10. My Week – It’s March! Woo and Hoo!! Spring is near. Three of the Four people in my house have birthday’s this month. And Lover Unleashed comes out! March will be a good month indeed.
9. As I was browsing through Kresley Cole’s site I noticed you can now sign up for text alerts from her. Since I am attached to my baby precious phone, I love this idea! Go HERE to sign up.
8. I love it that people know I am obsessed with bearded men and send me emails and tweets to fuel by obsession <3! Now Mr. Thomas, he not only has a hawt beard but HELLO to the gun and camo vest. SWOON! Authors – I want a romance book starring him….stat! (link)
7. Thanks to a heads-up from Leontine, here is the cover to Bound by the Vampire Queen, book eight in Joey Hill’s Vampire Queen series. Last year I read books five and six (have not read the previous ones) and I was blown away!! Two of my favorite books. Very dark, BDSM – and so well written. I highly recommend them! Book 7 – Vampire Instinct comes out this summer.
6. I really enjoyed this blog post by Kassa, What Makes a Review Worthwhile? She asks what do readers of reviews really want to see? And I think she makes some great points as well as some great things in the comment section.
5. Pretty sure this cover was made just for me. *pets* Virtue and Vice by Megan Hart comes out this October.
4. Ilona Andrews announced on her blog that the third Edge book will be called Fate’s Edge. (Thanks for the heads up from Julie!). I adore this series – a little more romance oriented than their Kate Daniel’s series. And they have built an incredible world. Check out On The Edge and Bayou Moon if you haven’t!

3. I seriously want to be six months old again so I can laugh at paper ripping. Is a baby having big belly laughs not the cutest thing??
2. Nicole did a lovely guest review for A Lot Like Love by Julie James and after reading her review and others, I decided to read this myself. I’m obsessed with this book you guys! It is SO GOOD! SOOOOO GOOD. I read her first two books (have not read her previous, Something Like You) and liked them but this one is something special. Funny, sexy, completely engaging. Plus, the heroine owns a wine store. Although the heroine would probably fall over dead if she drank wine out of box. I guess I forgive her.
Two of my favorite quotes/moments:
From Jordan the heroine:
“Wine with everything. Because wine means the responsible part of the day is over.”
(I want that on a sign!!!!!)
From Nick the hero:
That was his fake girlfriend in there. Sitting at the table where they had just shared cheese fries the night before. And if she thought she could throw scorching hot sex-looks to any pansy-ass scarf-boy who wandered into her shop, she had another thing coming.
He had a look of his own to show the douchebag.
It was time to break out the don’t-fuck-with-me-face.
1. Speaking of wine, hubs and I have a date Saturday night and we are trying out a new wine bar. Very excited. I’m also reading the m/m book, Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullen and Falling Under by Gwen Hayes this weekend. Happy Friday!
I am reading A Lot Like Love this week! Can't freakin' wait! And that video? Too cute. I've seen it before but I could watch it over and over and laugh every time!
Bfs mum had posted laughing baby and FB and it is just so adorable..I fear it made me wanna have a baby..right now, lol
That baby is too adorable. And HELLO to the beard website!! >80
Glad to hear A Lot Like Love is soooo good (I'm not surprised, I've loved all of her previous books), I've just started it – got to dig into it over the weekend.
I probably read Julie James's Sexiest Man Alive at least once a year. God, when do we get our hands on the next J James book?!
I love that video of the baby girl belly laughing! My girl is 5 months and is just startin to laugh, but she's really stingy with them. I can't wait 'til she's lauhing like that!
Thanks for sharing!
Holy cow batman, Kresley Cole Text alerts?? I'm in!! That Beard website is too funny!!
:) Kristin
I almost chose that quote from Nick as my fav…. but the spit or swallow one won out, by vote of my husband. LOL