This week at Smexy….
A&B review – Tangle of Need by Nalini Singh
B+ review- A Night Like This by Julia Quinn
B+ review- Dark Frost by Jennifer Estep
B review – Three Weddings and a Murder by Tessa Dare, Leigh Lavalle, Courtney Milan, and Carey Baldwin
C+ review- The Hostage Bargain by Annika Martin
C review – Beguiling the Beauty by Sherry Thomas
C review – The Forbidden Ferrara by Sarah Morgan
C review – Improper Relations by Juliana Ross
C- review – Fastball by V.K.Sykes
Guest Author Bronwen Evans and Giveaway
Interview and Giveaway with Nalini Singh
Thea & Viv’s Big Adventure–Day 3
Smexy’s Top Ten
Tori’s News: It’s been a PITA week. My computer is failing and not sure why so it’s taking me far longer then it should to do anything. It’s also put me in a FOUL mood. Grrrr.
I picked up three erotic niblets from Evernight Publishing. The Riding Crop by Kayrn Gerrard is a short historical erotic that features a jaded man and a damaged woman brought together by fate at a private sex club. I enjoyed this one though very short. Going Berserk by Alexandra O’Hurley is a prequel novella to her erotic Berserker series. Shows us the meeting and mating of a berserker with his destiny.Good, but not enough development in the plot nor the romance. A Bolt From The Blue by Georgia Fox is SUPER hot and I enjoyed the disconnected internal dialogue of the heroine but it went off the rails when the author introduces the “conflict”. Should have just left it an erotic.
Jennifer Barnes’s Taken By Storm was everything I wanted in an ending to a series but she SERIOUSLY jumps shark towards the end and I’m still in a daze over it. I’m also not convinced this is the end.
By His Rules by J.A. Rock is a medium/heavy mm bdsm that takes a serious look at abuse and domestic discipline. I enjoyed the storyline and some of the characters but there were some scenes that were very hard to read.
FINALLY got to read Bella Andre’s third and fourth books in her Sullivan series-Can’t Help Falling In Love #3 and I Only Have Eyes For You #4. The Sullivans are delectable, delightful characters and I love how Ms. Andre takes their stories and injects everyday life and problems as they find their way to romance. Currently waiting for #5, which is Zach’s story.
Got my hands on Elizabeth’s Hoyt’s Thief Of Shadows. I am posting a First Look of it at this month. Mandi will be reviewing it for Smexybooks. ZOMG! Winter and Lady Isobel practically combust in this novel. Romance, action, mystery, and suspense combine together for a sizzling installment in Ms. Hoyt’s Maiden Lane series.
I re read Nora Robert’s Public Secrets. This one has always been a fav of mine with it’s rock star theme and 70s vibe.
J.A. Saare’s Crimson Sunrise #2 of her Crimson trilogy picks up right where Crimson Moon #1 left off. I love Calab and Emma and was thrilled to be back in their world. Great action packed PNR story that continues the arc beautifully. I only wished Emma would have showed more common sense at times and I would have liked more interaction with Calab’s sister.
This week I plan to buckle down and read some review books because I realized I didn’t read a single one all week. *i suck*
May’s News: I was just saying how I’ve been having such a great reading streak, wasn’t I? Well, I jinxed it.
First I read Breaking Bad by Jodi Redford and it was… well… bad. A fail on all levels for me. Review to come.
Then I read Dakota Cassidy’s next in her Accidental series, Accidentally Dead, Again. What happened here? I really loved the first 3 books in this series. I say that because once upon a time I WAS a fan. I am having a hard time putting my finger on the problems, but I had better get it verbalized because a review is coming soon.
Now I’m working through Meg Cabot’s Size 12 and Ready to Rock. I love Heather Wells, and how this series is mystery with romantic/chick lit elements of cute and fluffiness. This book so far is like a nice fat slice of chocolate cake. Maybe it isn’t the most exciting dessert in the case at the bakery, but it’s good eats. Review to come.
Once I finish that I’m on to Erin Knightley’s More Than a Stranger, and I will be selecting 8-10 of my paperbacks from TBR Mountain to bring with me on a summer vacation via train! Can’t wait to rock it old school and get some fun reading done too.
Oh, new Elizabeth Hoyt! Lucky you…
I have no idea how I stumbled onto the Maiden Lane series, and it isn’t even a genre I usually read, but I have LOVED this series. I am so excited you wrote that the latest installment rawks!!!!! Yay!!!!! Can’t wait!
Tori, I got to meet Bella Andre last saterday, and she is so nice! So far I have only read the first HotShot book, but I definately want to read more of her books.
May I hope you like the books you bring with you!