10. Rainy and cloudy all week – so what did I do? Read three BDSM books. What else is a girl to do? Two I loved, one I didn’t. See below for more. Hubs also turned 33 – he requested oyster stew for dinner. So like a good wife I called his mother and said – hey, make your son oyster stew! Oysters in a cream sauce – I just can’t do it. ;)
9. One of my favorite authors, Ilona Andrews (who writes the Kate Dainels and Edge series) has a new short story out called Of Swine and Roses. I believe this is just a stand alone story. It looks cute. $.99 at Amazon.

8. ERIC! Shirtless! He looks like a lost little lamb. Come home to mama Smexy. Season 4! Waiting DOES suck.
7. I may have met my match. I love m/m books, I love hairy men. While on Twitter a couple of days ago, someone discovered this fine gem of a book. Bearotica – Hot & Hairy Fiction. I mean – just look at that cover! Now, this was cause for some great amusement on Twitter. And then we read the excerpt. (NSFW). Wow. Even better – Somehow Katiebabs and I convinced Penny to purchase and read this book. (OK, so we told her we would read it with her! I’ll purchase my copy….soon) And Penny has had quite an eye opening experience. She may never recover. Thanks for taking one for the team, Penny.
6. Look what else I found on Twitter. Frosty the Real Man. I…don’t….have….words.
5. Nalini Singh posted the back cover blurb for Archangel’s Blade – book four in her Guild Hunter series. Dmitri’s book!!! Coming out this September…can’t wait! Go HERE.
4. SQUEEE!!! The cover for Cipher by Moira Rogers is out! Book four in their Southern Arcana series – this will be Andrew and Kat’s book. I can’t wait!!! Releases this September.
3. It’s that time of year again! Similar to the brackets you would fill out for March Madness Basketball, Dear Author and Smart Bitches host a tournament for books! If you haven’t played before, go HERE to read up on it. It is super fun! I believe on Sunday, we are able to fill in our brackets. I hope you are all ready for me to crush you. Competitive..who me?
2. Months ago Nicole recommend to me the author Cherise Sinclair. Finally, FINALLY I got my act together and read Breaking Free. Which is a really great BDSM book. As soon as I put this on Goodreads and Twitter I had numerous people telling me how wonderful this author is. I can’t agree more. The heroine Beth, who has been with an abusive Dom for a husband, runs from him and finds Master Nolan who is able to rebuild her confidence. But then her husband starts to track her down. Really enjoyed this one! Amazon.
1. This weekend I’m reading the Sweetest Thing by Jill Shalvis. I’m also going to Chuck E Cheese. Keep me in your thoughts ;)
I cannot wait for Cipher! I've been whining for months about having to wait for it. Love that series.
Frosty the real man. HAHAHA! I almost want to read that just to see if…well, you know what I mean. ;)
Hi Mandi, Love all the Shadowlands books, you should try the other ones too. Oyster stew???? Really???? Yuck…
Hey Mandi! As always, thanks for the laugh! Really, Bearotica? Can't wait to see what Penny says. That cover is like one of Elizabeth Ambers Satyr guys covers gone bad-way bad! I saw that trailer for True Blood the other day and I don't have HBO but I'm trying to figure out how I can afford it for this one season because the book where Eric lost his memory is one of my favorites! Have a great weekend!
Melissa – They teased us so bad with Kat and Andrews in Deadlock ;) Really looking forward to their book!
Bells! Do it ;p
Dani – I will try the others…I heard Doms Dungeon is good too….
Lisa – I know..this was one of my fav Sookie Books..I hope they do everything that is in the book ;p
As a result of the severe trauma I experienced reading the bearotica book, I made a new pact not be be unduly influenced by any asinine recommendations by you or KB. Until I saw Frosty The Real Man on this list…you are killing me!!!! I must get this one…it is totally right up my North Pole-alley. I swear, on a stack of bear "cubs", this is my last kooky book purchase for at least 24 hours. Swear it!
Chucky Cheese? ewwwww! be careful what you touch .
Frosty? heehee
Bearotica-I don't have the words…nor do I want too
Thanks for reminding me about the fuzzy bubble butt bearotica I must read and buy. I may go into major convulsions from LOLing too hard or gasping in shock as I can't catch my breath.
Cipher!! Can't wait for that one. Cover looks good. Not my favorite from the series but still good.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Oh Cipher! Cherise Sinclair! New Jill Shalvis! Dimitri! Romance March Madness!! I think this might be one of my favorite top ten's of all time!
@Lisa: I live in Holland and lack the patience to wait till they show True Blood here, so I watch shows like that on sidereel.com
You sometimes have to look for a good quality video (I found that links on vidx take longer to load but most of the time the quality is fine) but it is good way to get your fix for free.
There are some links to paid sites (like I-tunes)but those are only open to people in the US.
When I click on the link for 'Of Swine and Roses' I see that the price is $3.44.
Is Amazon charging people overseas more? Grrr!
Penny! You kill me. srsly!
Sharon – I'm scared of Chucky…help me
KB – I'm too scared to read it…ok maybe not ;)
PH – I like the wolf :) cause it's Andrew (I'm easy)
Nicole – hahaha…*throws confetti*
Sylvia – oh noes..I still see .99 here :(
@Sylvia I think Ilona posted on her blog that because of Amazon over charging international, they put Of Swine and Roses up at All Romance eBooks for .99 cents. Try there! You can get any format and sideload your eReader.
Lol Frosty, yes that is real sexy
LMAO-I want to rad Frosty just to see if everything, umm, "melts" when the hat comes off. ;)
Cipher!!! Wooohooo. Been waiting awhile for this story.
Of Swine And Roses is a great novella. I read it awhile ago and really liked it.
Chucky cheese huh? Poor you.
@Nicole Thanks! I will check it out.
My baby girl turns 5 next month. Guess where she HAS TO HAVE the party? Yes, I'm taking one of the team with a party at Chuck E. Cheese. *sigh*
I love the Bear Erotica – can't wait for the review. *snicker*
Happy Friday!!
Holy Hairy Hell!
Penny! We totally owe you! LOL
Another awesome TT, Mandi! Have fun at Chuck's!
Is that dude on the Bearotica cover scratching his chest or about to tweak is own nip? I wonder what he's looking at?
Have fun at Chuck E Cheese's! LOL. The animatronic stage act always cracks me up. So high tech. If you sit close enough, you can hear Chuck E's gears grinding when he moves.
And then i think I've heard…and seen it all, comes; Bearotica LOL Of course as a true BDSM lover I've got Sinclair on the e-shelves for months now but did I read it yet…NO!! Bad me :)
I hope your hubby had the best of b-days! And that he got his mom's oyster stew *grin*
Penny is so brave – way to take one of the team!
Stop. Stop!!!! Bearotica?????!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Incredible quest there. What occurred after? Take care!
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