. And I’m sorry but when you add a women you enviably get whininess. While I like a good m/f/m I find those are still a bit unbelievable. I can’t phantom 1 women wanting to be w/ 2 or more men. Then they throw the whole, “Everyone loves everyone-let’s get married.” Uhhh, no. Even in a fantasy realm I ain’t buying it. Add a brother or sister sharing scenario to the mix and I’m outta here. I picture my siblings/bed and *shudder*. Not going there. And then we have the “stretch” issue. I know you all think about it. Don’t lie and say you don’t. Being w/ 2 or more men 2-3 times a day is gonna give a whole new meaning to the word, “incontinence.”
So thank you to Mandi, K.c. and all you other smutty vixens who pushed me off the cliff. I’m forever in your debt. :)
4. Josh Lanyon is now on Twitter. Go stalk follow.
3. Ash, from Smash Attack Reads MET JOE MANGANIELLO (who played Alcide on True Blood this past season)!!! Holy perfect abs she is so lucky!! Go HERE to read about her experience. I adore his expression in the picture taken with her ;)
2. I’ve started my Christmas shopping. I love to shop, so buying presents for people is one of my favorite things to do. What is that hubs? Why is my credit card so high? Christmas hubs!! You can’t get upset over Christmas now ;)
Hubs wants to know what I want. Honestly, I have the hardest time coming up with ideas for myself. I want a new screen for my iPhone (it is still cracked from BFlow concert – of course I’m going to see BFLow in Nov, so I don’t want to fix it quite yet…HAHA) And there are some books that I only have on my Kindle that I NEED in print – like the Downside series by Stacia Kane. Terrible needs to be on my shelves y’all. Oh, and I need the Kindel 3. I do. Ok, so maybe I do have some ideas for myself. What about you guys? What is on your Christmas list?
1. Besides a trip to the pumpkin patch with the family, I am diving into Game Over by Taylor Keating (writing team of Catherine Verge and Paula Fox). HAPPY FRIDAY!
"After searching through this site I realize I have failed Brandon Flowers." No you haven't because you keep talking and talking and talking about him. So don't feel bad, you are not failing him. (Oh, and you're funny…)
For Christmas, if Jason and I have any money left, I ask for a gift card for the bookstore and he asks for a gift card to the gaming store. We can't really afford much for each other so we are content feeding our respective addictions! lol
Happy Weekend!
haha – so I MIGHT mention him once in awhile *ahem*
Yeah – hubs will by me books, I will buy him xbox games. Joy to the world ;)
Um. YES. We need a BFlow convention!!
Thanks for sharing the Joe love! That picture still cracks me up. lol
Yay, I have one attendee ;)
So awesome you got to meet him!
Tori – you made me spit out my water with your "stretching" comment. Horrible mental picture. Horrible mental picture! And a big YAY for a Gerard Butler fan site, who knew he had his own convention? Ash – super jealous of your Joe experience. I want a Joe of my very own:)
Mandi – I want the new Kindle too even though I have absolutely no valid reason for buying it:)
Jenny – I seriously snorted my drink up my nose when I read her "incontinence"
I don't need the new Kindle either…but me wants!
Oh I'm soooo jelios that Ash met Joe. Fab picture!!
I and hubs always ask for gift cards. Anything we really need we buy and I don;t have anything "special" I want. Well, not anything anyone would buy me for xmas. lol Kidlet started her xmas list around July of this yr. *gasp* I've seen it and it's skerry.
Gerald Butler. NOM. He's so HAWT!
You have found all that is Gerry and yes they have a convention..drool swoon. He is almost all over my page.
Did the pumpkin patch with my kids too.
One Christmas, back in the days when the kids were little and we absolutely did NOT have any money, I gave my hubby books for Christmas and he gave me tools. We knew who would end up with what that year. Now, after all these years we are at a stalemate–his B-Day is five days before Christmas. UGH!! Just not fair!
Gerard Butler and Joe Manganiello mentioned in the same post??? Happy Friday to me.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Enjoyed your post today!
I really don't like Gerard Butler accent. It's more whe he talks mute the tv and swoon as his sexy bod :D
Aw pumkin patch sounded sweet!
Sigh I need a cooler BF Monkey won't buy me romance books :'( but I'll get books and he'll get ps2 games. But big pressies come February as I'll be quarter of a century old yey!
I started Xmas shopping yesterday wooo! And looking for decorations for our poor naked tree. Could only afford to buy a tree last year so this year I get to make it pretty!
Mandi –
We had our 90+ year old house totally rewired this year. I have some advice – move out or go on vacation if at all possible while it is being done and then treat yourself to a day of professional cleaning services when it is over and everything has been patched and painted. (I didn't get out of the house and my sanity was sorely tested, but the cleaners were a big help!)
Mr Butler is mighty smexy! Maybe I should ask for him for Christmas!
Happy weekend to all!
Tori – My kids xmas list is scary too..they are still young enough to believe Santa will get them what they ask for – but they have expensive taste!
Julie – I had no idea about this convention..I find it rather awesome
DR J – oh boy..birthdays near xmas are never good! LOL. Good luck with that ;)
PH – yes – hawtness!
Houston – THanks!
Ally – You are such a youngin'! ;) You tell your BF you NEED romance books. It's essential ;)
Christine – oh goodness..I'm skeered. I am seriously starting to hate this hot tub. On the otherhand, we realize we are living in a pit of electrical disaster and I guess I'm glad my house hasn't burned down yet. Thanks for the heads up!
T – I totally knew we'd bring you over to the manlove side *throws confetti*
My xmas list..books, books, books, oh an an e-reader but that it way to expensive
I love Catch Me If You Can Mandi. Phenominal book and looking forward to book 2 coming in December I beleive.
Hey I never knew GB had a convention. *fangirl squeal* I need to go to Vegas. Thinks my DH would mind if I asked for that for our Anniversary Present in 2011? *grins*
KC – aren't you proud of Tori? She is such an addict now ;)
Blodeuedd – Yeah..why do they have to be so expensive??
Raine – I can't wait for bk 2 in that series!!!!
LOLOL..great anniv present..I'm sure hubs would be thrilled…of course..it is in vegas….
Yay, Tori loves m/m smut! :)
I'm also having a hard time coming up with a christmas wishlist, except for books of course ;)
Have a good pumpkin patch!
Mandi! Great top 10 today! Miss going to the pumpkin patch…my kids are 11 and 14 and not into it anymore.
#5-hilarious! No author ever goes there when writing menage scenes, but we're all thinking, "um, ya right. That position works." NOT!
Have a great weekend!
Great top ten!!
Tori, welcome to the m/m smutty dark side. muhahahaha. Your life will never be the same again. *g*
Mandi–K3, yest you need this. I'm sending you a little pressie today. Sorry, it's not a K3. But it's a pressie. You'll like.
I love your Friday posts. :)
Kudos for converting Tori! Have you sent her to the GRs M/M Romance Group yet?
I'm in the same boat for gift ideas for me… ARe gift certificates?!? New towels? Yeah, that's all I have so far. :D
tori: You make me laugh! However, I have read some m/m with a whiny male. It's not pretty!
For Christmas: I really want a nice elliptical trainer. Then I can w/out when I want and not worry about daycare hours at the gym!
Alright, who wants to go the the Gerry B convention with me?
I'd go to a Brandon Flowers convention. I am loving his new CD, although my significant other calls it Killers Lite. I don't care. BF still rocks. ;-)
*shudders* at the mention of a new electrical system. Given I'm an HGTV addict, I have a fair idea of what's in store for you. ((hugs))
I AM SO {AFFECTIONATELY} JEALOUS OF ASH!!!!!!!!! I LOVED looking at her pics!!!!!! Dude, his HANDS, did anyone see the size of them???? GOOD LAWD that is just wrong. Whew!
Sorry to hear about the electricity nightmares. Hope everything is sorted soon (and not too expensively).
Love that photo of Gerard :)
As for m/m – can I suggest Amy Lane's Keeping Promise Rock. Blew me away! Am so glad I discovered m/m – I love the genre!